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Saw it on Friday, but haven't been around much since...

Underworld 3: Rise Of The Lycans - 1000000000000/10 (ok, seriously... 9/10)

Yes, yes, yes! Maybe it's because I'm a huge mark for both Bill Nighy and the Underworld series as a whole (and I also play Dark Elves in Warhammer, and I'll be damned if the Deathdealers aren't perfect Dark Elves without even trying, despite being Vampires), but this was awesome. Lucian is awesome, obviously, and the fact that it's a prequel and thus the ending is already known isn't much of a problem, since Viktor dying would suck anyway.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Religulous - 8/10

Not the unabashed slaughter of religion that I expected, with Bill Maher managing to interview some reasonable people. It was very interesting, but the ending was very unresolved (yes, I know it couldn't be resolved very much but it seemed as if it ended far too abruptly).

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The Spirit: 5/10... the movie was a little too goofy for my taste, but I enjoyed watching Samuel L Jackson playing an odd character, along with Eva Mendez.... well just walking around being hot. It wasn't nearly as bad as what I had envisioned, but would rather be raped then watch it again.

Unborn: 8/10... I liked the movie a lot. It had a few holes in it, and could have used a much better ending, but I found myself able to follow the story and despite having no actors of talent, the acting wasn't half bad. I will defiently be picking up the movie when it comes out on DVD.

Bloody Valentine 3D: (4/10).... I gave it a point or two, simply because when i went to see the movie, I was with a couple of annoying girls who made the movie experience ten times worse. And the 3D concept sucked until the final scenes when the flames shoot out over the crowd. Other then that, it was like watching 'I Know What You Did Last Summer" in 3D with even worse actors. Without question I won't be seeing it again.... though I am sure I will again in a few years, only under a different name with a slight storyline alteration. *cries*

Defience: 9/10.... an awesome movie. Personally, I thought the movie could have been done a half hour less, but Daniel Craig was awesome, as was his brother whom I do not know the name of off the top of my head. It wasn't nearly as action filled as i thought, but the acting made up for it. I will be seeing this at least one more time.

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True Crime 2.5/5

Twilight Zone: The Movie 1.5/5

No Country For Old Men 5/5

Choke 2/5

The Wackness 4/5

-This is the only one I feel like commenting on. I'd never heard of this, seen a trailer, still not even sure if it came to theaters or straight to dvd, but it was really good. Ben Kingsley was great. I just wanted to reccomend it to any bored folks out there.

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Batman: Gotham Knight. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

I found the first episode really odd, but after that I found it a really good watch. I think things come together quite nicely. Though, I think the only thing it really misses is the real threat of a villain, if I remember right. Still, I'd probably give it 4/5.

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Taken 8.5/10 Orginally I wasn't sold on Liam Nesson as the right person for this type of movie based on the trailers. I envisioned someone more 'bad ass' (for the lack of better term) would be needed to fill this role, however Nesson fit the role PERFECTLY. An action movie with enough storyline to keep you interested, yet not just one fight scene after another. I wouldn't put it against any Bourne Film, but it was a nice way to spend a Saturday Afternoon. I probably won't be adding it to my DVD collection, but I would watch it again for sure.

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Ill just go over the ones Ive seen in the last few days

Summer Of Sam 3/5

Ghost World 2/5

Blood Diner 1.5/5

The Longest Yard 2.5/5

Re-Animator 2.5/5

Afro Samurai Ressurection 2/5

American Graffiti 2/5

Space Cowboys 2/5

Donnie Darko 4.5/5

Dead Alive 2.5/5

My Left Foot 3/5

Bride of Re-Animator 2/5

Meet The Feebles 2/5

Southland Tales 2/5

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God's Gun. Lee Van Cleef, Jack Palance. Awesome. Also, the last 25-30 minutes of the film reminded me so much of The Undertaker. The plot of the movie is that this priest (Lee Van Cleef) is murdered by a band of outlaws known as the Claytons, and the priest's altar boy goes to Mexico to tell his (the priest's) brother, Lewis (also played by Lee Van Cleef), who was a reknowned gunfighter.

Once they get back to the town where the priest was murdered - Juno City - instead of shooting the Claytons up, Lewis dresses up in his dead brother's robe and hat and scares the gang into believing that the priest has come back from the dead for vengeance. For something like 10 minutes the gang members run around scared silly and being tricked into killing each other off. It really, really reminded me of The Undertaker, except this dude's a priest, not an undertaker. >_>

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Batman: Gotham Knight. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

I found the first episode really odd, but after that I found it a really good watch. I think things come together quite nicely. Though, I think the only thing it really misses is the real threat of a villain, if I remember right. Still, I'd probably give it 4/5.

The first episode was good, story-wise. Didn't care for the animation style at all; backgrounds looked great, but the characters were bleech. My favorite part was actually the last episode, but I prefered the animation style from Field Test (though I thought Bruce looked too young in it). Only major gripe was that Killer Croc's appearance amounted to little more than a cameo, even if it was an action sequence. Want a sequel with the Joker (NO HARLEY!!!), Two Face or Catwoman....provided they don't use the animators from the first episode; give them the Penguin, Clayface or the Riddler to work with. (I'm kind of tired of Mister Freeze)

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Batman: Gotham Knight. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

I found the first episode really odd, but after that I found it a really good watch. I think things come together quite nicely. Though, I think the only thing it really misses is the real threat of a villain, if I remember right. Still, I'd probably give it 4/5.

The first episode was good, story-wise. Didn't care for the animation style at all; backgrounds looked great, but the characters were bleech. My favorite part was actually the last episode, but I prefered the animation style from Field Test (though I thought Bruce looked too young in it). Only major gripe was that Killer Croc's appearance amounted to little more than a cameo, even if it was an action sequence. Want a sequel with the Joker (NO HARLEY!!!), Two Face or Catwoman....provided they don't use the animators from the first episode; give them the Penguin, Clayface or the Riddler to work with. (I'm kind of tired of Mister Freeze)

Yeah KillerCroc was awful, but I really dug Deadshot's apperance in one of the episode's. I thought he worked exceedingly well.

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Zack and Miri make a porno

Really enjoyed it. I remember a couple of months back someone said they'd seen it here, and the title pretty much telling you what happens. Well, it does, but that doesn't really matter. Seth Rogen is brilliant. I've watched quite a few films with him in now, and found him hilarious in each of them.

This one didn't have as many laugh out loud moments as Knocked Up, but it was still funny. Predictable ending, but all rom-coms are. I guess this can go down as a rom-com anyway. :shifty:


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The Breakfast Club.

Well, not yet. <_< I was gonna watch it, but my mum was watching something else, but I Sky+'d it anyway, and I'm gonna copy it to a DVD, then to the PC to burn it a single use DVD.

I've seen it like 2 or 3 times already, and whilst it's one of those films where if someone asked you "what happens in it", you can only reply "not much to be honest", yet it's still great. Maybe it's the overall '80s-ness of it all or seeing all the references in Futurama/Family Guy/Simpsons and the like (before the seeing the film for the first time in most cases) and awesome "Dont You (Forget About Me)" bySimple Minds as the theme. It's just iconic.

But it is possibly my favourite film, and is one I've been wanting to watch again for a few weeks. I'll have to try and give Office Space another spin soon too.

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Vicky Cristina Barcelona 4/5

I had no idea what to expect from this film as I'd heard little about it other than the bafta nomination. I was pleasently suprised with this movie as I thought it was a really interesting story of people's perception of love and life. All four main stars acted superbly and I'd certainly recomend this.

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