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Emo makes it to number 1


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Punk used to be a very popular genre and we got bands like the Pistols, Clash and all that, everybody would know who they are. These days, actual punk bands are aimed towards a very niche audience. The media is too busy ramming bands like Greenday with their Michael Moore style political views down people's throat, and defining punk solely as fast tempo'ed music when it isn't that at all.

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Guest muddatrucker

Emo is hilarious, I love the bitterness in the lyrics, like; being the best thing a girl ever had and how she really regrets cheating on you, no she doesn't you skinny girls clothes wearing fag.

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Punk used to be a very popular genre and we got bands like the Pistols, Clash and all that, everybody would know who they are. These days, actual punk bands are aimed towards a very niche audience. The media is too busy ramming bands like Greenday with their Michael Moore style political views down people's throat, and defining punk solely as fast tempo'ed music when it isn't that at all.

The thing is, bands like The Clash and The Sex Pistols are still being discovered by us, and younger generations. So it's not actually dead. I just wish there were more bands like that around today. It makes no sense why there shouldn't be, considering they still are popular bands/influences. :(

Punk especially isn't dead when you have bands such as The Bronx still toiling away with the sounds amongst other bands. There are enough bands that still do it, they just don't get as big of a coverage as most of the pop-punk bands

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Britain is probably the worst place to live if you like actual rock music. Especially since we're infested with chavs/neds, emo twats, violent musical spastics and people who generally don't know what the fuck they're doing and like 'the style'.

I'd rather live in France, in this respect. And I didn't even mention the fact that liking actual rock music immediately makes you everyone's enemy. Old people think you're crazy, chavs want to knife you for no apparent reason, emos don't like anyone but themselves and other rock lovers are always wary of each other because they're so used to meeting fakes.

At least, that's how my experiences have been.

I'd say rock music IN GENERAL, had became more popular since 2000. The 90s were a pop-puff, country music bollock fest. I never actually liked ANY music until about 1999/2000, when I first heard Muse and Queens Of The Stoneage on some pirated compilation CD. I also heard Green Day then as well. Three bands I still listen to (don't annoy me about Green Day).

I actually did an argumentative essay in English a few years ago in high school about the increasing popularity in rock music, but highlighting that a lot of it could be deemed 'fake'. This was also when Busted was still around, and they may have been a catalyst in my anger. Seriously, if you're ever asked to do an essay, do it about something you love and why people are fucking it up.

Let's move to another country together :wub:

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To add to this topic and possibly start a bit of debate, does anybody else hate the way Emo has been bastardized into a dirty word?

So is absolutely every genre/social grouping when used by people who happen not to like it. Goth, trendy, chav, you name it.

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I understand and agree with both of the points made above me. The music business nowadays eats up anything that becomes mildly popular and dilutes it down so much so that what it becomes is not even close to what it was meant to be about. It's happened with ALL of punk music and it's derivatives really, and it's a shame (to me, as a music fan) that something that was meant to carry a strong message has become just another 'fashion'.

It also winds me up that if I say I listen to emo people assume I'm a mascara wearing whiny pussy.

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The last 'new' band I really, really liked was Avenged Sevenfold.

Pahaha, i hate that band. I remember when they said in an interview

"Oh, we are here to stay, oh we dont want 14 year old girls liking us, we are for real"

then they released the most radio friendly songs ever

(and im syaing this because of the hordes of little emo's syaing they love avenged sevenfold, and all they have is beast and the harlot, which i still cant belive is classed as hard rock / metal)

I hate this fucking thread.

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Do people still actually care about the charts?

It's one thing I used to be so interested in when I was younger, and for the last 4-5 years, I honestly have never seen a top ten. The only one I remember in recent events was Arctic Monkey getting Number 1 or something.

I'm much more content in listening to music that I like than caring whether a band is 'conquering the world'. MCR are coming upto their sell by date, this new Queen-esque stuff is just the next step in the 'business plan' by the suits I'm sure, whilst also helping to fuel the image that they're 'not like the rest of them "other" bands'. Whats loyalty got to do with it though? In the end it's just music!

Whatever, I'm rambling nonsense.

Edited by fourstarfizzle
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