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Games you've counted down the months until...

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In terms of literally counting down the days:

System Shock 2 (PC)

Black and White (PC)

Halo 2 (X-Box)

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (360)

I can actually remember getting excited about Duke Nukem Forever, but never to the point of counting days.

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In terms of literally counting down the days:

System Shock 2 (PC)

Black and White (PC)

Halo 2 (X-Box)

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (360)

I can actually remember getting excited about Duke Nukem Forever, but never to the point of counting days.

Now, Black and White is a great game. I must get around to reinstalling it now I've got a bigger harddrive.

It was so beautiful and clever and subtle, even if my beast kept going around eating people rather than rescuing them from drowning, :pinch:

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World of Warcraft (the original, not TBC).

Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (8 months to go! Give or take).

Dawn of War

TEW 07

There are loads of games that, although I didn't count down the days until it came out, I did count down the days/hours until the post arrived after I'd ordered it. Medieval 2, PES5, FM07, Dawn of War: Winter Assault, Chaos League's patch - erm, I mean addon - Sudden Death, etc.

Can't say I've ever been dissapointed by a game that I've been following the development of and waiting for it's release. Except games that never actually materialised, of course.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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In terms of literally counting down the days:

System Shock 2 (PC)

Black and White (PC)

Halo 2 (X-Box)

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (360)

I can actually remember getting excited about Duke Nukem Forever, but never to the point of counting days.

Now, Black and White is a great game. I must get around to reinstalling it now I've got a bigger harddrive.

It was so beautiful and clever and subtle, even if my beast kept going around eating people rather than rescuing them from drowning, :pinch:

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Halo 2. I literally had a desktop countdown to the SECOND it was released.

Dead Rising. What a let down.

Mass Effect. Still waiting...it's so close, I can almost lick it.

Crackdown (& Halo 3 Beta). Words cannot describe the gamelust involved here. I love the Crackdown demo and to be able to be a part of the Halo 3 Beta...fucking yes!

In general, I try not to know release dates for games, because I know I'll go crazy waiting.

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One for me was Vice City, due to the excitement in it I did do a bit of researching online as to the various things going into it and when I finally got it...things didn't really click. It was a little familair, not too much in the way of suprises. I actually left it for a month or two before picking up and enjoying it.

I'm actually a little worried that will happen with Crackdown come next month since i've been playing the demo to death.

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Back in 2002, me and my friends were really anticipating SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth for the PS2. When I finally got it, I pretty much played it every day until SmackDown! Here Comes The Pain came out. Personally, I never really cared for HCTP and once I completed it, I went back to playing SYM.

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I've looked forward to games, but the only time I ever counted down months/days/hours was for the Wii. And it sucked waiting in line all day and then finding out at 12:01 that I couldn't get one, and then having to be at work 6am the next day.

But it's all good. I just casually went into EB Games on my lunch break last month and got my Wii. :)

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