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Breakfast At Tiffanys


Amusing film, some funny and strange moments. Hepburn is goregousness on gorgeous legs (with a stunning figure) and George Peppard stars in the film! (Hannibal from the A-Team) which I'd never realised before.

On the whole, not quite worth the hype surrounding it for years but a great film nonetheless, glad I watched it.

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The 51st State (Believe it had a different name in the states) 7/10

Pretty ok................... Thats all I can say about it, its pretty OK. Not a bad way to pass an hour and a half, but nothing special. Nothing too much wrong, but nothing special.

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Shaun Of The Dead - 6/10

I went to an advance screening of this last night. They said we were one of the first American audiences to see it in theaters, which was cool. What was even cooler was that it was a Q&A, so the director and the two male leads were there before and after the flick. Too bad I don't have a scanner, because I got an awesome picture with the three of them, post-film. Simon and I were both wearing Napoleon Dynamite shirts to add the it's coolness.

The movie itself was fun. A bit too heavy-handed in some spots, but it was funny nonetheless.

Go see it on September 24th.

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The Girl Next Door 7/10

Wahey! Two perfectly acceptable films in one day! Its not funny (as in REALLY funny, it has a few giggle's), but its not unfunny...... In fact all I can say is what I said about the 51st state - its pretty OK.

Pretty ok................... Thats all I can say about it, its pretty OK. Not a bad way to pass an hour and three quarters, but nothing special. Nothing too much wrong, but nothing special.

The bad thing is it drags on a bit, but thats about it. Nothing too bad here, just nothing above 'above average'

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The Village - 8/10

I'll cut to the chase. Awesome film overall. For a damn 12 rated movie it's good. It had a few fright scenes which made people in the cinema jump too. Bryce Dallas Howard is really hot as well let me say, she plays a brilliant role in the film. The storyline was weird but at the same time really damn good. The only reason I could possibly moan is because of the ending. I think really good up to like the last few minutes, where it maybe died down a little TOO much. I haven't read anything on the movie so I don't know if they plan on doing a sequel, but they seemed to leave it as if they possibly could if you ask me. Either way a really good movie.

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The Passion of The Christ - 8.5/10 or (***1/2) In many ways, I just can't believe what I've seen. This film has beautiful imagery and many powerful scenes that really shock you. It's a powerful film that I recommend to any person interested in studying Christ's life.

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2/10. And I am being generous.

Oh my god :o This film was so, so very boring. I really disliked the first one because I didn't realise action scenes with that much death COULD be boring, but it was. But this one, oh my dear Gary Neville, was horrible. It just dragged and dragged on. The only good bits were when that old wise dude stroked his beard, when that woman had her eye taken out and when we me and my girlfriend stopped watching the movie and decided to have sex.

In 20 years time they will remake the movie in the style of Kung-Pow! and it will be hilarious. Right now, this ranks up there as one of the worst films I have ever had the displeasure to watch. But it isnt as bad as DNA.

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