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Don't be a menace to south central while drinking your gin and juice in tha hood: 6/10: Title may not be right, but you know what I mean. This is the peak of what Shawn and Marlon can do. It was funny in parts and lame as hell in parts, but still way better than all their other comedies.

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The Whole Ten Yards - * or (2/10) - (N)

It's hard to fathom how a sequel can sign on everyone from the original(who obviously read the script beforehand) and still suck. This manages to do it though. I DID NOT LAUGH, CHUCKLE, OR GRIN AT ALL WHILE WATCHING THIS. A patient in a coma somewhere would give a better response when watching.

A wretched, horrible, abortion of a picture.

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The Whole Ten Yards - * or (2/10) - (N)

It's hard to fathom how a sequel can sign on everyone from the original(who obviously read the script beforehand) and still suck.  This manages to do it though.  I DID NOT LAUGH, CHUCKLE, OR GRIN AT ALL WHILE WATCHING THIS.  A patient in a coma somewhere would give a better response when watching.

A wretched, horrible, abortion of a picture.

The whole time watching this, I was thinking 'PG Film Trapped in an R Rated One'. It's a whole lot of cheesy kid gags, but with cursing.

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the Village- 5.5/10 Ugh. dont get me started on this movie.

Gotta hear what was so bad about it. I'm off to see it in about three hours :)

well, it was good, up until the last 15 minutes or so. The ending is farfetched and IMO dumb. By far Shamalyn's worst movie. It was not as bad as You Got Served, but it had good buildup, great acting, but an ending that left a very bad taste in my mouth.

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Rocky III - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) They showed Rocky movies on TNT this weekend so I took advantage. This chapter was good due to the appearance of Mr. T as Clubber Lang.


Rocky IV - 6/10 or (**1/2)


I liked this Rocky chapter as well except for one problem that just took me out of the movie. Why the heck did they kill Apollo Creed? If they wanted to show Drago's true power, couldn't they have just paralyzed Creed? It just looked unrealistic having Creed die in a boxing ring.



Head of State - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) A movie that is pretty funny to watch actually. Rock is funny and of course any movie with Bernie Mac is going to have some good scenes. (yes, even Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle)


Daredevil - 7.5/10 or (***) Before I begin this review, remind me to never trust half of the internet community, no wait, imdb community. Also remind me to never trust a man who hates Quentin Tarantino's work. Okay, maybe that's not why I liked it, but dang was this good. The story was on par, if not better than the first Spider-Man. And, as you can tell, it was much better than I expected. Out of the handful of good comic adaptations, add this to the box. Oh yeah, remind me to just trust EWB's critics (or maybe specifically Beatnik) from now on.


Kingpin - 7.5/10 or (***) My second favorite Farrelly brothers movie after the classic known as Dumb and Dumber.


Malibu's Most Wanted - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) Jamie Kennedy's hilarious raps made this definitely worth watching.

On tap next week: I'll enjoy my last week before school starts by maybe watching some crap (Baby Geniuses is on tonight and Steel is on this week).

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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The Village - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y)

I can write a review-ish critique if anyone wants one explaining why I liked it....(since the movie's getting shat on)

Ok, shoot on why you liked it. The strange irony is despite the film getting bad reviews overall, my paper's critic gave it a perfect score (****).

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I watched Courage under Fire today with Denzel Washington, I didn't plan on watching it, it just came on BBC1, I thought I would watch the first few minutes then go on the PC to paly CM, but I got hooked, it is a fantastic film and I reccomend it


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The Village: 8/10

The beginning of the movie feels a little akward and demands some time to settle in. Fortunately, the movie gives you a chance to get acquainted without dropping anything huge on you until about 30-minutes in. From there, it's a roller coaster, yo. The ending is a nice set of twists, one leading to the other. While the very last twist seems a bit much, it's not completely out of the realm of possibility.

The good: It's not what you expect, and everything that happen makes sense in the end. Adrien Brody and Bryce Dallas Howard have chemestry in their limited time together.

The bad: Sigourney Weaver's performance feels wooden at times and the beginning of the movie takes some time to get adjusted to. While the ending may throw you a bit too far, it's not completely out of the realm of logic.

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