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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Since I had to give my PS2 copy of GH2 to my friend since I knocked her Playstation over and scratched her copy, I decided to replace it with the 360 version, since I got an elite a week or so ago. I got the indie label track pack. It was worth it for just Atreyu, it's so much fun to play. I love Protest The Hero as well, but that song was a bitch. And Trivium can get fucked, The Crusade is a shitty bum of an album.

I got the Hendrix award, twas well weird playing lefty, although the worst part was the whammy bar being in an impossible position to use very well.

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The PS2 version of the game should work on PS3, but as my friend who has the PS3 has said, hte PS2 guitar will not work with the PS3, as the 3 needs to recognize the ananlouges or something on the standard controllers to work, but the GH PS2 guitar doesn't have that so it won't register.

Something along those lines anyway.

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Just played it, takes a while to load, but still, it was worth it. The tracks available on the demo are:

Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot (if it's not the original, it's a bloody good cover)

Priestess - I forgot the title >_> (quite fun with all the HOPOs, more on them later)

Pearl Jam - Even Flow (awesomeness, again, if it's not the original, it's an amazing copy)

Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane (so much fun to play)

Tenacious D - some crap (I don't like them, but the demo ended after I'd played Even Flow so I didn't get a chance to play it anyway)

Hammer ons and pul offs seem easier to do. It's certainly clearer which notes are HOPOs. Graphically, it looks great, a lot better than 2, but with that being a PS2 port, it's no surprise. There seem to be more musician close-ups this time around. The menus and everything are in a similar style to 2, but there's now more info on the setlist, giving artist, title and year released. The list is also seperated into tabs, hit blue for the bonus songs, orange for downlaoded and yellow for the main content, should work well (obviously there's only tracks on the one tab at the moment).

The user interface is slightly worse, the score amp is harder tor ead out of the corner of your eye, I had to virtually stop looking at the fretboard to check my score and multiplier. I'm not so keen on the light-up system for the rock meter either, again it's less at-a-glanceish than GH2. It does however let you know how long your note streak is, which is pretty cool...at least until "50 note streak" flies across the screen like a bigass bird of prey or something, very distracting. Still, the notes and the board look cool, they've actually put strings onto the board now, which is awesome.

All in all, it's still Guitar Hero, slightly edgier look as to be expected with Neversoft taking over, the covers so far are really good and it's great fun to play, I can't wait for the full version to come out.

EDIT: I'd post a link to the demo download, but I'm not sure if that crosses warez rules, so I'll leave it for now, till a mod can enlighten us/not be an arse and share it like every other forum is.

Edited by Dragsy 7-0
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... meh. I started out going "wow, this isn't as lame as I thought it was going to be," and then as it progressed it just sort of got less and less interesting until it became as lame as I thought it was going to be.

I love the faux-Grindhouse main menu, though.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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