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Wristcutters: A Love Story. Tom Waits as an angel? Will Arnett as a messiah? Shannyn Sossamon? I'm so there. It were good.

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Gran Torino - 9/10

Fantastic film from start to end, Eastwood as usual was brilliant, he played the miserable old man greatly and had me laughing lots, very easy to connect with the characters. It's a shame that'll be Eastwoods last film, but he went out on a great one.

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Gran Torino - 9/10

Fantastic film from start to end, Eastwood as usual was brilliant, he played the miserable old man greatly and had me laughing lots, very easy to connect with the characters. It's a shame that'll be Eastwoods last film, but he went out on a great one.

I just finished watching it too. There were bits were it dragged a little but Kowalski is a fantastic character, really well done in terms of storytelling, without becoming too cliche. Really liked the film. Clint Eastwood is still a hard-ass motherfucker.

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I just finished Foot Fist Way. It wasn't anything spectacular but it had me cracking up in a lot of parts. Ultimately, I think Danny McBride is a lot better in the bit parts that we've seen him picking up since his debut indy flick. His shtick can only go so far. 3/5

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Just finished watching Christopher Nolan's "Following" and I have to admit that it didn't disappoint when it comes to my love of his movies. Basically it's about a guy who begins to follow people just for fun at the beginning, interested in where they go and what they do. Then one of the men he is following interacts with him and his life changes from there on in. Like Memento it is not shown in chronological order, with all the scenes masterfully muddled up providing the brilliance that Memento got as well.

So on the Nolan chart it goes 3rd:

1) Memento

2) The Dark Knight

3) Following

4) Batman Begins

5) Insomnia

6) The Prestige

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The Strangers - 7.5/10

Thought this was a really good film actually. At first I wondered who they were going to get through sixty or so minutes of some 'strangers' causing havoc, turned out I was wrong from the start about most of what I expected, great stuff at times. I actually really enjoyed the ending, because I expected the usual 'Superhero woman gets free, kills them all and survives'. Although I'm mixed about the final thirty second scene of the movie, good that there could be a second, although it ended up being the same usual ending that so many horror movies have nowadays. Either way, really good feel to this movie.

Extreme Movie - 3/10

That's being generous really. I wasn't bored or anything but I found around one or two parts of the movie to be just verging on funny, which is plain bad. The more 'piss take' films they make, the worst they seem to get. I usually like them, yet it seems they're going down hill lately and really missing the point of what made these type of movies great at one point. This is just plain laughable at times, not even in a good way either. I mean the guy falling in love with the fake vagina and the fake vagina following him round and becoming jealous, before committing suicide...that just says it all. Just madness, in a really bad way.

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Just finished watching Christopher Nolan's "Following" and I have to admit that it didn't disappoint when it comes to my love of his movies. Basically it's about a guy who begins to follow people just for fun at the beginning, interested in where they go and what they do. Then one of the men he is following interacts with him and his life changes from there on in. Like Memento it is not shown in chronological order, with all the scenes masterfully muddled up providing the brilliance that Memento got as well.

So on the Nolan chart it goes 3rd:

1) Memento

2) The Dark Knight

3) Following

4) Batman Begins

5) Insomnia

6) The Prestige

I haven't seen three of these films, but I'm just wondering why The Prestige finds itself at the bottom of the list? I really dug the movie, what was it that you didn't like about it. Out of interest?

Edited by Split Face
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Gran Torino 9/10

This is just excellence. Clint Eastwood is amazing, and the film is just bloody good story telling.

Edited by timmayy Makabe
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Just finished watching Christopher Nolan's "Following" and I have to admit that it didn't disappoint when it comes to my love of his movies. Basically it's about a guy who begins to follow people just for fun at the beginning, interested in where they go and what they do. Then one of the men he is following interacts with him and his life changes from there on in. Like Memento it is not shown in chronological order, with all the scenes masterfully muddled up providing the brilliance that Memento got as well.

So on the Nolan chart it goes 3rd:

1) Memento

2) The Dark Knight

3) Following

4) Batman Begins

5) Insomnia

6) The Prestige

I haven't seen three of these films, but I'm just wondering why The Prestige finds itself at the bottom of the list? I really dug the movie, what was it that you didn't like about it. Out of interest?

If two out of the three you haven't seen are Memento and Following then you have missed a treat and should seriously try and watch at least Memento. The Prestige while being a good film, it was watchable, it just wasn't up to the standards that I usually expect Nolan to achieve, and it is the one with the weird ( not making sense, too quick, I can't remember) ending isn't it, or have I completely thought of the wrong film with that. It challenged Insomnia for fifth, but Al Pacino and Robin Williams > Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale :shifty:

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Loaded Weapon - 9/10

Hadn't seen this film in years before today. Samuel L. Jackson and Emilo Estevez in this film are pure comedy gold with an hilarious cameo by Charlie Sheen

Edited by J-Rod
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Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist

Cute movie. Not a classic by any stretch of the means, but a cute little light-hearted movie that at least tries to stay away from typical teen romantic comedy cliches.

Repo! The Genetic Opera

Quite possibly the greatest thing to ever grace the planet.

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Green Street Hooligans 2 - 5/10

I guess this is supposed to be the follow up? Well I got the blatant idea that it was from the slight story in it, what a terrible follow up to an average first one anyway. Honestly, these guys haven't got a fucking clue how to make a football/hooligan film. It's so unrealistic and pretty much laughable. It only gets a five from me because it was mildly good in parts, but for the film it should be, it's horrendous. Sorry but Ross McCall is the worst person to ever put in the main role. I'm supposed to believe he's a fucking hooligan or even interested in football? What a joke. He plays his role decently so I guess I cant blame him for the pathetic judgement these people have made. And the ending is a complete joke, they're playing a game of football and the winner gets out of prison? Sorry but I cant take any football hooligan film serious when it's not realistic. Just a really poor film.

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Not to double post, but I just watched this.

Twilight - 9.5/10

The best film I've seen in a long time by far. It blew me away. Kristen Stewart was unbelievable. The movie, the picture, it's just all shot so beautifully. Some of the scenes are just breath taking. I feel like I'm over reacting, but fucking hell I loved this movie. Certainly a must see for anyone.

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I just finished Season 7 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, thus concluding watching the whole series. It's fucking amazing, really. It's one of the best thing I've ever watched, and I loved every minute of it. I recomend anyone who hasn't seen it to pick up the box set.

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What Doesn't Kill You - 7/10

Great performances by both Ethan Hawke and Mark Ruffalo but the story is a bit slow and really, not a whole lot "happens" in the movie. Ruffalo was awesome and he's really starting to show that he's one of the better actors in Hollywood. Brian Goodman wrote and directed it and is based on events that happened in his life. All in all, not a bad film but just a bit too slow.

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Let the right one in 10/10

Instand classic. A great great Vampire movie about two Children in Sweeden, reinventing the gnere in a good way... slow paced, well filmed with a few nice wow moments. I won´t spoil anyting, i´ll just say go and watch it. But take a night were you feel that you don´t need fast cuts and bland storytelling.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Little Miss Sunshine. Great film I really enjoyed it. It was better than I thought it would be. 9/10 definitely recommend it

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