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The Strokes - Room on Fire - 9/10

God, this brings back so many memories. This is just an album of music that is fantastic listening. It's weird, I can't even really explain why such a catchy album that is arguably not as good as the other Strokes records is my favorite, but I think it's because it has such a continuously listenable quality to it. That and throughout the entire LP, I cannot note one song that is bad. Seriously. Sure, purists will argue that Is This It was the peak, First Impressions was the nadir, and this was the median, but for my money, this is a hard to beat record.

Key Tracks: The whole damn CD.


Charlotte Gainsbourg - 5:55 - 6.5/10

Charlotte Gainsbourg's return to music is a strange affair. 5:55 does have a warm core throughout its cushy 45 minute length and while Gainsbourg's faux-British accent does have its tendency to grate, its soft tones mixed with breezy instrumentals provide for pleasant music most of the way through. "The Operation" really stands out, as it plays with sensuality and themes that in the wrong hands could be weird and creepy but in the hands of her and Jarvis Cocker, create a solid love song. The album's final tracks, however, stand out in the wrong way. "Everything I Cannot See" in particular is disastrous and puts what was a solid indie pop record into a more "take a listen and see" sort of affair.

Key Tracks: "The Operation", "AF607105", "The Song That Was Sing", "5:55"

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The Reminder


Where Let It Die was an admirable collection of some alright tunes with a few stand outs, it didn't feel like a proper CD. I don't know, maybe it was the arrangement (original songs, and than some random covers) or maybe it was the lack of cohesion between the tracks. I don't know, it just didn't do it for me. But when she returns for The Reminder, she seems to learn from past mistakes and makes one of the most endearing releases of the year so far. From the second her voice is heard on So Sorry, we release its all about Leslie Feist. Yes, the instrumentals are an added bonus, but each track is about how she commands with her vocals. Even during the disco number My Moon, My Man, the most interesting part isn't the simplistic disco beat, but Feist herself. Each song is a landscape for her to just sing. And she does so with a few flaws. There are a few songs that are just there, but otherwise, Feist is spot on each track. She delivers the goods for tracks like So Sorry, I Feel It All, My Moon My Man, 123-1234, Brandy Alexander and others. Just a great CD all around. Worth a purchase.

Nine Inch Nails

Year Zero


I feel kind of guilty reviewing the CD. I really like a few songs by Nine Inch Nails, but have never really gotten into any particular CD. With Teeth had a few good tracks, but I really just listen to the singles. Same with the Fragile and Downward Spiral. Year Zero, for me, however is the complete opposite. I'd only listen to the entire album. Nothing really sticks out as Closer or Only did. Everything is good, but nothing is great. Not that I am complaining - too me its the fullest body of work Nine Inch Nails has released that I've listened to. And I mean, I'm kind of an oblivious listener. I'm not a fan of heavier music, let alone Industrial or NIN really. But I will say this CD is alright, and definitely worth a download.

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Symphony X - Twilight in Olympus - 7.5/10

Pretty solid album, but I just can't seem to get into Symphony X. Maybe they're too slow, or something. They have a lot of talent, I just can't find a track that I could stick with and really enjoy from this album. I liked Divine Wings of Tragedy much better.

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The Reminder


Where Let It Die was an admirable collection of some alright tunes with a few stand outs, it didn't feel like a proper CD. I don't know, maybe it was the arrangement (original songs, and than some random covers) or maybe it was the lack of cohesion between the tracks. I don't know, it just didn't do it for me. But when she returns for The Reminder, she seems to learn from past mistakes and makes one of the most endearing releases of the year so far. From the second her voice is heard on So Sorry, we release its all about Leslie Feist. Yes, the instrumentals are an added bonus, but each track is about how she commands with her vocals. Even during the disco number My Moon, My Man, the most interesting part isn't the simplistic disco beat, but Feist herself. Each song is a landscape for her to just sing. And she does so with a few flaws. There are a few songs that are just there, but otherwise, Feist is spot on each track. She delivers the goods for tracks like So Sorry, I Feel It All, My Moon My Man, 123-1234, Brandy Alexander and others. Just a great CD all around. Worth a purchase.

Edited by YI
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The Nightwatchman - One Man Revolution - 8/10

Call it strange that Tom Morello's first post-Audioslave project is an acoustic set with a folksy blend. Call it also strange that the album is a very no-frills affair especially considering we're talking about Tom Morello: the super guitar guru. However, it really isn't strange that the album is awesome. Morello manages to achieve a sense of the fiery rebellion that made Rage one of the most fascinating groups of the 1990s and place it into an arena that while is no stranger to political sentiment, is a stranger to this much sheer power of revolt and disgust. Morello manages to bring forward powerful imagery that works and manages to make what could have been considered by many as an acoustic vanity project into a full work upon itself. Somehow, in this down-tempo in noise, Morello has managed to make his most interesting and brilliant work in eight years.

Key Tracks: "The Road I Must Travel", "No One Left", "California's Dark", "Maximum Firepower", "One Man Revolution", "Union Song"

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Gym Class Heroes - As Cruel As School Children


I finally got a hold of the city after months of putting it aside. See... I heard Cupid's Chokehold and I rather enjoyed it, but I didn't think I would like the rest of the album. The other day I saw that my sister's friend had a few of their songs in her iPod as we were going to the beach and I told her to put them on. I fairly enjoyed them and yesterday as I took my computer to get fixed I got the CD. I am so in love with this CD that nobody will be able to tear it away from my cold hands after death.

Key Tracks: The Queen And I, New Friend Request, Cupid's Chokehold, Clothes Off!!!, Shoot Down The Stars, Viva La White Girl

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Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare


So, I first listened to this album yesterday and the only songs I could get into were 505 and Yellow Bricks, to be honest, if I'd have rated it then, it'd have been lucky to score a 4. But I've listened to it a few more times and the songs sound so much better each time I hear them. There are still some songs (the faster ones more than anything) that I'm not keen on, but that's probably because I don't expect them from the Arctic Monkeys.

Best song on the album: 505

Worst song on the album: The Bad Thing

Edited by - Matt -
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Cheers for reminding me, I've been meaning to review the Artic Monkey album for a number of days now.

The Arctic Monkeys-My Favourite Worst Nightmare


I can imagine quite a few people disagreeing with me here, but I think this is a great album. Admittedly I wasn't expecting anything like this from the Arctic Monkeys, especially a lack of any real "catchy" songs, but the CD's pretty enjoyable through out and does play with the emotions. Tad short perhaps?

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Records over the past few days.

TMNT Soundtrack - 3/10

Tremendously emo...and the theme song isn't even in the damn soundtrack.

The Horrors - Strange House - 6/10

Good first part, mostly weak middle excluding the brilliantly catchy (and uncatchy at the same time) "Sheena is a Parasite" and "She is the New Thing". All of it's not to my taste, but an interesting record nonetheless.

Shout Out Louds - Our Ill Wills - 5/10

Okay, I see all the indie whores shouting at my face, but this is the weakest indie record I've heard all year so far. The first half of the album is boring tripe and when the album does start to gain a voice, it only shines in small doses like "South America" and "Tonight I Have To Leave It". Just very disappointing.

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Dinosaur Jr. - Beyond (9/10)


The original lineup's come back together and the album sounds so much like the past but at the same time is very much geared towards modern day. The guitars are loose and the style of songs is much more varied than previous Dino efforts all of this making it a sad final album for Dinosaur Jr. who can still rock with the best of them. As for notable tracks, depends really what you're after. "Been There All The Time" (cause I saw the video and couldn't help rockin along to it and now it's in my head), "We're Not Alone", Lou Barlow's "Back To Your Heart" (which sounds more like Sebadoh Jr.), "It's Me", "Crumble" and "What If I Knew" (which is a great cap off to the album) are the songs I'm immediatly liking...ya I really am loving this album lol.

Definitely recomended to any fan of Dino's past work and any new fans out there who love some pure fuzzy guitar awesomeness.

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Silversun Pickups - Carnavas

Seriously, this album has renewed my faith in modern music. Absolutely fantastic stuff and very reminiscent of old school Smashing Pumpkins. If you haven't checked this band out, don't be like me and wait any longer to discover them.

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Pink Floyd: The Final Cut: 9.5/10

Of the 10 Floyd albums I've listened to now, I rank this one 5th (just behind PatGoD, WyWh, DsotM, and Wall) A spectacular album. Sounds a lot like The Wall, which I can't complain about. 'Final Cut', 'Two Suns in the Sunset', 'The Post War Dream' and 'The Gunner's Dream' are probably the highlights. And I know a lot of people hate Roger Waters, and I don't blame you if you do, but he's my favorite Floyd vocalist, I just love his voice. My only problem with the album is that the songs all sound too similar. But maybe that's just because I've only listened to it once so far.

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Without a doubt the best unsigned and largely unknown performer out there today. The album can be listened to start to finish over and over again. Moses draws deeply on the roots of american music and, in doing so, weaves tales of love, death, and murder with stunning lyricism and melodic fingerstyle guitar playing.

If you like Townes Van Zandt, Tom Waits, David Van Ronk, or early Bob Dylan... Check this out.

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Marilyn Manson - Eat Me, Drink Me

I dig this album quite a bit. It's definitely a big change of pace from Golden Age of Grotesque and more back on the track of Holywood, which is my favorite Manson album (and arguably my favorite album of all-time). Definitely less industrial than GAoG, but it's got a very dark, haunting sound to it. Definitely not one to listen to in the car on a sunny day, it's one of those albums you need to just sit back and listen to in order to fully appreciate.

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Guest mAXi


Art of Fighting - "Runaways"

Hooray! One of the best Australian bands out there right now, Art of Fighting has given us a 3rd album. I'm not going to have a long review or anything. But i recommend that you buy this album if you haven't already, it really is ridiculous how good these guys are getting. Personal favourites include "Free You", "Distance As Virtue", "Mysteries" and "Ride After Ride". This brings a smile to your face, it has heart, passion and is one of the most relaxing things to listen to, up there with Massive Attack. If your having a bad day and you need something to lift your spirits, look no further than Art Of Fighting who are actually one of the least violent or noisy bands, despite the name. I think it will be available over Europe and the USA also as they do have a small fanbase around there. I just can't get enough of this..


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Queen - Innuendo, 1991

This album may be older than myself, but I still love it. The songs on it are full of so many messages, some songs appear to be light-hearted, some very dark and gloomy, as Freddie Mercury came into the final stages of his life due to AIDS. It's a very nice album with songs sung from the heart in a whole range of styles. My favourites on the album are, well, all of them, but ones that stand out are Innuendo, Headlong, Bijou, and These are the Days of Our Lives.

A totally awesome album, Freddie's last album was one of their best - 9/10

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Confessions On A Dance Floor


Call me crazy, but Madonna is pretty much the most consistent pop star around (with the exception of American Life). Yeah, sure, she has some not so great singles, but they are still damn acceptable pop songs. Confessions On A Dance Floor sees Madonna recovering from an embarassing flop of American Life and blunders in the film world with a retro dance record with a modern, slick feel. Yeah, its been out for a while, but I've been listening to the songs a bit more and more and its some damn fine pop music. She may not be the best out there (Pink and Gwen Stefani are flawless when it comes to their singles) but she is still the Queen and Confessiosn proves it. Besides, Hung Up was not only an amazing track, but it was Madonnas biggest single (sales wise) of her career.

Nine Inch Nails

With Teeth


My growing apperciation for Year Zero by Nine Inch Nails got me to give their other albums a try. With Teeth is definitely their weakest overall, but it has some amazing tracks (The Hand That Feeds and Only) but for some reason I keep listening to the damn thing. A lot of the tracks are pretty much "meh", as in I skip over them and don't care, but than they kick into a track like Getting Smaller or the album opener and they deliver. If NIN released a "Best Of..." I'd buy it as I much rather listen to the best they have to offer than everything they have to offer.

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