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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Yeah I know, I wish I'm Shipping Up To Boston was in it, but I can see why these three were. They are re-releasing the new album and I guess this is a good way to promote that. But I would take on Flannigan's Ball (I like the song but it's the most boring of the three to play in the game) and put in I'm Shipping Up To Boston in its place.

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More like Flannigan likes balls.

RY chord x 50

G held for 1 second

RY chord x 50

Rinse repeat until the blue fret makes a late apperance near the end of the song.

Booooooring. The other two are pretty good though.

Of course that is just for us dull Mediums, it may be different for you pros.

Edited by Ellis Misses Benji
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It's worse on Hard :/

Flannigan's Ball is dull as hell to play. It's not a bad song, but it doesn't suit the game. The last one was a good choice with it being St. Patrick's Day (can't remember the name, the one with all the "Hi-roo" singing >_>). But yeah, I'd definitely have put Shipping in there, as it's arguably their msot well known song. and despite being a Yankees fan, Tessie is awesome.

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I beat Lou basically with the whammy trick. If you use the whammy power up (which is hard to get by itself. Not only do you have to hit all the star power notes in the first part of your solo, but you have to hope that the power up chosen at random, is the whammy power up) then just before lou starts playing his 100's of fast green notes after your first solo, activate the whammy, and he should die in seconds.

It's not classed as cheating, since all the whammy does is stop lou hitting so many notes that he dies, but it's the easy way out.

Edited by BleedMe
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Bah. I was going for the winning-15-online-games-in-a-row achievement, and I was up to #6 or #7, I can't remember which. I put it on Medium, so I knew I could win (don't tell me you haven't done something similar :P). Along comes a guy who's gotten the "Inhuman Achievement", so I could tell it was going to be fun. He picks TDWDTG, and it's the matter of about 10 points for most of the song. 3/4 of the way through, I go to initiate Star Power, but since I'm on a controller, it's too close to the Guide button. I hit it, the Guide window pops up, but the damage was already done...


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BIH Hard Mode




Having a plectrum and actually strumming seems cool. Stiil, you'd think having the game and the grip thing will push up the cost and only 20 songs? Eh.

Edited by Ellis Misses Benji
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The new Game Informer has a big article on the Aerosmith GH coming out this June. Looks to be more of the same, but a concise storyline with Aerosmith. Sadly, they are not battling the New Order in this one.

I really hope they revamp this series come time for GH4.

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I have the controllers from 1 & 2. They both work for all games and are basically the same. 3's is different, but I never tried it. I prefer the guitar from 1 personally. You can get 1 & 2 in 1 game I hear so getting 3's controller and that pack would be cheapest, but personally I would get the package for 1 and the rest solo. 80's is a good game too, just really try to find it used because it's only half the game 1, 2 & 3 are....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't worry, Lou raped me.

I did the first part of Mosh 1, the bit that gives you star power absolutely perfectly, until I realised what I did and then it all went to hell, but the star power saved me and it's pretty much plain sailing from then on out. Whats amusing is that this is when I beat it, when my green button likes to crap out on me and my strum bar misses notes like crazy when alt-strumming, yet I couldn't come close ages back when my guitar actually still, you know, worked >_>

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