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EWB Band 100 III Results


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Why do people bother doing that anyways? It's pretty much what we did in the voting thread...

To tick off where the bands they've selected have came. Pretty fucking obvious IMO. And don't think I've forgotten about my votes being ignored. :shifty: Strung Out are beign held down here...15 votes. I'll stop it now.

I never really glanced at it past the listing.... but either way... who really gives a shit but them?

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Why do people bother doing that anyways? It's pretty much what we did in the voting thread...

To tick off where the bands they've selected have came. Pretty fucking obvious IMO. And don't think I've forgotten about my votes being ignored. :shifty: Strung Out are beign held down here...15 votes. I'll stop it now.

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Just to throw my two cents into the Nirvana debate that I'd thus far avoided, I think (and have long said), that if they were still together today, they'd be at around the same level of fame as Pearl Jam. Seeing as Kurt had wanted to leave the band (either to become a solo artist in the vein of Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan, which he'd have failed at in my opinion, because his lyrics aren't up to snuff to carry that kind of work, or to become a touring guitarist with Hole), they probably would have been even less famous than that.

The reason I bring it up now is that I spent a lot of time at work this week reading mid-90s issues of Q Magazine, and the ones from a couple of months before Kurt's death are quite interesting. They essentially use him as a by-word for stars on their way out, and in a review of a Hole gig, they say "as if it isn't bad enough for Frances Bean Cobain to grow up knowing that her father recorded In Utero", and Select Magazine has much the same opinion.

The music press were turning on him, and the public weren't far off it. He died at exactly the right time to preserve his fame. NME is doing a thing about where Kurt could be today, but I can't be arsed to read it, because it'll be bollocks.

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They essentially use him as a by-word for stars on their way out, and in a review of a Hole gig, they say "as if it isn't bad enough for Frances Bean Cobain to grow up knowing that her father recorded In Utero", and Select Magazine has much the same opinion.

Which is hilarious because In Utero is probably better than Nevermind as a whole, even if the singles are inferior and there are some really terrible songs here and there ("Scentless Apprentice," "Milk It").

I don't think Nirvana would have the lasting power that Pearl Jam has, even if I think that their music as a whole would have been infinitely superior. Cobain was in the process of making his music less accessable to the public, if In Utero is any indication.

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