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Urgh, this season is going to end badly...

In the next episode JD apparently realises he still cares for Elliot... again. As well as apparently him and Melody will be doing the 'holding off from sex' thing that he did with Kylie, which was my least favourite series of episodes ever. Plus we've still got Kim and that fucking baby to deal with. Scrubs has officially jumped the shark.

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Well, at least they put the line, something about how people seem to regress to where they are earlier, so I think this is just JD's example. Furthemore, Bill Lawrence said himself that half the writers want JD/Eliot again and half don't, so they're just keeping the door open for now, I think.

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Urgh, this season is going to end badly...

In the next episode JD apparently realises he still cares for Elliot... again. As well as apparently him and Melody will be doing the 'holding off from sex' thing that he did with Kylie, which was my least favourite series of episodes ever. Plus we've still got Kim and that fucking baby to deal with. Scrubs has officially jumped the shark.

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Having gotten caught up with Season 6, I must say I have an absolute distaste for most of the major characters. Yes, Scrubs was always a program where people had their faults, and they adressed that a lot. But Cox has gotten boring, I don't give a shit about him anymore. JD, I find annoying as sin, and the fact they've cranked up his needyness 200% for 'comedy' factor doesn't help either. And Elliot is a twat. The Janitor has become rather hit and miss, I liked him in the Laverne episodes. In short. The only people who I generally care about are Turk/Carla and Kelso. I'll still keep watching, as I'm utterly addicted. :shifty: Oh and the Todd needs to be around more. The episode in his head was great.

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Urgh, this season is going to end badly...

In the next episode JD apparently realises he still cares for Elliot... again. As well as apparently him and Melody will be doing the 'holding off from sex' thing that he did with Kylie, which was my least favourite series of episodes ever. Plus we've still got Kim and that fucking baby to deal with. Scrubs has officially jumped the shark.

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Surprised nobody has said anything about the last episode, which in my oppinion was the best of the current series. The JD Elliot thing was handled very, very well. In the kind of him just thinking about what could have been, and him pretty much moving on by the time the next episode comes on, with it maybe having a lot to do with everyone around him settling down, and him having literally, nobody. Which I think will tie in with the return of Kim. As ultimately, when the baby was there (Which it still is, only he doesn't know), he had a 'plan for life', kind of thing, and now he's got nothing. So all in all, very good episode. Great mix of comedy as well. The Janitor and Cox were on top form. Over recent times they've made Cox's rants 'too' over the top, so when they're short and sweet they're at their best. Great mix of comedy, and a pinacle episode in the series, well the program. One of the first episodes in a while that I didn't find JD annoying either.

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JD/Elliot is probably the most realistic roller-coaster relationship I've ever seen in a television show. If you think it's been "overdone" or anything like that, then you've never been in that kind of relationship, it's kinda tough to watch sometimes.

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JD/Elliot is probably the most realistic roller-coaster relationship I've ever seen in a television show. If you think it's been "overdone" or anything like that, then you've never been in that kind of relationship, it's kinda tough to watch sometimes.

Just because it's realistic doesn't mean it's not overdone, I watch TV to get away from reality usually, thus why I'd prefer to watch Scrubs be entertaining. Having said that, the very last bit with "It should have been me" is exactly what the Sean/Elliot split should've been.

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How is it stupid? It's pretty much what the show has always been about.

Unless this is the last series or JD and Elliot actually stay together and get married at the end of next season, it's repetitive because we've seen the repetetive on and off relationship so many times, if they stick to their guns this time I'll love it.

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I dunno, I just think it's incredibly well-written and very reminiscent of an actual on-again off-again relationship. And I never said it's SOLELY what the show was about, it's just always been an underlying theme.


And I think it's safe to assume that if they go through with it, then it's probably how they'll end the show.

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Don't say that Zero. :( I'm starting to get sad.

I'm watching the series for the fourth time over now(I record one episode a day), it's just starting to get old now. I don't want it to all stop. :(

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But JD and Elliot were AWFUL together. That was always the point. They weren't your average TV 'coupl'e, in that you want to see them together, as you know it's bad for both of them.

But I made the point on romantic leads, that there's nobody in JD's life who they've really invested enough in for you want to get with long term. However I predict JD/Kim will finish off the show. With them playing happy families. Which is fair enough, as Elizabeth Banks is a total hunny.

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