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The best guitar player of all time


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He was right about it sounding horrible though :P To say he *needed* a gimmick would be a stretch, but you can't deny the fact that he blatantly got himself one, and that the gimmick helped get him noticed by people that otherwise wouldn't have.

To quote MAB (sort of, can't remember the exact words) on the subject of his double guitar: "Of course it's a gimmick, and of course people will laugh at me. But they'll only do that when they know who I am. So I win."

Edited by Cap'n Jean-Luc Picaaaarghd
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Fuck Pat Matheny. Michael Hedges (R.I.P.) was better than Matheny has ever been or ever will be.

As for top guitarists, I'd have to say my top 5 are:

1. Stevie Ray Vaughan/Eric Clapton (tie)

3. George Lynch

4. Jimi Hendrix

5. Eddie Van Halen

All Jimmy Page has going for him is that he originated playing a guitar with a violin bow. He'd be in my bottom 5, but ranked about 8th.

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None of you would've put Dimebag anywhere near the top three if he was still alive. Seriously, he was a generic, average-to-good-at-best metal guitarist and nothing more and I think it's sad to see him glorified the way he is just because he's dead.

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None of you would've put Dimebag anywhere near the top three if he was still alive. Seriously, he was a generic, average-to-good-at-best metal guitarist and nothing more and I think it's sad to see him glorified the way he is just because he's dead.

I kind of wanted to say that, but... I didn't want to take all the backlash. :shifty:

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Of the three, I like Clapton the best. Dunno where all the hate comes from.

Tom Morello is a personal favourite as well.

And my all time favourite is probably David Gilmour. Asshatery aside, he's pretty class.

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Pat Metheny=best guitarist ever....

seriously...motherfucker plays THIS;


Plus he does none of that guitar wankery shit...:shifty: HE'S TOO JAZZY AND CLASSY!!!

Yeah, some people need things called gimmicks to get by. That is one of them sadly. That thing sounds horrible... I don't know if anyone would have heard his normal stuff without it though.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! I love people talking shit about things they know NOTHING at all about. BWAHAHAHAA! Seriously, to claim that Metheny needs a gimmick to get by is fucking stupid. The guy has been around for like 30 years, he's one of the pioneering jazz guitarists and writes beautiful compositions. To say the guy needs a gimmick to get by, a gimmick he introduced in the mid to late 90's, is fucking ridiculous (Some 20 years into his 'successful' musical career). So before you comment, learn what you're talking about.

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I have multiple orgasms to some of Steve Vai's songs,

Not exactly an expert on the topic but i would say Hendrix because i grew up listening to him...still Page and Clapton...actually not sure, i'll stick with Hendrix just for guitar playing.

Not sure if this thread has gone off topic because i only read the first page >.>

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None of you would've put Dimebag anywhere near the top three if he was still alive. Seriously, he was a generic, average-to-good-at-best metal guitarist and nothing more and I think it's sad to see him glorified the way he is just because he's dead.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.

Nevermind the fact that the music of 90% of the musicians listed so far don't interest me at all... Clapton, Hendrix, Dimebag, and Slash... those are about the only one's who are involved in music I actually like.

Besides, Pantera was better than EVERY band any of these people have been in. Besides maybe Guns n' Roses.

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None of you would've put Dimebag anywhere near the top three if he was still alive. Seriously, he was a generic, average-to-good-at-best metal guitarist and nothing more and I think it's sad to see him glorified the way he is just because he's dead.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.

Nevermind the fact that the music of 90% of the musicians listed so far don't interest me at all... Clapton, Hendrix, Dimebag, and Slash... those are about the only one's who are involved in music I actually like.

Besides, Pantera was better than EVERY band any of these people have been in. Besides maybe Guns n' Roses.

I agree with you on the Dimebag front. I've been a fan of Pantera going back to High School (before Dimebag's death obviously) and I always thought he was very good at what he did. The whole band in general were talented, but the Dimebag really stood out as the true talent of the group.

Though on a personal level, I'd take Band of Gypsies over Pantera anyday. Otherwise, I agree.

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I'm going to say Clapton, because neither Hendrix or Page have ever interested me.

But I'm going to throw names like Robert Johnson and Willie Nelson.

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So, out of curiousity, I just did a topic search and dug up a few old "greatest guitarist" threads from over a year ago. Of the three I looked at, Dimebag was mentioned once, and that was in a pretty hefty list. Now it's nigh-on sacrilege to consider him anything other than the pantheon of "great" guitarists. Bullshit. There were hundreds of better guitarists when he was alive, there are still hundreds of better guitarists now that he's dead.

He's good at what he did, sure, and Pantera were an alright metal band, but he's far from being anywhere near the best ever, and if he were still alive I'm sure most people would agree.

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