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The EWB Band 100 III


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I don't care how many musical boundaries the Beatles broke.

I don't like them, so they're not in my list of bands I like. Appologies if that disturbs you.

saying they're not one of the most important, influential, and greatest bands of all time is a very hard argument to make stand up to anything like evidence.
Edited by TheReilDeal
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The Beatles were a great and influential band but, for the most part, have aged horribly. The Beach Boys were better.

The Beach Boys? Are you kidding me? All of their work pre-Pet Sounds is ridiculously dated that, to me, sounds like cheesy novelty bullshit. Plus "Surfin' USA" is just a rewritten version of a Chuck Berry song that was far better when it was a Chuck Berry song.

Pet Sounds, Smiley Smile and Holland are greater albums than anything The Beatles have ever released, in my opinion. Yeah, a lot of Beach Boys stuff is hokey summer-y stuff, but even some of the instrumentation on that, and the vocal harmonies, is incredible, even by today's standards and, looking beyond that, there's so much more that they did that never really caught on in the mainstream, experimenting with music in ways that pretty much haven't been seen since. Brian Wilson and Dennis Wilson's respective solo efforts are, for the most part (ignoring Brian's Christmas album, duet with Bob Dylan, and "Smart Girls"), excellent too, which is more than can be said for the majority of Beatles solo projects.

I'm not saying The Beatles are a bad band, by any stretch of the imagination, they're phenomenal, but I wouldn't say the best, and a lot of people seem to treat that as fact rather than as opinion.

I do understand the importance of timing, but I don't think it should be used when discussing the objective quality of a band. If a song doesn't age well, then it's not as good as a song that does, in my opinion. Timelessness is just one of many, many qualities that could be used to determine the quality of a song.

And even if we are looking at in that context, The Beatles weren't an amazing band until the mid-60s, around '65/'66. Yeah, the albums before that were good, but they were very much poppy boy band fare, they hadn't really ventured into the idea of experimenting all that much, and hadn't written or recorded anything groundbreaking. They didn't really hit their stride until '66, when they released Revolver, and by 1967 were doing well with stuff like "Sgt. Pepper's..." and whatnot. Good album, great songs, especially in that context.

But "The Velvet Underground & Nico" was released that same year. A far, far better album, especially if we're looking at it "in context". It's an album featuring songs like "Sunday Morning" and "I'm Waiting For The Man", which in my opinion are 60s pop songs done a thousand times better than most Beatles tracks, as well as songs like "Heroin" and "Black Angel's Death Song", which are absolutely phenomenal, and still sound unique and inimitable to this day, whereas most Beatles songs are very much "of their time".

And then with the psychadelia scene in full swing by that point with bands like Pink Floyd, Soft Machine, John's Children et al knocking about in London, to say that The Beatles are so amazing because of the context is a slightly blinkered view, in my opinion.

But yes, as TheReilDeal says, that's all irrelevant to this thread. The Beatles aren't one of my favourite bands. Never have been, probably never will be. And that's what this thread is asking of us. I'm sure The Beatles will get a much higher placement in this top 100 than the majority of the bands I listed, so I hope that makes those of you denouncing all of us who didn't mention them very happy.

Edited by Skumfrog
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The Beatles were a great and influential band but, for the most part, have aged horribly. The Beach Boys were better.

The Beach Boys? Are you kidding me? All of their work pre-Pet Sounds is ridiculously dated that, to me, sounds like cheesy novelty bullshit. Plus "Surfin' USA" is just a rewritten version of a Chuck Berry song that was far better when it was a Chuck Berry song.

Pet Sounds, Smiley Smile and Holland are greater albums than anything The Beatles have ever released, in my opinion. Yeah, a lot of Beach Boys stuff is hokey summer-y stuff, but even some of the instrumentation on that, and the vocal harmonies, is incredible, even by today's standards and, looking beyond that, there's so much more that they did that never really caught on in the mainstream, experimenting with music in ways that pretty much haven't been seen since. Brian Wilson and Dennis Wilson's respective solo efforts are, for the most part (ignoring Brian's Christmas album, duet with Bob Dylan, and "Smart Girls"), excellent too, which is more than can be said for the majority of Beatles solo projects.

I'm not saying The Beatles are a bad band, by any stretch of the imagination, they're phenomenal, but I wouldn't say the best, and a lot of people seem to treat that as fact rather than as opinion.

I do understand the importance of timing, but I don't think it should be used when discussing the objective quality of a band. If a song doesn't age well, then it's not as good as a song that does, in my opinion. Timelessness is just one of many, many qualities that could be used to determine the quality of a song.

And even if we are looking at in that context, The Beatles weren't an amazing band until the mid-60s, around '65/'66. Yeah, the albums before that were good, but they were very much poppy boy band fare, they hadn't really ventured into the idea of experimenting all that much, and hadn't written or recorded anything groundbreaking. They didn't really hit their stride until '66, when they released Revolver, and by 1967 were doing well with stuff like "Sgt. Pepper's..." and whatnot. Good album, great songs, especially in that context.

But "The Velvet Underground & Nico" was released that same year. A far, far better album, especially if we're looking at it "in context". It's an album featuring songs like "Sunday Morning" and "I'm Waiting For The Man", which in my opinion are 60s pop songs done a thousand times better than most Beatles tracks, as well as songs like "Heroin" and "Black Angel's Death Song", which are absolutely phenomenal, and still sound unique and inimitable to this day, whereas most Beatles songs are very much "of their time".

And then with the psychadelia scene in full swing by that point with bands like Pink Floyd, Soft Machine, John's Children et al knocking about in London, to say that The Beatles are so amazing because of the context is a slightly blinkered view, in my opinion.

But yes, as TheReilDeal says, that's all irrelevant to this thread. The Beatles aren't one of my favourite bands. Never have been, probably never will be. And that's what this thread is asking of us. I'm sure The Beatles will get a much higher placement in this top 100 than the majority of the bands I listed, so I hope that makes those of you denouncing all of us who didn't mention them very happy.

First of all, is anyone other than RK really denouncing anyone for not voting along those lines? I mean, fuck, if I legitimately thought that the most important bands ever should top my list The Pillows, a Japanese indie rock group with a cult following, wouldn't be #2.

Secondly. You make very valid points, most of which boil down to matters of opinion. I haven't listened to the entirety of any Beach Boys album other than Pet Sounds (which I suppose might invalidate my opinion on them a bit, but still), but I would rank Pet Sounds below Abbey Road and arguably Revolver and Rubber Soul. It's not that it's not a GOOD album, it's just that there are some forgettable songs on it too. Plus I think that Abbey Road has more diverse subject matter and more range as well, which is always a plus.

Now, The Velvet Underground & Nico. I agree that it is a fucking awesome album and decidedly superior to Sgt. Pepper's (which I think is an overrated album, really, and probably their weakest post-Rubber Soul album). I don't think anything on that album, though, is as good as "A Day in the Life." Again, personal preference. "Sunday Morning" is indeed an AMAZING pop song, probably better than most if not all of the Fabs' pop releases (I'd argue that "Something," and "Strawberry Fields Forever" match up), though.

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Guest Chasing Ringy

My favourites change all the time, so meh.

1. The Cure

2. The Unicorns

3. The Lucksmiths

4. The Smiths

5. Depeche Mode

6. The Beta Band

7. Elliot Smith

8. Neutral Milk Hotel

9. Sufjan Stevens

10. The New Pornographers

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I wasn't suggesting you vote based on best/most influential stuff ever, etc. Vote based on hairstyles if it makes you happy. Jon Bon Jovi would get much more of a look in that way, Christ knows he's had some good haircuts.

The point was raised that the Beatles were overrated, which I disagreed with, and suggested why I did so. Chill, bitches.

PS: No Goldfrapp love makes me a sad panda.

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I only voted based on what I'm currently liking really. If it was a "best bands ever" list the lists of just about everyone would be different.

To be honest, I don't get the point of that. It should, to me, be about what everyone's favourite bands are on the whole, rather than just what will equate to the past few days/weeks/months.

At least if we are doing of all time, a year is enough to make a significant change to what you may chose, but it doesn't mean you just throw in anyone.

And I'd assume, knowing what people like on here, that quite a few went the same way I did, with the "all time" list (I'm guessing Skummy, Intent and Ringy for starters...though I may be wrong)

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PS: No Goldfrapp love makes me a sad panda.

Felt Mountain is one of my favourite albums ever. Black Cherry is a great album. The latest one is the biggest heap of shit in my record collection. That's why they didn't get a vote from me. Same with Muse.

Well at least SOMEONE agrees with me about those two bands and their latest releases.

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Black Holes and Revelations is a phenomenal record. Really brilliant songs on it from start to finish, and not just the singles - Map of the Problematique, Take a Bow, and Invincible are brilliant songs. The singles themselves are awesome, and as usual Muse strike the balance between all of the genres they take their influences from.

Starlight is also one of the most beautiful songs they've ever written. Falling Away With You is more so, but not by much. The new album = awesome.

Supernature, not so much, but it's still a damn fine album. Not as good as her earlier work, perhaps, but still really great songs and great tunes all the way through.

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1. The White Stripes

2. Brendan Benson

3. The Raconteurs

Ever listen to the Greenhornes? Jack and Patrick play in the Raconteurs and they're starting to get known thanks to the rub from White and Benson. They're from Cincinnati too, so I gotta spread the love.

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Black Holes and Revelations is a phenomenal record. Really brilliant songs on it from start to finish, and not just the singles - Map of the Problematique, Take a Bow, and Invincible are brilliant songs. The singles themselves are awesome, and as usual Muse strike the balance between all of the genres they take their influences from.

Starlight is also one of the most beautiful songs they've ever written. Falling Away With You is more so, but not by much. The new album = awesome.

Supernature, not so much, but it's still a damn fine album. Not as good as her earlier work, perhaps, but still really great songs and great tunes all the way through.

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I've changed my list slightly (If that's okay).

I've replaced Primus (At 8) with Mew. And Get Up Kids/Rooney (At 10) with Dredg.

I basically just forgot about some shit, so I decided to put in what I left out/forgot about.

Edited by BillyGunnPinchedMyBum
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