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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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13 hours ago, =BK= said:

A YouTuber I stumbled across showed the sales for Hawkeye. It was bad. You can't really blame Marvel for cutting what isn't making them money.

I liked White Knight #2 aside from the fact it brought out the numbskulls that haven't read a single Harley book since the N52 launch to screech their approval.

I mean, I don't know how it even works in the comics industry (And I live in kickapoo, The Netherlands where they don't even have a comics shop in a 50km radius). But what about marketing, does it even happen in modern comics or is it all based off the character, writer/penciler, and general word of mouth regarding how good the comic is?


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I honestly don't know how people find out about comics besides following comic websites. DC's N52 and Rebirth launches are the only time I've ever seen comic ads in outside stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Catching up on Harley. Man I am not digging the new team.



It's not that they're bad but I've been reading basically the same art and writing for years now so this new art comes off like impressive fan-art because it's gone so different and the writing just feels off. At least they didn't murder the entire supporting cast and move Harley somewhere else.

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Oh! I just remembered the other Harley thing I was going to post.

All through this series we've been told that Harley has brothers. You get to see her parents and spend an issue with them but until recently you didn't get to see her brothers. Finally we get to meet these brothers and they're around for all of three pages before Ivy gets sick of them and puts them to sleep. The only thing you learn about any of them is that one of them often visits Harley's old Hyenas in the zoo she left them in.

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On 2/4/2018 at 04:43, =BK= said:

Catching up on Harley. Man I am not digging the new team.



It's not that they're bad but I've been reading basically the same art and writing for years now so this new art comes off like impressive fan-art because it's gone so different and the writing just feels off. At least they didn't murder the entire supporting cast and move Harley somewhere else.

Give it time. If they ever put Bendis on the book....

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Started in on Superman. Jesus Christ, DC, I did not need to see his son accidentally fry the pet cat with his powers.

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Ryan Ottley's gonna be drawing the Amazing Spider-Man books.


On the one hand, I think it's great, because I love Ottley's art. On the other hand, it will be extremely weird to see his art on anything not related to Invincible. 


Now I wanna track down that Invincible/Spider-Man crossover (I know, I know, he wasn't the artist on that book, but still...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it's hilarious that he not only ripped off Wolverine's look, but had the character scratch people with his fingertips. Normal, blunt fingertips.

Of all the Image founders, Liefeld is the worst. 

Oh, and Marvel has ripped off Image. Can't remember the character's name, but they had a character pop up (in one of the Spider-Man titles, I believe) that looked waaay too much like Spawn.

Then again, my favorite Image character is Shadowhawk, who you can make the case for being a rip-off of Batman and Moon Knight combined.


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I'm actually reading Spawn now and have something to post.


The character design for Satan in Spawn is terrible.



Without context I wouldn't know that this is Satan and that's awful. Satan is Iconic. Possibly the most iconic character ever. Unless you're some lost tribesman somewhere you know what Satan looks like.  There are millions of ways to draw a Satan that's visibly Satan.

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