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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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The last issue isn't out yet. Although when it is the cover price is $4.99! :thumbsdown:

For a single issue of a comic that wouldn't be too bad over here. That's what, £2.50ish? Our standard comic price is around £2.15, with the 'big' single issues being around £2.85.

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I believe it's also double sized and has a pretty heaping helping of extras too. Plus it's the end of Y, the best Vertigo title not named Sandman, Sandman Mystery Theatre, Preacher, Fables, The Invisibles, or American Virgin, so you know it is worth it.

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And when I thought Iron Fist couldn't get better..... I have started to feel like their isn't a great deal of character development, but I'm so caught up in the totally perfect style, tight plotting and otherwise excellent writing that I don't care in the slightest.

And the promo cards for 'X-Men: Divided We Stand' have me hyped too, to be added to how much I was already looking forward to the Cable and X-Force comics.

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At the Baltimore Comic-Con on September 10, 2007, Marvel Comics announced that a new Cable ongoing series (which will replace the Cable & Deadpool series), with Duane Swierczynski as the writer[5] and Ariel Olivetti as the artist, will be launched after the conclusion of Messiah Complex in March 2008.

Baahhhhhh, what's this mean for Deadpool?

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Getting his own series again, written by Daniel Way and drawn by Steve Diillon.

EDIT: That said... ugh... I just read the first few pages of Wolverine: Origins #21 and by god Daniel Way has no fucking clue how to write Deadpool... He was cured of his "craziness" way back after House of M by Cable and has never come off like that much of an idiot like in those few pages, ever.

And even at his most "crazy" he never resembled a schizoid buffoon... I'm really not looking forward to this series now...

Edited by Vilge Duin
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Whats the rule about spoilers in here? For example if that Deadpool thing is true I am not happy about knowing ahead of time.

I don't know if he is, I've just been asked if it was true, bad phrasing on my part, so my apologies, I'll spoiler tag it xx Editted phrasing too :)

Edited by Evil Benji
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After seeing the Loeb 'bashing' in earlier pages I thought I had to leave my comments on the first issue of the new Hulk book. I never read his Wolverine stuff, so can't comment on that.

As for Hulk, until Planet Hulk I was never able to get into a Hulk book for more than an issue or two without getting bored. Although to be fair it was written by Greg Pak, who can seem to do no wrong with the books I have read by him at least.

I actually never saw World War Hulk, and will wait for the trades, but if Im honest it was the obvious marketing ploy of sticking a great whopping red mother fucker of a Hulk on the cover that attracted me.

Anyway it was well written, it all made sense. It had a good helping of guest stars/co-stars (generally needed for a Hulk book in my opinion). Iteven had a nice little fight scene in the middle. Oh and a mystery of sorts to keep us guessing, and a cliffhanger of other sorts to make me come back for more. Oh and next issues cover just makes me wanna read it right away.

So what I'm saying is Loeb has done a good job here. Well worth picking up.

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I'm going to be selling the Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic. Volumes 1 through 4, which collects, as the title suggests, the Complete Age of Apocalypse.

They retailed for $48.00 Cdn. brand new when I bought them... and on a scale of 10 in terms of condition, I'd rank them as a 9. I read each of them once, and then they were put on the bookshelf with the rest of my trade paperbacks.

Would anybody be interested in purchasing them here, before I put them on eBay? There's definately a minimum I'd accept, but I won't list a price. You'd have to pay for the shipping from Vernon, BC to wherever it is I'd be sending them.

I'll let this offer stand for about a week. If you're interested, PM me. If I don't get any interest, then I'll put them up on eBay, and I'll add the link to this thread later on.

For anyone wondering, I did enjoy the AoA, but the series is complete and I don't think I'll read them again. I bought them for nostalgiac reasons, having seen bits and pieces from the cartoon and been bought many of the AoA action figures when I was younger.

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I could never sell my AoA, it's one of few truly epic stories in the scope of comics in terms of both size and extravagance. Speaking of X-Men, the finalé of Messiah Complex is this week and to say I'm hyped is an understatement, if it ends with anything less than a superb bang I'll be surprised.

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I could never sell my AoA, it's one of few truly epic stories in the scope of comics in terms of both size and extravagance. Speaking of X-Men, the finalé of Messiah Complex is this week and to say I'm hyped is an understatement, if it ends with anything less than a superb bang I'll be surprised.
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^ In reference to Benji...

You sure the child is Jean Grey? From what I have seen I didn't get that impression, but then again you never know.

At first the scrapping of Cable & Deadpool for yet another Cable ongoing seemed like a bad idea, but I must say if they do go in a Lonewolf and Cub style way with it, it should be very interesting.

Bishop is a douche though. A complete and utter selfish douche. I'm curious what they intend to do with him now, since his character has come full circle to serve his purpose. Still a douche though.

Should be very curious though where they plan to take the X-Men franchise from here. Especially with Cyclops now at the forefront.

I wish they did have the initiative to truly off Xavier but since it's been said he'll be back it's kind of anticlimactic.

That's my only problem with unlimited series that never end and the need for solicitations. You need to tell people about what you have forthcoming to drum up sales, but that can ruin any sense of suspense or intrigue.

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