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The best guitar player of all time


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The problem with Pat Metheny is, it sounds fucking terrible.

Or at least, the videos I watched did. I'm not doubting his talent, because playing a normal guitar he's great. But all the videos of the weird acoustic guitar thing sounded shit.

Edited by Cap'n Jean-Luc Picaaaarghd
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The problem with Pat Metheny is, it sounds fucking terrible.

Or at least, the videos I watched did. I'm not doubting his talent, because playing a normal guitar he's great. But all the videos of the weird acoustic guitar thing sounded shit.

Edited by Steve Mandela
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I don't mind people not liking Malmsteen for his guitar wankery, but I don't get all the haters saying he can't write songs for shit. He can write pretty good songs. It's often times just the execution, ie. the way he performs them (over-emphasis on solos), that turns most people off. I have a hard time getting through a Malmsteen album myself. But you can't really argue about his talent. A lot of it just seems to be focused on impressing other guitarists and not general listening audience.

And no denying George Lynch. The guy had perfect ear for a good melody and his solos were as awesome as anyone's, but with a certain sublety. Hard to explain really. The solos compliment the songs, and even when it's a less-than-stellar song, he can make it worth listening to. Not to say he wasn't flashy, no.

Edited by lari
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Hendrix was innovative, but on a technical level awful. Clapton's a soul-less blues-murdering wanker. Page stole all his riffs, and played them with half the emotion they were intended to be played with.

My favourite guitarist is Johnny Marr, much like Liam, because I couldn't give a toss how many solos a guitarist can play, or how fast they can play, and how many necks their guitar has, because that doesn't make you a good guitarist. He wrote and played fantastic, recognisable guitar parts that fit the mood and complimented the lyrics of every song he's ever played on. Y'know, what a guitarist is meant to do.

Second is Marc Ribot, who played for Tom Waits for some time, as well as playing in a number of other bands. He's just unique, and quite innovative.

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Malmsteen is hilarious in interviews. He's so fucking clueless about all other music happening. Always talking about Bach and Mozart and stuff. And if he does know the name of another contemporary musician, he is guaranteed to bash him. I'm quite sure he doesn't have any friends in the industry.

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Malmsteen is hilarious in interviews. He's so fucking clueless about all other music happening. Always talking about Bach and Mozart and stuff. And if he does know the name of another contemporary musician, he is guaranteed to bash him. I'm quite sure he doesn't have any friends in the industry.

He, however, did create the album with the greatest cover we shall ever see.


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Obviously none of you have ever heard of Lonnie Mack. Greatest guitarist alive, and better than any that are dead. Dimebag comes in at a close second, and I'd put Hendrix at third. Can't forget about Randy Rhodes though.

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Pat Metheny=best guitarist ever....

seriously...motherfucker plays THIS;


Plus he does none of that guitar wankery shit...:shifty: HE'S TOO JAZZY AND CLASSY!!!

Yeah, some people need things called gimmicks to get by. That is one of them sadly. That thing sounds horrible... I don't know if anyone would have heard his normal stuff without it though.

Edited by ApSham has Count Choculitis
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Gotta throw a mention in here for Keith Richards.

It's been said that there's no Rolling Stones without Keith Richards (regardless of Jagger's vocals and Ronnie Wood's guitar work they are very vocal that Charlie Watts is the 'Engine' of the band and that they all follw Keith's Guitar on stage, from the early days when Charlie used to sit by Keith's Amp and that was all he could here).

Regardless of personal preferance, they are one of the most enduring act's in rock and roll history, and Keith Richards has so many memorable guitar riffs he has to be mentioned. Plus he's still touring today, when so many of his contemporaries are sadly no longer with us.

Otherwise, just based on preference I've gotta say Hendrix and Clapton.

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On topic of great guitarists, it's been 13 years since Criss Oliva passed away. Actually, the exact day was Tuesday, but still. He got hit straight on by a drunk driver on October 17th 1993 and died immediately. He was only 30 years old.

RIP Criss



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Pat Metheny=best guitarist ever....

seriously...motherfucker plays THIS;


Plus he does none of that guitar wankery shit...:shifty: HE'S TOO JAZZY AND CLASSY!!!

Yeah, some people need things called gimmicks to get by. That is one of them sadly. That thing sounds horrible... I don't know if anyone would have heard his normal stuff without it though.

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Pat Metheny=best guitarist ever....

seriously...motherfucker plays THIS;


Plus he does none of that guitar wankery shit...:shifty: HE'S TOO JAZZY AND CLASSY!!!

Yeah, some people need things called gimmicks to get by. That is one of them sadly. That thing sounds horrible... I don't know if anyone would have heard his normal stuff without it though.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! I love people talking shit about things they know NOTHING at all about. BWAHAHAHAA! Seriously, to claim that Metheny needs a gimmick to get by is fucking stupid. The guy has been around for like 30 years, he's one of the pioneering jazz guitarists and writes beautiful compositions. To say the guy needs a gimmick to get by, a gimmick he introduced in the mid to late 90's, is fucking ridiculous (Some 20 years into his 'successful' musical career). So before you comment, learn what you're talking about.

Read. Again. And I meant today.

Edited by ApSham has Count Choculitis
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