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Saw - 6/10

Without a doubt, this is the most disappointing film of 2004. I was expecting so much going into this, thinking I was going to see one of the most terrifying movies of all time, instead I get some of the worst acting ever. Yes, I realize it's a horror movie but the acting in this is just atrocious. I can deal with naked teenagers coming out of Crystal Lake stammering across, "Is-that-you-Josh? You-are-not-funny!" I seriously considered cutting my ears off as opposed to listening to the over-acted dialogue in this one. That being said, the death scenes are very cool the ending is absolutely brilliant, and the beginning isn't bad either. Those three things kept this movie from getting a two or three out of ten. All in all, if you must see this, catch a matinee. It would make a decent rental. I was more entertained by the trailer for The Devil's Rejects.

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Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery - 9/10 or (***1/2) Very, very funny, but sadly one of only THREE (I'll count all of Myers' AP roles as one for a sec.) roles in the last ten years where he's actually funny. Then again, there's still So I Married An Axe Murderer...

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Saw - 5.5/10

After seeing the trailers I wasn't expecting to much out of this and I was right, it was pretty mediocre. But I must say, the corny twist ending really helped the movie out alot as I was so underwhelmed by how easy it was to figure out who the supposed killer was.

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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) Okay, so I hate the ending (and if you must really know why, PM me because I don't feel like spoiling it here). Let me just get that off my chest. Still, it makes up for that lackluster element with a great story and great action. Definitely a good action flick to fill out any 5.1 DVD collection.

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Boogie Nights - 7.5/10 or (***) What a way to darken your memories of 80s tunes like Jessie's Girl, that Chrissy Hynde song, and....that Sister Christian song. All that darkening goes down in the climatic third act. A great cast tops this, with Wahlberg, though overacting at times, doing a goob job with his lead role. However, the best performances comes from people like Alfred Molina and Julianne Moore (who manages to make her role more than just the porn star nudity and is also hot enough to look the part). In any case, P.T. Anderson's big exposure to the mainstream is definitely NOT overrated.


Femme Fatale - 6/10 or (**1/2) Femme Fatale gains its sex appeal from Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (who is really really sexy in this). RRS supplies all the beauty and helps it during some of the duller moments. However, this cannot forgive all the film's flaws, as a weak script and iffy acting from Antonio Banderas drag it down. Still, RRS keeps the attention on herself, and if you're a fan of her modeling, this definitely is a must-see (solely for her full frontal nudity and lesbian scene).

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Birth - 7/10

I was prepared to write a big thing about this, but it's really late and I'm gonna try to fit at least one more movie in tonight. Just like I Heart Huckabees, I can totally understand both the positive and negative reviews for this movie. It's filled with long(LONG) camera shots of actors reactions and emotions without sound and other things that may turn the audience off, as well as having a storyline that is not afraid to push the creepy button without warning. (One scene in particular is just that)

Anyway, the story is very straightforward and the acting is solid. I have no problem recommending this to the "internet crowd", but normal audiences wouldn't probably give it a chance.

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Garden State - ****1/2

3rd time, and it's still amazing. SPIN magazine called this movie "this generation's The Graduate", and I can see what they're getting at. This is the kind of inventive, smart and quirky dramedy that only comes around once or twice in a decade. Thumbs way up, and check the DVD (complete with a nauseating cover) out on December 28th.

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