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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - 9.99/10

Cool Hand Luke - 9/10

A man after my own heart. :wub: I'm going to have to go rewatch my Dollar Trilogy DVDs now.

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500 Days of Summer - 8/10

Just watched it again to put off doing uni work and I liked it a lot more. I think a big part of that may be to do with me understanding the little things a lot better the second time.

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Jesus' Son - 4/10

Just finished watching it again for the 80th time, repeated viewings have worn it's charm thin for me, but it's not terrible.

He's Just Not That Into You - 8/10

Love it. Everyone turns in excellent performances, and the only reason it doesn't get a full 10 from me is Drew Barrymore. The only movie that allows me to keep my hatred for Justin Long in check and not scream at my tv everytime he's on screen.

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The O.C. seasons 1-4

I've been working my way through TV shows that I never finished watching and I'm almost done with this (just one more episode left) and it's reminded me how much I used to like this show. This show is one of the big reasons why I listen to some of the stuff I listen to today. It really sucks that they cancelled it when they did though, because the fourth season is my favorite out of all of them. They got rid of the worst character in the entire show and replaced them with a far more likable one. I think that they could have done another season or two easily, which would have wrapped it up nicely.

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GI Joe Rise Of Cobra - 2/10

Honestly? How the hell did this get past post? The cuts were stupid and the CGI was horrific. The acting was an abortion and the plot was absurd. If I hadn't seen this with my friends for FilmFail night I would've been so angry to have seen it. Luckily, I was able to laugh with them throughout. Fuck off with this bullshit.

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Something, Something, Something Darkside is just about the best thing that Family Guy has ever done. Callbacks to the old stuff that didn't drag on too long, real use of music and sound effects, wonderfully draw parts of the movie without any stupid gags in them.. it's clear that the McFarlane is a giant Star Wars fan and wanted to do right by the movies.

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It is a stupid, stupid film...

Shattered Glass - *** out of *****

Girlfriend hadn't seen it. Solid movie, do yourself a favor and check it out if you haven't...

I like that movie. They play it on IFC periodically, it still astounds me that he got away with those lies for so long.

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I saw Sherlock Holmes today. 8/10. It was awesome, but I think the enviroment brought it down for me a little. (I had a cunt talking his way through it behind me, the projector was shining or something and there was an annoying glare from it and worst of all the screen was TINY.)

The film itself was pretty epic, Downey Jr and Strong stole the show, though Law wasn't as terrible as he usually is and McAdams was perfectly acceptable, even if she didn't stand out much. I'd say my biggest problem with the film was that it probably could've done with being a bit longer, I enjoyed it and thought it was a fine length, but it felt like some more scenes with Lord Blackwell, detailing his plan would've helped make his ambitions clearer. We never really learn WHY he wants to do what he's trying to do, which leaves his character a bit lacking.

I also think they could've been a bit lighter on the Moriarty scenes (cut it from 2/3 to 1) and made him more foreshadowed than actually present. It felt too much like it was set up so that he would become the true villain or something, where as what they were trying to accomplish was some foreshadowing that if there's another film, he'd be the villain. It would've benefited from playing out more like the end of Batman Begins, where Gordon explains about a Bank Robber with a taste for "theatrics" and show's the Joker Card. I think having something more like, the Machine that Blackwell was going to use, have that dissapear towards the end of the film and we THEN see McAdams character with a shadowy figure, handing over the piece he wanted. Maybe something like "Will that be all, Professor?".

I get that they want to turn this into a franchise, but this was just one of those cases where less would've been more. Now it feels more like we've got an incomplete film that will be concluded in the second half, as opposed to a stand alone film that COULD continue in a sequel, which is the road I think would've been far more sensible. It'd leave us much more curious as well, where as now it feels like the only thing we don't know or haven't seen is what Moriarty looks like.

So yeah, overall, good, but there was still room for improvement.

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American Pie presents: The Book of Love: It wasn't so terrible, i expected it to be worse. Still it wasn't nowhere near the first three, but better than Naked Mile/Beta House which were both terrible. 6/10

Terminator Salvation: I don't get why people seem to hate this, it wasn't great but then again it wasn't terrible either. There was some stupid ideas like hydrobots which sounds like something from Transformers, moto-terminators and some other shit, but still. Bale wasn't too bad as Connor and i noticed that Moon Bloodgood looked lot like Summer Glau. Ok film and just like American Pie i expected this to be worse than it was. 7/10

Dollhouse: Epitaph One: Awesome, just awesome. Haven't seen this before, until now watching season 1 from DVD. Too bad there's only three episodes left of this show, because it's been one of my favourites lately. The first half of season 1 wasn't so great and didn't really liked it, but i'm glad i kept watching because the whole second season has been very good, can't wait for Epitaph 2. 10/10.

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[bSherlock Holmes - 8.5/10 - Really awesome film. Downy Jr, Strong, Law and Rachel McAdams all put in superb performances. I thought it was all rather clever and really interesting. Guy Ritchie made a really enjoyable film here, and I'm pumped for a sequal. (Y)

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Sherlock Holmes - 8/10

Great film. It didn't blow me away or anything so I can't really give it more than 8, but it was pretty good. Not enough Rachel McAdams :@

But Robert Downey Jr. makes up for it. I need to seriously look at his catalogue and watch more of his films because everything I've seen him in, I love.

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Bad Lieutenant: Port of New Orleans - Awesome. Nic Cage runs around New Orleans high as a motherfucker, putting guns to old peoples' heads and watching igunas sing and people breakdance. Then he does some more coke.

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