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Walking Tall - 6/10

Nothing terrible, but nothing too memorable. Slightly above average action flick with some good lines thrown in, although I never can believe the antagonist ever stood a chance against The Rock.

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Wild at Heart - 7/10 or (**1/2) Much can be said about director David Lynch. Many have called him a genius and some have called him an idiot. One things is for sure, he can confuse the hell out of you. With Wild at Heart, Lynch goes for a story with massive turns. While those turns are quite confusing in the end as to if they even relate to the plot, Lynch still keeps you interested with his stylish approach and ultimately draws you into Wild at Heart. While it goes nowhere near Blue Velvet or Mulholland Drive (and, of course, its classic lesbian love scene :D ), Lynch still honed his skill here.

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Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle - 5/10 or (**) Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle is a true mixed bag, so much so that I'll need to cover both sides of it.

The Good:

Supporting player Bernie Mac makes sure every scene he's in is a scene stealer, so much so that he's a film stealer. Another plus is that at times it teeters towards intelligence with its whole detective storyline mumbo-jumbo. Next positive, Justin Theroux is awesome here, turning his Irish villain into a true menace in the film. The last positive for me is that John Cleese is in the frickin' cast! And I like that.

The Bad:

The acting is plain horrid. Cameron Diaz over-bubblifies herself to the point where you just grow sick of her. Heck, I didn't even think she was that hot after the movie myself. Drew Barrymore is given the best lines in the movie (of an angel), yet she doesn't perform half as well with them as she should. Obviously, her cuteness can't cover up everything. Lucy Liu is decent, but her lines aren't hardly as notable or numerous as Barrymore's or Diaz's. Also, the action stunts are terribly done, with an obvious fakeness about them. And let's not forget McG's over-abundance of the slo-mo Matrix-style effects.

So, in essence, you have a sucky film that got just enough good supporting stuff to keep it from the bowels of the Bottom 10.

So there.

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