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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest


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Went to see it last night. Good movie, some really funny parts. Just a pity my arse had went numb by the end :P I enjoyed this one more than the first, mostly because I had sort of figured out what was going on after about an hour in the first movie...

I also took great delight when Johnny Depp was running by turning to my brother and saying "He runs like you!"

Edited by Turbonegro
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Cannot wait to see it. I'm still amazed that they've managed to make a movie based on a frikkin' ride into something that's not only good but freaky brilliant. The first movie was one of the best movies I've seen and as soon as I have some cash, I'm off to see Dead Man's Chest.

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I think the one and only problem (and I am not sure right now whether it is in fact a problem) is that I thought Johnny Depp went even more over the top than in the first. The motions were a little annoying at times, but I still loved it.

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Anyways, I saw it today and loved it. As my friend suggested "This is the PotC's 'Empire'"...in the sense that this one ended on kind of a down note, and it REALLY makes you want to see the next film.

That's what I said at the end, it's like Empire Strikes Back, but with pirates. It's amazing to think that this is a Disney film, and it's quite violent, and full of innuendo, for one thing, but just from a storytelling perspective, it's amazing, there's so many nuances to it, and to have it end like that, leading in perfectly to (what I can only assume will be) the end of the trilogy. Fan-bloody-tastic.

This was the perfect sequel, though. Enough sly asides and references to the original to make you laugh, but a strong enough standalone story not to alienate people who haven't seen the first. Will Turner was far more bearable in this one, largely because his character was less whiny, largely because he wasn't on screen as much, and ever-so-slightly because he kept getting twatted in the face.

All in all, it was such an incredible film. It had it's ridiculous flights of fancy (rolling wooden things and sword fights aplenty), but the coolness of Jack Sparrow (slightly deadened, though, as he didn't seem as natural as in the first. I think he adlibbed a lot more in the first film, while this time round they wrote for the character Depp made in the first, and it suffered for that), the intrinsic awesomeness of pirates, the fantastic story, Jack Davenport, the brilliant ending, and everything else about it just made this so perfect.

It's the best film I've seen in a long time. I'd probably rank it higher than the original, and I adore that film. I've seen it upwards of twenty times, once every day for a week, and can probably quote every other line in the film.

Oh, and the comic relief pirates (Mackenzie Crook and the other one) are so much funnier in this one.

Edited by Skumfrog
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I didn't have one complaint about this movie. I thought it wasn't AS funny as the first, but it was funny the whole way through all the time, rather than in spots. The action was amazingly solid, and I loved the inclusion of the Commadore or whatever he was. Great story, and I can't wait for the third.

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Perfect middle act to a trilogy. Did everything it needed to do and really set us up for part three. Didn't see the ending coming at all, my jaw hit the fucking floor. You do gotta see the first to really appreciate it though. Fantastic movie.

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Yeah, I agree with that. It was everything that The Matrix Reloaded should have been, which means- yeah, it built up to the third film in the trilogy, but it was still a great film on it's own and wasn't ALL ABOUT building up to part 3.

And $55 million in one day? DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN.

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Should also be noted that is the highest grossing weekend ever by a single movie. Eclipsed Spidey's previous record. Pretty badass, couldn't have happened to a better Summer blockbuster.

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I didn't like it. It took two hours of boring nothing to get to 30 minutes of fun and laughter. Johnny Depp's character was no longer funny or unpredictable, and if you look at it in the big picture he was a actually the villain of the film. He's actually quite a prick. This all changes in the last 30 minutes, where he is magically written differently.

I didn't hate it or anything, I just expected a movie that could stand on it's own. Instead, this movie only seems to serve the purpose of World's End next summer. It opens up many doors for the story to walk through, but absolutely none of them lead anywhere in this 2 and a half hours.

Hopefully number three channels the last 30 minutes and becomes fun once again.

(The 3-way swordfight on the wheel was fantastic, BTW.)

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I didn't like it. It took two hours of boring nothing to get to 30 minutes of fun and laughter. Johnny Depp's character was no longer funny or unpredictable, and if you look at it in the big picture he was a actually the villain of the film. He's actually quite a prick. This all changes in the last 30 minutes, where he is magically written differently.

I didn't hate it or anything, I just expected a movie that could stand on it's own. Instead, this movie only seems to serve the purpose of World's End next summer. It opens up many doors for the story to walk through, but absolutely none of them lead anywhere in this 2 and a half hours.

Hopefully number three channels the last 30 minutes and becomes fun once again.

(The 3-way swordfight on the wheel was fantastic, BTW.)

I found it to be far better paced than the original, which has a lot more inaction at the start than this one did, so I find it strange that you thought it "took two hours of boring nothing".

And Jack Sparrow's character was the same in the first film. He's a bastard, but a charming bastard. He was double-crossing people left and right in both films. And his character doesn't change at all towards the end, other than him getting more scared, up until the final moment when he draws his sword, which is seen as pretty much a last resort and the one act of heroism and honour that Elizabeth was trying to convince him he had in him.

I think the only problem with the character was that they were writing for the character Jack Sparrow became during filming, with Johnny Depp's ad-libbing, so he didn't come across as natural as he did in the first.

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If anything, I thought there was too much going on throughout the first two hours of the movie and then the final thirty started to put it in some sort of order. I've heard a few complaints about the cannibal island segment, but I really enjoyed it, thought it made for good comic relief before moving onto the much darker tone of the rest of the movie. I liked the difference in Sparrow, I thought it really told the story well. He's not so witty and wisecracking this time around because he is actually in the middle of one serious conflict. He has to figure out some way to settle his debt with Davy Jones, his feelings for Elizabeth, and due to spending time with compassionate people like Elizabeth and Will, he struggles with his selfishness and a developing sense of morality.

And yeah, the water wheel swordfight was fucking awesome.

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Saw it for the second time tonight, it's better the second time.

My brother noticed that when they bring the monkey to Dia Dalma, when it runs off, where it ends up is where Barbossa is sitting. He said you could see the boots.

Also, the ending is just so much better after seeing it again. When you know what happens, I was sorta just sitting there with a smirk on my face looking forward to seeing Barbossa again. Not many films have had me doing that sorta thing.

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It was good. Didn't match the charm and energy of the first film, but it held up enough because of Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp's work. Orlando Bloom is surprisingly tolerable in these movies, and I was happy to see Jack Davenport back with something interesting to do.

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Just got back from seeing this -- fucking amazing film. Perfect balance between the comedy and drama, awesome villains, great acting, gripping storyline...this is, hands down, my movie of the year thus far. I totally plan on seeing it again -- there was nothing bad about this movie. Nothing. I hope Disney makes a billion dollars on this flick. They deserve every penny.

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