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Smackdown! VS RAW 2007

Guest Anti-Hero

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I was bored and I decided to make a list of all the superstars (RAW, SD, ECW) not in the game, but listed on WWE.com, not including Divas.


Armando Alejandro Estrada

Charlie Haas


Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Jeff Hardy

Johnny (Spirit Squad)


Kenny (Spirit Squad)

Mikey (Spirit Squad)

Mitch (Spirit Squad)

Nicky (Spirit Squad)

Rob Conway

Robbie McAllister

Rory McAllister


Val Venis


Brian Kendrick


Idol Stevens


Jamie Noble


Jimmy Wang Yang

K.C. James

Mike “The Miz” Mizanin

Montel Vontavious Porter

Paul London

Scotty 2 Hotty




Al Snow

Balls Mahoney

Christopher W. Anderson

CM Punk

Danny Doring

Elijah Burke

Kevin Thorn

Little Guido Maritato

Matt Striker

Mike Knox

Rene Dupree



Shannon Moore

Stevie Richards

Sylvester Terkay

Terry Funk


Tommy Dreamer

Tony Mamaluke

16 RAW, 14 SD, 20 ECW = 50 Superstars/Extremists not included.

And a little extra for you:

44 Superstars In Game – Lowest Overall: Trevor Murdoch (77) – Highest Overall: Kurt Angle (95)

16 Legends In Game – Lowest Overall: Jerry Lawler and Jim Neidhart (84) – Highest Overall: Hulk Hogan (93)

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It should be noted, out of the majority of those 50, most are non-wrestlers, weren't on the roster in time to make the cut, or just don't matter enough to be included. The only glaring omissions are the Spirit Squad and London/Kendrick and the SS would have just been too difficult to implement into the game properly.

Sounds to me like the game is great, just takes some serious getting used to, which is to be expected when you overhaul the controls.

Edited by Zero
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Money In The Bank match is impossible. Seriously. CPU always goes for the ladders which means if you're climbing it, they'll climb up too and somehow get more punches into you than you can them. If both of you are up there, you're guaranteed to be knocked down by someone else. And thats if you somehow manage to get the ladder positioned right. Placing it under the case doesn't work because there's two ladders, so the CPU will just place the other one in the exact same spot, which moves your ladder out of the way. It took me half an hour to get to even touch the fucking briefcase and when I did, despite the fact I was in the sweet spot, the gauge didn't go down. And AGAIN someone steals the win from under me when the gauge finally was emptied.

And thats only on normal. You don't even get anything for winning on anything under Legend difficulty.

Running up the two ladders ala Shelton B is the only redeeming factor.


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What's the heel AI like in normal matches? In 2006 there were two items that annoyed me. One was that the opponent would walk around taking the turnbuckle pads off to begin with to increase his energy bar. The second was if you got a big advantage over them, they'd spend the rest of the match repeatedly leaving the ring to get weapons so that they could get themselves DQed. Is either fixed?

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I haven't noticed either of those two things happening, but what seems to happen to me a lot is that the opponent would whip me into the turnbuckle to get their stamina back.

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The only thing I've noticed as far as you getting a big advantage is, the CPU will then suddenly gain the rather useful ability to counter every single move you do to stop you gaining more of an advantage.

I do think this is the sort of game that grows on ya though. I'm off to play me first tag matches, and then kick someone elses ass as Umaga.

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I think the magic wand thing was mis-understood. Like previous games, there were storylines that involved your character teaming with a diva, and one match or so required you to play as that diva. I think its just that, and the line in the review was a joke.

Yes, except we have video footage of Kurt Angle being turned into a woman.

For what it's worth, the Undertaker urn-controlling thing at least had a semblance of reality in it, in that weird pro wrestling way--I could actually see WWE putting that sort of storyline on the air. This is just... bizarre. I don't hate it, but I have a feeling it's going to pull a lot of people out of suspension of disbelief while playing season mode.

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I think the magic wand thing was mis-understood. Like previous games, there were storylines that involved your character teaming with a diva, and one match or so required you to play as that diva. I think its just that, and the line in the review was a joke.

Yes, except we have video footage of Kurt Angle being turned into a woman.

For what it's worth, the Undertaker urn-controlling thing at least had a semblance of reality in it, in that weird pro wrestling way--I could actually see WWE putting that sort of storyline on the air. This is just... bizarre. I don't hate it, but I have a feeling it's going to pull a lot of people out of suspension of disbelief while playing season mode.

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Someone be a man and spoil season mode by telling the storylines you've gotten so far.

I've only played as Kane in Season so far, and I can't really remember much of the details, but here goes >_>

You fight the Big Show in the first match, and afterwards Chavo and someone else (Helms maybe) beat him up afterwards. Carlito masterminds it and offers you a deal to join their group. I joined. Next week Big Show took out Chavo, next week Helms, and then Carlito. I fought Big Show at the PPV and won, ending the feud and breaking the stable.

I won four matches in a row to earn a shot from Coach at the WWE champ HHH. HHH offers me a no DQ match if I go to smackdown and defeat Orton. After I beat him HHH offers me my pick of match if I go back and beat Batista. Orton and Batista then come to Raw to fight you both. I ended up beating HHH in a HIAC at Wrestlemania (?) but the season still continued till NEXT Mania.

I got traded to Smackdown and instantly made their world champ since I had to give up the WWE title. JBL acts all friendly helping you out against Kennedy. Beat him at the PPV and he shows his gratitude in having a great match. MNM tell you JBL is just tricking you, so we fought them up till the next PPV where JBL DID turn on me, before the PPV match.

I forget the rest >_>

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A few questions, for anyone that knows (and I'd prefer to know about the PS2 version, but either will do):

1. Can you turn off the new control system and use the old one, or are you stuck with the new system?

2. Which Legends actually do their own voices in the game?

3. Are there any new ground based submissions?

4. Does Hogan have his taunts back, or are we stuck with the same ones he has in SD vs. RAW 06, only one of which is an actual taunt he ever uses?

5. What are some of the songs in the game that you can use an CAW entrance themes, and do they actually have bands most people have heard of this time? (SD vs. RAW did, 06 didn't)

(Unfortunately, its going to be about another month before I can afford it or Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Tempted to just wait and ask someone to get one of them for me for Xmas instead of giving me cash like they usually do)

Oh, and when I do get it, I'll likely play Story mode through for the first time as `Taker. That's what I did with SD vs. RAW and SD vs. RAW `06. (Don't remember who I used for the first time in SYM and HCTP)

Edited by GhostMachine
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