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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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You all need to Read Rober Kirkman Comics.

Invinceble is greatness.

Web Comic of Issue 1


The Walking dead is aswell AND got picked up for a TV Show today.

Web Comic of Issue 1


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To comment on a previous discussion...you can't really consider Batman an underdog, I'd think. He's kinda been this unbeatable type bad ass when stacked up with the heavy hitters in JLA and all. Dick Grayson, on the other hand, will probably never get the respect he deserves now that he's been put in the Bat-tights. I find it hilarious that Dan DiDio was so hellbent on bringing Hal Jordan and Barry Allen back...but was a-okay with his biggest goldmine getting overhauled with a new guy behind the mask (a new guy he was willing to kill off only a year or two prior).

Superman is what he is. An idealistic character, like Hogan is/was. Built for the children to idolize, not just be fans of. With the 80s and the turn to anti-heroics, Superman's a faded ideal that you can't really tarnish because you'd fuck up what made him Superman in the first place, so you have to keep going with what's been put forth before you.

...or make Conner Kent Superman or something.

And on a side note, I've sat down over the last two weeks and read everything Green Lantern from Rebirth 'til Blackest Night and I've gotta say I came in loving Hal Jordan but ended falling in love with Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, Kilowog, and Sinestro completely. The way they get treated in these books is just so...perfect for them, I guess. GLC is now tops for me, with GL coming in a very close second.

Lastly, how many Y, The Last Man TPBs are there? I've only been able to find up to 8 (I think) in bookstores and I didn't know if that series was completely TPBed all the way or not. I know it's older, do I imagine it is completely in TPB form now.

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52 was a DC series that came out weekly for a year a couple years ago. I didnt read it but I heard it was interesting.

On an unrelated note man I love Invincible! I am reading it in the Ultimate Collections so I am way behind but it has to be the best thing I have ever read.

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I'm looking for a series from Marvel that came out after the Civil War saga. I think it was called 52. I don't really know all I remember is that there were 52 issues. Any help?

52 was a DC series that came out weekly for a year a couple years ago. I didnt read it but I heard it was interesting.

On an unrelated note man I love Invincible! I am reading it in the Ultimate Collections so I am way behind but it has to be the best thing I have ever read.

Yeah, it came out in four trade paperback volumes and continues on in the middle of the 'Crisis' run. You can pick it up from there (I did), but it would probably be best to find the proper starting point and work your way up to it.

As for 52 itself, I found that once it got going it was pretty good, then they rushed to the conclusion at the very end. There were a few twists - some were good, but one was pointless and crap and felt very last minute.

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On an unrelated note man I love Invincible! I am reading it in the Ultimate Collections so I am way behind but it has to be the best thing I have ever read.

I just ate up the first 3 HCs in the last few Weeks, already got the 4th one sitting here and preordert the 5th one wich comes out in September.

This book is how Superhero Comics should be don. Great writeing, constand progress and build ups, great drawings.

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So, has anyone been reading the fairly new Punisher comic written by Rick Remender? The first two issues were't up to much, but the series has improved at a rapid rate and is one of my current favourite on-going titles. I'm still a little unsold on the Punisher/Henry relationship and dynamic, but I believe that is going to be explored in more detail. The writing is good, the action is better and Remender has done well in getting some of the newly revived super-villians "over" for lack of a much better term.

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So, has anyone been reading the fairly new Punisher comic written by Rick Remender? The first two issues were't up to much, but the series has improved at a rapid rate and is one of my current favourite on-going titles. I'm still a little unsold on the Punisher/Henry relationship and dynamic, but I believe that is going to be explored in more detail. The writing is good, the action is better and Remender has done well in getting some of the newly revived super-villians "over" for lack of a much better term.

I picked up the first arc, but dropped it after that because I wasn't really into it (though I seemed to be in the minority with that opinion). There's a Dark Reign Punisher special Remender is writing which I'll be picking up (since JRJR is drawing it), so if that hooks me, maybe I'll give it another shot.

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Woohoo! #100 of 100 Bullets has made its' way to me (along with some other back issues). That's the run completed and I only need four to complete my collection. One will be easy to get, two will be okay but maybe more expensive than normal (maybe twelve quid, nothing nasty but still a chunk). The last one will be a nightmare. Oh well, nearly there now so gotta go for it. Thankfully I have 1, 2, 3 and 4 cos they're already going for higher amounts these days.

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I've been trying to give Spidey another chance just by virtue of seeing an issue in Chapters or something, then reading it. It hasn't been awful, really. It hasn't blown my mind, but it's been pretty good.

However, Mary Jane coming back in issue 600 and the subsequent possibility that she may just be The Chameleon (just the vibe I got, no actual proof) as oppposed to actually being MJ would piss me off immenseley. However, if The Chameleon actually comes back and is a big deal, AND ISN'T MJ then that'd be pretty rad.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Having put out comic books at Chapters for three months now, I can offer you one piece of advice - don't use Chapters as a comic book store.

Unless you mean trades or graphic novels or crappy manga. We're good for any of that. :)

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I've been trying to give Spidey another chance just by virtue of seeing an issue in Chapters or something, then reading it. It hasn't been awful, really. It hasn't blown my mind, but it's been pretty good.

However, Mary Jane coming back in issue 600 and the subsequent possibility that she may just be The Chameleon (just the vibe I got, no actual proof) as oppposed to actually being MJ would piss me off immenseley. However, if The Chameleon actually comes back and is a big deal, AND ISN'T MJ then that'd be pretty rad.

Don't worry, she ain't the Chameleon. It's been revealed on the following issues that Chameleon

kidnaps Peter, takes his identity and leaves him to melt inside an acid pit, which he of course got away on the final page of the latest issue. Oh, and MJ still remembers Peter = Spider-Man.

Yeah, I've been giving Spidey another shot too. Ain't so bad. Nothing great, but not that bad either.

Oh, and is it me, or are they

kinda building towards a Spider-Man / Ms Marvel relationship? He's appearing kinda frequently in Ms Marvel issues, on one issue he said he wanted a date with her, and in issue 600, Madam Web sees several points of Spider-Man's future, and in one he's kissing a blond that seems to be Ms Marvel, with his Spider-Man mask on...

And is it me again, or there's also a panel, on those visions of the future, where they hint at Kaine's return? At least there's a woman with a handprint on her face that looks like the mark of Kaine... Hope so. He's one of the very few things I liked about the Clone Saga.

Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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