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Total Recall - 7.5/10 or (***) From the writers of Alien and the director of Robocop comes Total Recall, a souped up sci-fi flick with intelligence. The look of the film is amazing with visual effects slightly ahead of its time. It also reminds us of another time in film: that time of course is the 80s, where ultraviolence is the order of the day and like Vereoeven's previous flick before this, Robocop, expect bang, bang, boom, and massive blood in the process. While some of the effects look cheesy (bugged out eyes and Kuatu's look suck), the film is seeped with enough twists, intelliegnce, humor, and a good lead in Arnie that it keeps you interested. In any case, it's the best $5.50 I've ever spent.

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Jackass-7/10 Whether or not you enjoy this movie depends on if you like the show. The critics shat all over this movie, but I gurantee that none of them have seen the show. I like the show, so I liked the movie. Simple.

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Old School - 6/10

Good Laughs the first time around, but I couldn't enjoy it like I did the first time again


Stuck On You - 7/10

This Movie was funny with Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear, sexy with Eva Mendes, and 3 points shorter of what it should be because of Cher


Biker Boyz - 3/10

Corny Acting and stupid plot


Much Ado About Nothing - 8/10

Another Kenneth Brannagh attempt at Shakespeare, this time he did pretty good. Excellent Cast except for Keanu Reeves who acts like he is still on the set of Bill & Ted

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Guest John Cena


Troy - 7/10

I thought this movie was pretty good. If not a tad long, the acting was decent (Orlando Bloom just seemed really out of place to me in this movie) and the fight scenes pretty much made this movie what it was. I was a little bit iffy about watching this because I'd heard mixed reviews (mostly bad) but I'm glad I did as it turned out to be a nice surprise.


Not Another Teen Movie - 5/10

For what it's worth, this was a decent movie. It's a teen comedy so it had its share of good laughs, but otherwise, the rest of it was just uninteresting.

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Polar Express - 6/10

I must say, the visuals in this movie are AMAZING. This beats out most, if not all, animated films when it comes to what is seen. The ice, the faces, everything was just so above par that I actually was astonished at what I saw. It's probably due to the real-time acting animation type thing, at least when it comes to the people, but the sorroundings were just as magnificent. What brought it down was the story. I really didn't like it too much especially for little kids to go see. I wanna bet that tons of kids asked their parents if Santa was real after this movie. However, from a more mature perspective the story is decent and it's really nice to see a child believe again.

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I'm having trouble giving this film a rating. Kudous for originality for starters. I was kinda bored watching it - fidgeting around, reading DVD covers, leaflets etc, and it certianly didn't take/grab and keep my attention like some films, and I wouldn't watch it again. In fact, I had to force myself to watch it at all (I almost turned it off after about half an hour), but I told myself I may as well watch because I had made the effort to rent the DVD.

But, on the other hand, I've kinda been thinking and going over the movie since I watched it, so its obviously left some kinda mark.........

Just kinda weird, I didn't like it much, and I feel its overrated, but I just cant put a number to it to rate, and it has made me think, if only about the film rather then the questions it raises........

Edited by timmayy
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Knockaround Guys- 4.5/10 Boring mafia type movie. Barry Pepper is good and probably will be a better actor soon, but I did not like him in this movie. Maybe its that this role wasn't for him, but I just didn't like him. And Seth Green sucks as a mobster type person.


The Punisher- 5/10 I'm iffy about this movie. Good death and action scenes, but the acting really brought this one down. Thomas Jane isn't really a good actor IMO, and this movie didn't help his case. Travolta was OK, but that didn't save me from boredom. A Roy Schnieder appearance is definitley a plus though.

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An Evening With Kevin Smith - 9.5/10; It got a little weak near the end and a couple of the final topics could have been cut but overall an excellent DVD about an excellent film-maker.

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The Royal Tenenbaums - **** (8/10

From director Wes Anderson, The Royal Tenenbaums is a story about redemption, love and dysfunction in a gifted family. It stars a host of A-list celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Gene Hackman, Anjelica Huston, Ben Stiller, Danny Glover, Bill Murray and the Wilson brothers. More importantly, it employs a format of storytelling and direction so unique and creative that it hides the film's long runtime. Royal Tenenbaum (Gene Hackman), upon hearing that his wife Etheline (Anjelica Huston) is considering an offer of marriage, he attempts to get back in with his family in order to win her back after 23 years of seperation. However, the family he comes back to, including a overcautious businessman (Stiller), a complacent playwright (Paltrow) and a washed up tennis player in love with his adopted sister (Luke Wilson), is apparently not much like the one he left. The family has gone to pieces in his absence, and as the film goes on, he begins to take more accountability on for repairing it. Now as I've already said, what I really like about this film is its creativity. Creativity out of Wes Anderson and his writing partner Luke Wilson won't come at all as a surprise to anyone who has seen his first movie, and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou looks to be much the same. Fantastic performances and a strong creative team make this a very good movie. Thumbs up.

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Troy *1/2 (3/10)

Wolfgang Petersen, director of Das Boot, The Perfect Storm and Air Force One, tackles Homer's "Odyssey" with Troy, the three hour blood soaked historical epic starring Legolas, The Hulk, and Sinbad the Sailor. Yes, in Wolfgang Petersen's ancient Troy, Brad Pitt is Achilles, Orlando Bloom is Paris and Eric Bana is Hector. Of course there are female stars involved too, such as Diane Kruger and Rose Byrne, but in Petersen's ancient Troy, women are meaningless. Oh, and apparently people talked in a mix of mid-nineties basketball trash talk, comic book speak and Shakespeare. Oh, and Achilles talks like he's from Manhattan. Yes, setting aside pretty much everything but the crucial elements, Wolfgang Petersen makes a pleasureless action movie that seems to go on and on forever, along the way telling us nothing and creating nothing but 1 dimensional characters, especially the women. On one side, we have Achilles, the glory obsessed asshole who would sacrifice his own men in order to preserve his legacy. On the other we have Paris, who shares an intelligence with our own Paris, Paris Hilton, by stealing the King of a massive empire's wife, signing away the lives of thousands of his own troops in the process. So who exactly are we to cheer for? Hulk Smash? I think not. I'll give you three tips on Troy, AVOID, AVOID, and AVOID. Thumbs down.

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