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Farscape Season Two 7.5/10

I have so far watched the second half of season two of Farscape since Thursday. I somehow managed to hurt my back and took Thursday and Friday off work and have been home alone today, so have managed to to watch at least fifteen episodes or so since.

Gotta say, the show is damn good. I really like the way the episodes flow into one-another and the characterisations work perfectly. Unlike a lot of shows, every action seems very natural.

Just started season three, apparently this is where the show "picks up" so I'm looking forward to it. :)

EDIT - One thing I don't like about season three is the change of music...booo

Edited by TMM
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The Perfect Getaway 5/10

I haven't watched a bad movie in a while, but this was not good. The plot is slightly interesting, and it least kept me guessing a little bit. But some of the action sequences elicted the wrong responce for me, as I was left laughing instead of being scared, or whatever the desired effect was. Some nice shots. Some average acting. Not that good.

The Taking Of Pelham 123 7.5/10

I liked this movie. I like both Travolta and Washington. I think the movie's solid, but I don't think it's anything overly special. I really didn't like the effect shot Ridley used numerous times. The two actors carry this with very good performances, and reminds me that these two are just very, very good.

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District 9 - 9 out of 10

I just got back from seeing this, so my rating is just from gut reaction and may go down (or even further up) after sleeping on it, but I loved this movie. The way it was directed might turn some people off (everyone except one person liked in the group I went with) but I think it works perfectly with the movie. The movie was packed and although a couple people walked out in the beginning, it seemed that most of the crowd enjoyed it. Definately worth a watch in my opinion, although you might think differently.

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Just finished watching the first four seasons of How I Met Your Mother and I have to say it is one of the best comedies, if not the best, on television. All five of the main characters have been well built and I am impressed on the way the show still feels fresh after watching all four seasons. I was hooked from the first episode that I watched and I can't wait for the show to return in a month... it's going to be legen....wait for it...dary.

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Since last Sunday:

Paul Blart Mall Cop - 5/10. At least it was better than 'Observe and Report'.

Threads - 8/10. *slashes wrists*

The Hangover - 7/10. Entertaining, but will ultimately turn out to be a fad film nobody talks about again in a few years times.

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Babysitter Wanted - 7/10

Unknown actors, but still enjoyable.

It gets a 7 because before I rented it, the reviews pretty much told me not to bother. I like to go by my own judgement, and I'm glad I did. It's similar to the gash that was "The Strangers" in that there's a person in a house and they have a feeling someone is outside. It becomes better because of the twist, that's all I'll say.

It's probably more like "When A Stranger Calls". Again, the only thing I liked about that was the bird in it.

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Just finished watching the first four seasons of How I Met Your Mother and I have to say it is one of the best comedies, if not the best, on television. All five of the main characters have been well built and I am impressed on the way the show still feels fresh after watching all four seasons. I was hooked from the first episode that I watched and I can't wait for the show to return in a month... it's going to be legen....wait for it...dary.

I watched series 2-4 in about 2 weeks, I even watched about 5 episodes in one day. It's just simple yet great, most of that due to Barney and his brilliant dickishness. I mean you know he's a dick, but near when he starts feeling stuff for Robin, you start feeling sorry for him and you actually want them to get together. It's just a shame it's not on over here (I had to watch it on Chinese YouTube sites.) but apparently Channel 4 may pick it up along with Big Bang Theory, and if they do, I'll end up watching it all again.

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I watched series 2-4 in about 2 weeks, I even watched about 5 episodes in one day. It's just simple yet great, most of that due to Barney and his brilliant dickishness. I mean you know he's a dick, but near when he starts feeling stuff for Robin, you start feeling sorry for him and you actually want them to get together. It's just a shame it's not on over here (I had to watch it on Chinese YouTube sites.) but apparently Channel 4 may pick it up along with Big Bang Theory, and if they do, I'll end up watching it all again.

It's a half hour series, 5 episodes isn't THAT impressive. I got through nearly a whole season in one day, but that could be due to the fact I have no life :shifty:

Anyways, I'm putting off beginning to watch Mad Men, Deadwood and a couple of other shows and watching some random stuff. Started watching Supernatural on the advice of a friend and really enjoy it. It's like the X-Files with a classic rock soundtrack.

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The Last House on the Left - 2009 - 6.5/10

Even though it's somewhat of a low score, I thought it was actually pretty good for a modern style horror movie. I liked it just as much as the original. Some of the deaths were pretty creative and I liked how they didn't really shy away from the blood. Pretty decent stuff.

EDIT - Instead of replaying again I'll just add it to this post instead.

Inglourious Basterds - 9/10

I'm not sure the people in the theater I saw it in liked it as much as me but I absolutely loved it. Some great dialog between characters and especially the scenes with Landa were especially fantastic. The opening scene had me on the edge of my seat. The theater scene towards the end was absolutely phenomenal. Yesterday there was a post on 411mania about Tarantino's top scenes and this or the opener could certainly find it's way on that list. This is the kind of movie that makes me want to write a screenplay.

On the subject of How I Met Your Mother, I need to get the first season on DVD and start watching it. When it first started, my Dad and I watched it but because of how the CBS and FOX schedules conflict we had to give it up. Thankfully this year Big Bang is on after House instead of during so I can watch both in HD when they're actually on. Also, when it comes to watching shows on DVD in mass quantities, I watched the first two seasons of Dexter in pretty much one and a half days. When I get into a show on DVD, if it's a half hour show I can burn through half of the episodes in one night. Right now I'm going through season four of House so I can go right into season five when it comes out on Tuesday and I'm doing 2-3 episodes a night. I have Entourage the first season in the mail right now and I'll probably finish that the day I get it.

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Inglourious Basterds - 9/10

Loved it. Long scenes of people just talking, but the dialogue was superb. Probably the film I've anticipated the most for years due to being a complete Tarantino fanboy and it lived up. Probably a fair distance behind Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs for me, just ahead of Kill Bill 1 and miles ahead of the rest.

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I watched series 2-4 in about 2 weeks, I even watched about 5 episodes in one day. It's just simple yet great, most of that due to Barney and his brilliant dickishness. I mean you know he's a dick, but near when he starts feeling stuff for Robin, you start feeling sorry for him and you actually want them to get together. It's just a shame it's not on over here (I had to watch it on Chinese YouTube sites.) but apparently Channel 4 may pick it up along with Big Bang Theory, and if they do, I'll end up watching it all again.

It's a half hour series, 5 episodes isn't THAT impressive. I got through nearly a whole season in one day, but that could be due to the fact I have no life :shifty:

As neither do I at the moment. I think I meant in one sitting, as in one after the other, plus it was harder on said shitty Chinese sites trying to find the right episode that actually wants to load.

When talking about it, I have the urge to call it "Haaaave You Met Ted?" instead of HIMYM though. :P

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Today I finished the first season of How I Met Your Mother. Took me a little more than a day to get through all of it. Absolutely fantastic and I already have season two on tap to begin tomorrow. CBS really seems to have it down when it comes to sitcoms.

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Yeah, I have all four seasons and it's wonderfulness, I need to catch up again(stopped somewhere on Season 2 about a month ago) before the new season starts.

Also, realized I have over 270 items in my instant que, so last night started on getting around to movies I haven't started on. Last night/today I watched:

Out to Sea: 5/10

Uncle Buck: 6/10

National Treasure Book of Secrets: 6/10

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On the HIMYM front, good news for UK'ers as it's gonna start being shown on E4 from next Friday! I've seen the first series twice when it was shown on BBC 2 twice, but I'm probably gonna HAVE to watch it again (if they are allowed to show the first series).

I seriously urge any UK people to catch it if they can if they haven't so far.

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