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least favourite tv shows

Guest Preston

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Strictly Come Dancing

You will die a horrible and violent death. Strictly Come Dancing is what TV on Saturday evenings used to be about, family entertainment with a little glammer. Brilliant.

Which only serves to expose the truth: Saturday evening television has always been shit.

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I wouldn't say House is over-rated, or poor, but it is VERY samey. They never change the actual format of the show at all. Person gets Ill. House bitches about working in the clinic. Patient comes in. House shows an interest. They get an original diagnois wrong. They get round a board and throw out long sounding names of diseases and mock each other for being wrong. They try a treatment that fails. House 'GETS IT' and acts all smug and arrogant because he's so right. Its wrong, and the patient almost dies (this in particular - EVERY show). The patient almost dying however does finally tell them what the actual disease is, they treat him/her and live happily ever after. Throw in one or two scenes of very minor importance about one of the other characters, and a scene or two where House argues with the lass that runs the hospital, and that it. Every damn week.

But I still wouldn't call it bad, because despite sticking to the same template, the actual new episode is VERY well written and Hugh Laurie is very good also. Its the kinda show I can watch now and again and enjoy a lot, but watching it every week gets very repetative.

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I don't have TV shows that I hate, because I wouldn't have watched enough to know if I hate them. I do, however, have shows where I don't see what the fuss is about. House and Veronica Mars immediately spring to mind, although to be fair I have only seen the pilot episode of Veronica Mars so it may have gotten better.

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I hate all reality TV, with the exception of Hogan Knows Best and Supergroup, for the sheer mark-out value combined with car crash qualities.

Lost is fairly average, and incredibly over-rated, especially when it just seems like they're making it up as they go along, and by the time it finally finishes in seven or eight seasons' time, no one will give a toss any more.

I can't stand any makeover shows, because it's so fucking superficial, and not the good Wildean kind of superficial. It's "dress like we tell you, and you will be happy", and they always dress people in the latest fashions, without really giving any thought to whether it suits that person's personality, whether it would work in a long-term setting, or whether the clothes accentuated the individual's strength or anything. It was just "this is fashionable, wear it, while I chuck out all of your own clothes". Fucking bullshit stuff.

Dating shows fall under much the same category, as superficial irritating bullshit. The best part is when the fat bloke gets rejected, and starts complaining about how it's because of his looks, and how the world's so shallow to judge him solely on that, when he's the one who's on national television trying to win a date with a supermodel. Yeah, mate, you want to go out with her because of her enlightened view on socioeconomics, sure.

Prison Break is dreadful. It's just preposterous, and completely unbelievable and just terrible. I see nothing good about it, in the slightest.

All soap operas, apart from Brookside, are just dire. Terrible acting, terrible storylines, just god-awful lowest common denominator shite.

I can't stand The Mint. Quizmania is fucking brilliant, but The Mint is just Quizmania with none of the charm or charisma.

I'm sure I'll be back with plenty more. Television is shite.

Don't worry Skummy, I'll bring Kiss Chase to your TV sets if it's the last thing I do!

:wub: Now that's reality TV we can all enjoy! <3

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I don't have TV shows that I hate, because I wouldn't have watched enough to know if I hate them. I do, however, have shows where I don't see what the fuss is about. House and Veronica Mars immediately spring to mind, although to be fair I have only seen the pilot episode of Veronica Mars so it may have gotten better.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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I don't have TV shows that I hate, because I wouldn't have watched enough to know if I hate them. I do, however, have shows where I don't see what the fuss is about. House and Veronica Mars immediately spring to mind, although to be fair I have only seen the pilot episode of Veronica Mars so it may have gotten better.

I agree that House is overrated, But Veronica Mars is pretty good, There are some episodes that aren't all that great, But most of it is good.

As for me, I hate all reality/make over/dating shows. I don't see what the fuss about those shows are.

Other shows I dislike are

The OC



Grey's Anatomy


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I don't have TV shows that I hate, because I wouldn't have watched enough to know if I hate them. I do, however, have shows where I don't see what the fuss is about. House and Veronica Mars immediately spring to mind, although to be fair I have only seen the pilot episode of Veronica Mars so it may have gotten better.

I agree that House is overrated, But Veronica Mars is pretty good, There are some episodes that aren't all that great, But most of it is good.

As for me, I hate all reality/make over/dating shows. I don't see what the fuss about those shows are.

Other shows I dislike are

The OC



Grey's Anatomy


Benji is gonna warn you up to the eyeballs sir.

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I don't have TV shows that I hate, because I wouldn't have watched enough to know if I hate them. I do, however, have shows where I don't see what the fuss is about. House and Veronica Mars immediately spring to mind, although to be fair I have only seen the pilot episode of Veronica Mars so it may have gotten better.

I agree that House is overrated, But Veronica Mars is pretty good, There are some episodes that aren't all that great, But most of it is good.

As for me, I hate all reality/make over/dating shows. I don't see what the fuss about those shows are.

Other shows I dislike are

The OC



Grey's Anatomy



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I don't have TV shows that I hate, because I wouldn't have watched enough to know if I hate them. I do, however, have shows where I don't see what the fuss is about. House and Veronica Mars immediately spring to mind, although to be fair I have only seen the pilot episode of Veronica Mars so it may have gotten better.

I agree that House is overrated, But Veronica Mars is pretty good, There are some episodes that aren't all that great, But most of it is good.

As for me, I hate all reality/make over/dating shows. I don't see what the fuss about those shows are.

Other shows I dislike are

The OC



Grey's Anatomy


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I used to like Scrubs, But grown tired of it. It's not that funny. I hate that JD guy. Even Dr. Cox has grown tired, The only interesting person is the janitor. It's at the point where I'd rather turn off the TV than watch it.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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I pretty much hate a lot of things. I can just take entire genres in general and hate, like reality or dating or MTV/VH1 shit, but won't. Well, maybe I'll bring up American Idol. Simply because so many people love it. I can't stand it.

Instead, I'll just pick out invididual garbage. I never liked Seinfeld or King of the Hill, I can't watch those two at all. I hate on The OC with a passion. I could never get into SNL either.

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Guest Chasing Ringy

I'm not into hating shows, people watch what they like. I may enjoy mocking Yes, Dear and those horrible shows, but whatever rocks people's collective boats.

However, anyone who watches any form of reality TV should automatically forfeit the right to have any children and should just go hang himself right now. I'd really like it if they got AIDS, and then their kids got AIDS and then we put them on a boat that we call the big AIDS boat and we sent them off to the Antartic and never let them come back.


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I hate all reality TV, with the exception of Hogan Knows Best and Supergroup, for the sheer mark-out value combined with car crash qualities.

Lost is fairly average, and incredibly over-rated, especially when it just seems like they're making it up as they go along, and by the time it finally finishes in seven or eight seasons' time, no one will give a toss any more.

I can't stand any makeover shows, because it's so fucking superficial, and not the good Wildean kind of superficial.

Dating shows... Yeah, mate, you want to go out with her because of her enlightened view on socioeconomics, sure.

Prison Break is dreadful. It's just preposterous, and completely unbelievable and just terrible. I see nothing good about it, in the slightest.

Edited by Beeker00Zero
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