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Movies/Trailers that have gotten applause?


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So I went to see Pirates of the Carribean the other day, and not only did it get a pretty good ovation throughout and at the end, but the trailer for Transformers got a HUGE reaction from the audience. I know I've seen a few before that have gotten applause, but I don't remember what they were. Anyone else see a movie/trailer get an ovation?

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The best reaction for a film I've been to see was Shaun Of The Dead. And that's cos it was all Spaced fan boys and girls in there so we all laughed together at the 'in jokes'.

Whats the point?

Exactly. Not like the director's in there watching the film with a bunch of rednecks in hicksville.

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Well, when I saw Star Wars: Episode III opening day last year, everbody went apeshit when the words "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." appeared on the screen. The best part though was once the audience slowly became quite, a guy in the theater did a wookie roar and it went right into the main Star Wars theme.

Edited by The Dork Knight
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Well, when I saw Star Wars: Episode III opening day last year, everbody went apeshit when the words "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." appeared on the screen. The best part though was once the audience slowly became quite, a guy in the theater did a wookie roar and it went right into the main Star Wars theme.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

When I saw John Q in the movie theater people were crying and cheering at certain parts when Denzel burst out in emotion. Same with Remember the Titans.

When I saw Miracle people were going nuts, like they were reliving the game or something. It was quite the feeling.

Around here we have Red Sox games played in movie theaters from time to time, so people cheering in the theater is normal.

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The other week when I went to see Thank You For Smoking there was a trailer for My Super Ex Girlfriend before hand. People seemed pretty impressed and had nothing but good things to say.

Actually, they said how shit it looked.

Actually, it was just me.

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I remember a bunch of people applauded after the screening of Fellowship of the Ring I went to in Coffs Harbour.

My mate also applauded all of the Star Wars movies, as well as Star Trek: Nemesis, but he was doing it to piss people (mainly those who were sitting with him) off.

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People cheered during the Snakes on a Plane trailer when I saw X3. Was actually the best part of X3.

People did that, cheered for "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch", and cheered at the end. Guess my theater liked it.

At Pirates, the Transformers trailer got a huge reaction. Some scenes in the movie got cheers too.

Biggest reaction I've ever seen though is "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away". Every Star Wars I've seen the crowd claps and then gets real tense as they wait for the theme music to start. It actually sent chills down my spine.

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