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Starship Troopers 3: Marauder is 100% better then the second film and actually does some of the things the first film does. I recommend it to anyone that liked Starship Troopers, and you don't need to watch the second film.

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The Dark Knight: 9.5/10

The best film of the year so far, and one of my personal favorite films. It's also far and away the best superhero film yet making films like X-2 and Spidey 2 look like 6/10 films rather then 9/10 films. Amazing performance by Ledger playing my favorite Batman and any other comic book hero villain, The Joker. and the film, even after 3 viewings (one Imax included), it never gets old. A wonderful epic and I don't mind it dethroning Star Wars at the #2 spot at all (There's still 3 star wars films anyway, and one in the #3 spot is no joke).

Step Brothers: 4/10:

A very stupid film that thinks swearing for the sake of swearing is funny.

Wall-E: 9.4/10

The Second best film of the summer and the best animated film in years....even better then other great Pixar films like Finding Nemo and The Incredibles. Another personal favourite. What a summer.

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Black Christmas: 3.5/10

Apparently this was a remake....was the original this horrid?

The Descent: 8.5/10

IMO still the best horror film of the past 2 years....and 3rd best for this decade (counting Sixth Sense as horror and The Ring)

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Night and the City (1950, not the 1992 remake) 7.5/10

Its a 7/10, but with added generousity.

This is, to my knowledge, the only wrestling film noir, and wrestling has very little to do with it really. It's about a hustler, Harry, in London (who for some reason is American), who dreams of being a "somebody", and decides that the wrestling business can make him his money.

He soon is in a powerful looking position, but his house of cards comes crashing down, half of the reason is himself doing some stupid and nasty things, and his hustler mouth getting him into trouble, the other half of the reason he comes crashing down is that he has been set-up to fail all along by people who wan thim gone for their own reasons.

It's all perfectly fine, and when the shit hits the fan and when Harry finds himself with a hit out on him, then tension builds and there are some tense chase scenes.

Then the last ten mintes ruin this a little, as we get a long scene of dialogue in which what we already know is pounded into us with a blunt instrument. Then there's the actual ending, which comes and goes in thirty seconds. It's like they realised they 90 mins of film, and they decided that was enough and they just come up with the quickest way of ending it, and then still rush that.

All in all though it's fine, and it gets better as it goes on before it's flat end. Even though it's never really about wrestling at all, I watched it for that hook, and film noir fans will probably consider it worth a gander, but that's about it.

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I havent rented a movie in about a year, so i took advantage of the vouchers that Blockbuster sent me this week (7 rentals for £5) by using my first voucher to rent out:


I'm a big fan of horror films but rarely find many of them genuinely scary (off the top of my head, I can only think of The Shining and Ringu, and to a lesser extent, The Evil Dead, even though it was very tongue-in-cheek),. I'd heard a lot about this low-budget Spanish film and the trailers looked interesting. So I got into proper horror mode (curtains shut, lights out, volume up) and watched. One of the best horror films i have ever seen. I hated Blair Witch with its shakey handheld camera and 'OMG! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??' shit, but this was a million times better. It starts off slow and you can feel the tension building. The zombies do look pretty good for a low-budget film. And its not just scary cos of all the 'camera goes off and when it comes back on, a zombie jumps out' moments, you get a sense of terror from the cast that you dont usually get from horror films because of the documentary-style way it is filmed. Although its obvious that no one is getting out alive, that didn't stop me rooting for them to survive, which i found difficult to do in other 'hand-held' films like Blair Witch and Cloverfield.

Edit: Oh, add The Descent to that list of scary horror films above! Really need to get that on dvd soon. Awesome film!

Edited by SilentBob2004
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Wristcutters: A Love Story.

One of my new favourite films. Quirky, "indie" as fuck, just great fun, really kind of gels with my psyche in ways that most films don't - good mix of bleakness, dark comedy, road movie sense of adventure and a kind of "what next?" atmosphere...very rare to find all such elements in one film, and when you do, it's bound to be good. Throw in a fucking brilliant soundtrack, Tom Waits, a guy blatantly inspired by Eugene Hutz, Shannyn Sossamon, and well...what else do you need? SOLD.

Also, "Tough And Deadly". Pure genius.

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Tropic Thunder - Glorious/10

This and Iron Man have probably so far been my most enjoyable film experiences easily this year. While certainly not a perfect experience, it manages to make me love the characters. I'd love to side with the intelligent critics that didn't like it as much because "wah wah, it's not an awesome satire" but truth is that I was laughing the entire time, first for the brilliant parody in the first 15 minutes and then through the rest of the film's sequences. Stiller made a Zoolander-esque comedy that skewers Hollywood in broad strokes, only funnier and with much better characterization and it really works for this setup. I can't see a 90 minute war film parody working like the rest of the film did to me, although, there are a few characters I wouldn't mind following for that long. Props especially go to Downey, because all of his stuff truly was grade-A gold. The cameos are also done so brilliantly that I found a new respect for the stars that cameo. And any person that laughs at the first 25 minutes and doesn't at the last 30 or 40 has no soul, because that's when the movie really hit its comic stride, and a movie doesn't have to be a raucous satire to be fucking funny, which is exactly what Tropic Thunder is.

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Death Race.

It's better then you think. It's very entertaining. Not a smart film by any means, but its a good action movie that will entertain you and make you want to either strap guns to your own car or find a copy of Twisted Metal (I recommend TM: Black) and play the shit out of it.

Thumbs up from me!

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Interview With A Vampire.

10/10, obviously. Forgot how awesome it was. Mind you, some of the things are more awesome now because I'm older; like the fact that it ends with Lestat driving across the bridge to 'Sympathy For The Devil'.

I watched it as well, let me just say, the ending is my favorite part. When Lestat tells the interview he's going to give him the choice he never had, I just had the biggest grin on my face. Awesome movie, 10/10.

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More than likely been brought up, but i'll be damned if i am gunna go through all the pages.

Me and a friend watched Identity the other day, but we were talking in bits and were not paying full attention, the turn completely caught me and my friend off guard but i am curious if it is that good a twist, i can't be bothered renting it again or buying it just to see. Is it an obvious twist? Like the one in Beautiful Mind, or a 'WTF' like Saw (might not be seen as a WTF moment, but i have watched that film with quite a few people and they all reacted the same). Plus the second turn seemed good at the time, but thinking back that twist seemed obvious.

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Canadian Bacon - 6/10

Pineapple Express - 7/10

Canadian Bacon, for those who don't know, is the only (completely) fictionalized Michael Moore movie, and it's surprisingly prophetic on the idea of creating a conflict to raise approval points of a leader. (And the eventual dropping of approval for said leader.) However, it's not a consistently funny movie or a great satire by any means, though, there are a few fun jokes, such as the characters not knowing the words to "Born in the USA" except for the chorus. Probably the least interesting out of his works and obviously done in more of a humorous bent rather than the semi-serious tone of all of his other features, I still more or less enjoyed it.

And Pineapple Express was good and enjoyable, Franco's great, blah blah blah. I will admit, though, having seen Tropic Thunder and Pineapple...I don't really think Danny McBride brings much to either movie, which is weird because he's usually a solid player in David Gordon Green's movies. I think it's just a matter of everyone else being spot-on. Here, Franco gives my favorite performance of his since Freaks and Geeks and I still like Rogen's personality. Rogen's a pretty weak actor, but he's got a funny personality and I think I enjoy just that from him.

EDIT: Edited in the bit at the beginning of the Canadian Bacon review because otherwise, it would have a "fish in a barrel"-like easy target joke on it.

Edited by ROC
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