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Saved! - 7/10

I can't figure out why I didn't like this movie more. It's well-acted (especially on Mandy Moore's part. She should be doing more movies like this, since nobody's buying her as the new Molly Ringwald.), it's funny, it's got biting criticism of Christian evangelists... but it just doesn't go far enough. It succeeds in what it's attempting to do (pointing out that being a pious Christian doesn't make you a good person), but it never goes above and beyond what it should. It's worth watching once, primarily for the first third of the movie where they're really going all-out with the satire of religious nuts, but the final act is too lacklustre for me to really say it's a great movie.

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To spark a little discussion here, I think the South Park movie is exactly what the Beavis and Butt-Head movie should have been.  The Beavis and Butt-Head movie, while hilarious, still just feels like I'm watching a 90 minute Beavis and Butt-Head episode.  Which is a little painful since your average episode of Beavis without commericals or videos is about 5 minutes.  However, the South Park movie kept the basic formula of the show while taking it to the next level and made it feel like something bigger than the show.  You watch Bigger, Longer, & Uncut, you know it's what every TV show to movie transfer SHOULD be.  It's the show, but so much bigger.

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Halloween Ressurection- 6/10 Meh, I'm a huge fan of the series. I'm very lenient on the rating

Serial Killing 101- 5/10 Maybe its that I don't quite like indie movies, but this movie wasn't appealing to me. It was funny at times, but just didn't spark enough interest in me.

EDIT: And like Roc Revolt, I watched Bruce Almighty on HBO :P 7/10

Edited by reyrey619
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The Polar Express(On IMAX): 8/10

Looks stunning, loved the book, love the movie.

Harry potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban: 8.5/10

I Got it on DVD! YAY!! :D The best of the three, can't wait for The Goblet of Fire. 2005 kicks so much ass(Star Wars Episode III, Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire)

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Finding Neverland - ****

This is a perfect example of a movie in which everything is just right. Combine a cast that includes Johnny Depp, Dustin Hoffman, Kate Winslet, Julie Christie, Mackenzie Crook, and Kelly Macdonald with one of the most fantastic stories ever told, and you have Finding Neverland. Actually, not quite. This is actually, the "Behind the Scenes" of the most fantastic story ever told. Marc Forster's unique direction and Johnny Depp's token powerful performance make this one of the most engaging movies of the year. The end fades from reality a bit, which almost underminds the fact that it is built as a biopic, but that is the nature of the man, and thus it is suitable as the nature of the film. Powerhouse performances combined with an insightful screenplay and impressive storytelling make this one of the best movies of 2004. Thumbs up.

P.S. The child actors aren't bad either.

If Zero can encourage discussion then so can I ;) , so is this another Oscar worthy performance for Depp? From the movies I've seen (this is the first new film I'd seen in weeks, mind you), I've got Jim Carrey (Eternal Sunshine) and Zach Braff (Garden State) that really stand out. I've also heard Oscar buzz for Jamie Foxx (Ray), Kevin Bacon (The Woodsman) and Liam Neeson (Kinsey), but I've yet to see those movies. Right now I've got Depp as one of my picks, but I suppose it only takes a couple movies to change that. BTW, feel free to point out any of the performances I've missed, as I'm sure I've missed a few.

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If Zero can encourage discussion then so can I  ;) , so is this another Oscar worthy performance for Depp? From the movies I've seen (this is the first new film I'd seen in weeks, mind you), I've got Jim Carrey (Eternal Sunshine) and Zach Braff (Garden State) that really stand out. I've also heard Oscar buzz for Jamie Foxx (Ray), Kevin Bacon (The Woodsman) and Liam Neeson (Kinsey), but I've yet to see those movies. Right now I've got Depp as one of my picks, but I suppose it only takes a couple movies to change that. BTW, feel free to point out any of the performances I've missed, as I'm sure I've missed a few.

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Fight Club - 9/10 or (***1/2) Much was said about director David Fincher before and after 1995. Before '95, there was the buzz around him directing the then last Alien flick Alien 3 with most Alien fans being disappointed with the effort (and rightfully so after the huge status that Alien and Aliens received after their release). After '95, though, it was on how visionary Fincher was, after his thriller Se7en practically patented all suspense films after it.

After that film, Fincher followed it up with his best film yet, Fight Club. The film has a very intriguing storyline, great fight scenes, a commentary on the direction of the world, and most of all is cemented by amazing performances by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt. Helena Bonham Carter also does a great job, but it's Fincher's near-perfect direction and sudden twist at the end that has cemented it's modern classic status.

Oh, one more note, this is a half-point up from what it had. Heck, I'll probably put it in my top ten.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Old School - 8/10 or (***) In Old School, director Todd Phillips combines three different styles, with Luke Wilson's everyday guy style of acting, Vince Vaughn's deadpan approach to comedy which worked brilliantly in Swingers and Made, and Will Ferrell's over-the-top humor which works the best in this film and makes for some mass hilarity. In any case, all three styles merge to make a great comedy.

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While I was away...

Liar, Liar - 9/10

Once Upon a Time in America - 9/10

Juon - 8/10

Juon 2 - 7/10

Juon The Grudge - 8/10

Bill Cosby Himself - 10/10

Alexander - 6/10

The Hidden Fortress - 8/10

The Shawshank Redemption - 9.5/10

Kuffs - 8/10

Juon The Grudge 2 - 7/10

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9/10

Heist - 5/10

The Terminal - 6/10

Eddie Izzard Dress to Kill - 10/10

The Stepford Wives<remake> - 4/10

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