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Best Live Show

Guest ManManT

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Dir En Grey, it looks like, is the type of band that is badass when you see them live or on video, but just listening to a song doesn't do it justice. Because the song is dreadful, but the video is another type of insane. And I thought the Broken movie was fucking weird.

The video is good, and the song grew on me personally. It's a little different as stated, and the blokes "power metal done by a Jap guy" parts are a bit meh, but I've heard a lot worse I guess.

Admittedly, I haven't heard much more from them, so they may be naff otherwise.

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Guest KoRnCHiLD

I think my best was Roger Walters at Hyde Park...but the two times ive seen The Starting Line were amazing too...mainly cos im gay for them.

Yesterday I saw Billy Talent with Reuben. Reuben were really good and Billy Talent were amazing, the atmosphere was great and the crowd was rough, which was suprising because they were mostly emo fags.

Oh wait, I forgot Live 8, that was the best ever.

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Broken Social Scene
Don't hold your breath. They're on extended hiatus after this US tour.

They were, however, the joint best gig I've ever been to. BSS for sheer enjoyment. Just immense fun, and hilarity, coupled with amazing musicianship.

But then if we're talking about amazing musicianship, where better to look than my other joint top gig, The Mars Volta. Fucking immense. Even though the crowd fucking sucked a bell, it was amazing. Losing control of your body is way fun.

Worst...hmm. Haven't actually been to a bad gig. The Darkness and Panic! At The Disco were both good, and I think She Wants Revenge and Say Anything will be really good too. I don't go and see sucky bands. >_>

I dunno if you were listing them in a "I expected them to be bad but...." but the Darkness were excellent when I saw them. They had toured the same album a LOOOOONNG time before I saw them, so it was kinda more of the same, but they were really good.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

I've been to several rap collab concerts, SummerJam 2005, Anger Management 3, SummerJam 2006. The best was SummerJam 2005, probably. I'm going to see the Download Festival in Mansfield, MA this year. That has 311, Jurassic 5, Dropkick Murphy's, G. Love and the Special Sauce, Pepper, and the Wailers. I'm also seeing Steve Miller Band, and probably RHCP.

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Definitely, out of what I've been to, Godsmack would top the list. Seeing them live is amazing and it really makes you appreciate the band more, as you know that they're talented fucking musicans when you see them live. What's funny is probably the best drummer in the band is the vocalist, but Shannon Larkin's Sully's idol, so who knows.

Slipknot was a good live show, but I was mainly going to see Lamb of God, one of my favorite bands of all time.

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I've been to so many good gigs I don't know how to judge.

The Beastie Boys were immense. They played every possible song you could want to hear, including some rarer ones. They did both their rap and rock stuff, they played instruments, they brought out Money Mark and AWOL, they turned out all the lights and ran to different cornered off sections of the arena to play, mix master mike redefined turntablism before my eyes... they just generally tore shit up. I'll never forget that.

The (New) Misfits were incredible, just the most intimate and powerful show I could have hoped for.

I've seen Skindred five times, they make sure no-one leaves the venue dissapointed everytime. It's unbelievable just how pumped up they can get a crowd. Everyone should see these guys at some point.

Oh and Trivium in Southampton was quality. Dragsy, Summers and Dragsys roommates are all kinds of awesome. I believe, a long time ago, Adam Ryland created the EW series, so that one day. D27, J, and myself could ruin peoples shit in a mosh pit.

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Best gig I've been to was CKY w/ Dorothy Sanchez. Dorothy Sanchez were French and terrible but CKY rocked the show so much. It was the first time I'd see them and the first time I could say I've went totally ape shit at a gig.

Still Remains, Hawthorne Heights, Avenged Sevenfold, Kaiser Chiefs, Hayseed Dixie and Reuben were all pretty good live too.

The most disapointing live band I've seen were The Academy Is. Their album is so good but they're totally average live :/

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Broken Social Scene
Don't hold your breath. They're on extended hiatus after this US tour.

They were, however, the joint best gig I've ever been to. BSS for sheer enjoyment. Just immense fun, and hilarity, coupled with amazing musicianship.

But then if we're talking about amazing musicianship, where better to look than my other joint top gig, The Mars Volta. Fucking immense. Even though the crowd fucking sucked a bell, it was amazing. Losing control of your body is way fun.

Worst...hmm. Haven't actually been to a bad gig. The Darkness and Panic! At The Disco were both good, and I think She Wants Revenge and Say Anything will be really good too. I don't go and see sucky bands. >_>

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Guest Snyper

Saw System of a Down at the Woodlands down here a few nights ago, was the best fucking show I've ever been to. Was just incredible.

What's the best Live show you've been to?

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Either Rasputina or The Pillows. I want to say Rasputina because it was decidedly longer and it was unbearably hot at the Pillows show, but The Pillows had so much wonderful intensity that it's probably a tie.

Unless you factor in opening acts because Rasputina's opening band was embarassingly bad indie sludge.

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1. Tool @ Coachella '06

-The closest thing I've ever witnessed to a religious experience. You do not watch the band, you watch the show. It really is if you took the bombast of Queen and had nerds running the show. Not to mention that they are just as good technically onstage than they are in the studio.

2. System of a Down @ Ozzfest 2002

-Despite the fact that their performance at the first Summer Sanitarium tour was excellent, this set really came across as a band with something to prove. Nearly everyone in the crowd seemed against them at first (it was startling to see the lack of people near the stage when the set first started.) Within 15 minutes, they had a bigger crowd than Ozzy could even amass. Not to mention any metal that whips out a cover of Dire Straits and uses it to insult some jackass in the pit gets points from me.

3. Sigur Ros @ Coachella '06

-The most relaxed-yet-intense set I may have ever seen. I had a passing interest in the band prior to the show, but just the sheer emotion in their live sound (which translates well to their recordings) made me a fan. If I ever had the chance to see these guys tour with APC & Pelican, I'd buy tickets asap.

4. Coheed & Cambria @ Coachella '06

-Easily the LOUDEST set I've ever witnessed. "Welcome Home" just blew the freaking lid off of the tent and the area surrounding it. The poor bastards were saddled in the schedule close to the almighty ho that is Madonna, so they got a smaller turnout than I expected. Didn't stop them from putting on a killer set, though.

5. Pantera @ Ozzfest 2000

-Their sound system went down to technical difficulty. From the general admission lawn area, I could still hear Vinne Paul banging away and Phil Anselmo screaming. They were at the solo for "Cowboys From Hell", and the band just kept going. When the power came back on, they were still in perfect time and played as if nothing happened.

Honorable mentions: Alien Ant Farm & 311 @ Warped Tour '01, Korn @ Summer Sanitarium '00, Wolfmother @ Coachella '06, Static-X @ Ozzfest '00, and Meshuggah @ Ozzfest '02.

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1. Green Day in Amherst, Mass 2005

The second of 3 Green Day shows I went to in a year's time, this one had the best atmosphere, and the band seemed to be more comfortable with the material than they were in October of 04, and not as burned out as they were in September of 05.

2. Alkaline Trio in Boston and Hartford

For two nights in a row I got to see the Trio play pretty much every song I've ever wanted to see them play. Both nights were 2 hour sets, they played Godamnit straight through, then did an acoustic set, then played songs fans requested. Plus the first night I got to meet them. Awesome experience

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After thinking about it, I want to throw in a honorable mention of myself. The band that I am a fanboy for, 8 Foot Sativa. (If you want to see any information see my sig.....lol) As they are a New Zealand band I get the great opportunity to see them every couple of months, and they have a small but very loyal following. Every time they are down in Christchurch the espy (local venue) gets packed out with about 300fans, and they are the most vocal most backing fans ever. It is really just quite amazing to see them live, with all their die-hard fans.

oooh and w00t, on an un-related note, PayTV here in NZ is doing a big night for wrestling, Raw then Smackdown then Saturday Nights Main Event then ECW......Im gonna be busy for a while :P .

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CKY at The Docks in Toronto, September 2005.

Greatest show I have ever seen, mainly because I am a huge fan of CKY, they are my favorite band, and I had missed them the last time there were in the area. So I had to go this time, and it was just amazing. Managed to get right up to the stage, it was crazy. I don't know many bands that have the stage presence or chemistry of CKY, they were really awesome.

The only show that could come close would be The Misfits. It was the Jerry Only led version of the group, and the crowd made the show. Everyone was singing along, and everyone was just going nuts. I got elbowed in the side of the head the moment they hit the first note...good times.

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