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A Dog's Breakfast - 8/10

A very funny film. Compared to a lot of the big budget comedy films that come out, this is funnier than a hell of a lot of recent ones. Anyone who's seen Stargate (Atlantis) will be familiar with the main actors, David Hewlett and Paul McGillion. Hewlett wrote, directed and stars in and those who've seen Atlantis will know how funny he is, well he's on top form here. Wasn't sure what to expect going in, but I recommend it to anyone.

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Seeing that this, relatively unknown to me, movie with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson was in a bargain bin I had to pick up. After having it on my shelf for awhile and I heard from someone that since I like Heroes that this movie would probably up my ally and it turned out that this is a movie I enjoyed. I think the last 30 or so minutes really caught me and the wrap up wasn't garbage and made the experience worth while. 8.5/10

The only thing I really disliked about the film was the last two minutes. I thought everything after breakfast with his son was crap. Otherwise, I think it's a badass movie.

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Elephant - 9/10

Beautiful Van Sant film that seems to be based on the Columbine shootings, it reminds me of the film 11:14 - there are two main characters (Alex & Eric), but at various points the film follows other characters that go to school with the two boys and scenes intersect. For example - near the beginning, Alex is late for school and called into the Principal's office where they have a brief discussion. Minutes later Nathan & Carrie arrive at the office to checkout and the dialogue between Alex and the Principal can be heard from the other room.

Anyway - really good film, almost dreamlike. Would reccomend it to anyone, the only low mark is that at some points the production seems a bit shoddy.

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The Spectacular Spider-Man series premiere - 7/10

Honestly, the only reason I'm giving this a chance is because Greg Weisman is attached to it (dude that created Gargoyles). I was pleasantly surprised, though; it wasn't bad at all. My only beef is with the animation. The backgrounds and everything are beautiful, but the character animation irks me - but I guess this sort of character animation is the trend now, because I see it in a lot of newer cartoons. That's really the only thing that bothers me, is that the character animations are so.. alien to me. It's enough to knock three points off, at least.

And the Gargoyles nod in the premiere episode was cool. If you watch it, look out for the gargoyle that looks suspiciously like Broadway.

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Get Carter [2000] - 3/10 or *1/4

Stephen T. Kay

A dreadful bastardization on the title 'Get Carter'. It's like a throwback to the 80's Schwarzenegger films but starring a much older action hero in Stallone. It even has the close-up, slow motion, getting dressed and loading up guns sequence in the hotel room before the big finale.

Mickey Rourke was awesome, though.

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Miller's Crossing [1990] - 7.5 or ***1/2

Joel & Ethan Coen

A real underrated masterpiece. Gabriel Byrne was fantastic in the lead role and the scene with Albert Finney taking down the two hitmen amongst the backdrop of a burning house is one of my favourite scene's ever. My second favourite Coen Brothers' film.

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Seriously, this was the most awesome fucking movie I've ever seen. I can just imagine the thought process behind it, with the creator talking to some friend. They're both high.


'Dude, have you ever fucking seen the second Resident Evil movie? With that whole opening scene where they masses of people are trying to get through the gates?

Uhh... yeah.

Ok, so I'm going to open a movie with that, and then we'll have a badass female heroine, but not the one from Resident Evil, we're going to get a hot chick that looks kinda like Kate Beckinsale in Underworld, but with a Scottish accent. K?

Uhh... ok..

So, the wall is there because Scotland is fucking dead man, fucking dead, so they were just infected, not zombies. Anyway, now we're going to throw in some crazy V for Vendetta shit, because people eat that shit up, so London is going to be infected, and they're like 'holy shit, we need a badass to go to Scotland, which is dead, and find a cure!'.

Dude, sounds awesome.

Thats not all, dude, then we'll dress them up like fucking Master Chief, dude. FUCKING MASTER CHIEF. Then they'll be all looking around, when some motherfucking Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome dudes attack, but they're fucking cannibals, and their leader is the son of the guy they're looking for, and he's really funny, in a really fucked up way, like... fucking Sid Vicious on acid dude. AND HE'LL HAVE A FUCKING GIMP! And a really hot girlfriend thats all Queen Boudica style.

Queen Boudica?

The female celt chick. Watch the fucking History Channel dude. So, these cannibals, they'll capture the badass chick, and eat one of her squad members, but she'll be fucking crazy and ninja and escape, and they'll go through a mountain, but its not a mountain, its a fucking bomb shelter. And when they get to the otherside, because they escaped because the main chick saved this other chick, who's the daughter of the guy they're trying to find, to get the cure, man, they'll all be like... fucking knights dude, FUCKING KNIGHTS! IN A FUCKING CASTLE!

Dude, thats crazy shit right there, dude.

And she'll fight this night, and then they'll get some grenades, and BOOM MOTHERFUCKER! Then they'll escape, but the black guy, who's been a badass the whole time, will get killed with arrows man, at the last fucking minute man, but not before they get a really cool car, and then escape, only the Mad Max motherfuckers show up, and they're all crazy man, so there's this big car chase/fight scene, with explosions and shit. Then they'll escape, but the new Prime Minister of England will show up, but because the chick only has one eye, and another electronic one, she'll catch him in some shit, and then give the tape to her friend, and bring his ass down man. But she won't go back, she'll stay in fucking Scotland and take over the Mad Max dudes. IT'LL BE FUCKING EPIC MAN.

Dude, that sounds fucking awesome.

I know, huh.

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Seriously, this was the most awesome fucking movie I've ever seen. I can just imagine the thought process behind it, with the creator talking to some friend. They're both high.


'Dude, have you ever fucking seen the second Resident Evil movie? With that whole opening scene where they masses of people are trying to get through the gates?

Uhh... yeah.

Ok, so I'm going to open a movie with that, and then we'll have a badass female heroine, but not the one from Resident Evil, we're going to get a hot chick that looks kinda like Kate Beckinsale in Underworld, but with a Scottish accent. K?

Uhh... ok..

So, the wall is there because Scotland is fucking dead man, fucking dead, so they were just infected, not zombies. Anyway, now we're going to throw in some crazy V for Vendetta shit, because people eat that shit up, so London is going to be infected, and they're like 'holy shit, we need a badass to go to Scotland, which is dead, and find a cure!'.

Dude, sounds awesome.

Thats not all, dude, then we'll dress them up like fucking Master Chief, dude. FUCKING MASTER CHIEF. Then they'll be all looking around, when some motherfucking Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome dudes attack, but they're fucking cannibals, and their leader is the son of the guy they're looking for, and he's really funny, in a really fucked up way, like... fucking Sid Vicious on acid dude. AND HE'LL HAVE A FUCKING GIMP! And a really hot girlfriend thats all Queen Boudica style.

Queen Boudica?

The female celt chick. Watch the fucking History Channel dude. So, these cannibals, they'll capture the badass chick, and eat one of her squad members, but she'll be fucking crazy and ninja and escape, and they'll go through a mountain, but its not a mountain, its a fucking bomb shelter. And when they get to the otherside, because they escaped because the main chick saved this other chick, who's the daughter of the guy they're trying to find, to get the cure, man, they'll all be like... fucking knights dude, FUCKING KNIGHTS! IN A FUCKING CASTLE!

Dude, thats crazy shit right there, dude.

And she'll fight this night, and then they'll get some grenades, and BOOM MOTHERFUCKER! Then they'll escape, but the black guy, who's been a badass the whole time, will get killed with arrows man, at the last fucking minute man, but not before they get a really cool car, and then escape, only the Mad Max motherfuckers show up, and they're all crazy man, so there's this big car chase/fight scene, with explosions and shit. Then they'll escape, but the new Prime Minister of England will show up, but because the chick only has one eye, and another electronic one, she'll catch him in some shit, and then give the tape to her friend, and bring his ass down man. But she won't go back, she'll stay in fucking Scotland and take over the Mad Max dudes. IT'LL BE FUCKING EPIC MAN.

Dude, that sounds fucking awesome.

I know, huh.

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Donnie Darko - 8/10

I'm not even gonna lie, I can't tell you what I got out of this bar a story about a guy who manages to find some form of release and happiness, but I liked it, even if the film has a horrid reputation for being overhyped. Admittedly, a lot of the points come off as sort of silly (the "man suit" scene, for anyone who has seen it), but it's good food for thought and I thought the acting was top-notch.

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I remember hating it when it first came out, as I didn't see him as a likeable character. But it's grown on me like a fungus to the point that I have recommended the movie to several people. I haven't seen it in ages, so I'll have to re-watch it this weekend to see some of these silly points again.

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I finally got a hold of Grindhouse, albeit in seperate DVDs. I think I might have missed out on the whole 'grindhouse' experience since I didn't watch them back to back, but it's a bit of a mixed bag for me.

Planet Terror was fantastic. Gory, gruesome, hilarious, over the top and just flat out awesome. The plot is really silly but thats not the selling point. There are some genuine surprises like

The kid shooting himself, or the biggest name in the entire movie (Bruce Willis) blowing up within like, five seconds of appearing on screen

and there's several moments where I was actually really grossed out. Rose McGowan is fucking hot and she has a fucking assault rifle for a leg. A fucking assault rifle for a leg, people. It was so over the top, everything fell into place perfectly, and it's become one of my favourite 'horror' movies of all time. Freddy Rodriguez leading the human resistance on a mini-bike was amazing, and the missing reel was brilliantly unexpected.

And then you have Death Proof. I'm not gonna bitch about the long dialogue because it's been done already, but this one let me down like no movie I can remember.

It's like they made the first half the way the film was sold to us, a psycho using his death-proof car to murder hot chicks, and then they took the second half and did the complete opposite. It's not so much the whole girl power thing, it's that Kurt Russel was pretty much the only really interesting character in the first half, creepy, menacing, you name it. And then he gets pimp-slapped and pussyfied for almost half an hour. Maybe I just missed the point, if it's supposed to take the piss out of the whole macho uber-scary bad guy then whatever, but for the entire second half I was just waiting for the bad guy to, you know, do something bad.

I really didn't get Death Proof at all. Planet Terror = awesome. Death Proof = what the fuck.

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Ugh, I rented this from LoveFilm.com expecting the Directors cut, because it just happened to have a picture saying "Directors Cut" and I'd always heard the DC was better than the theatrical release. The "relationship between Matt Murdoch/Elektra" is horrible, I feel no charisma and found the whole playground fight scene pointless. The rest flies by with no real points of interest, Jon Favreu(sp?) as Foggy was one part of the movie I truly enjoyed. Some of the stuff with Bullseye and Kingpin was ok. Basically, the movie should have focused a little less on the blooming love between Daredevil and Elektra and more on his fight for justice. Decent movie, could have been greatly improved.


Edited by Boogey131
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Funny you should mention it, I JUST saw Daredevil yesterday (Director's Cut). The extra stuff they included (mostly him defending Coolio's character) was pretty neat. I must agree, that Favreau's character was great. I never read the comics, but is the story as week in there as it was in the movie? I concur on the score of 6/10. Was it me, or were some of those special effects just awful?

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Eastern Promises 7/10

Decent movie that does what it sets out to do. There's nothing particularly wrong with it, but it just didn't wow me in any way either.

Vantange Point 6/10

I tried to like this movie. I really did. If I had to break up the score, I'd give it 4/5 for the first half, and 2/5 for the second. While alot of people in the cinema didn't seem to quite like the concept, I thought it was a rather neat way of doing things, even if it seemed to be trying a bit too hard at times. Then about half way through it was like as though they just gave up and made a regular action movie. Meh.

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