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Total Recall - 7.5/10 or (***)


50 First Dates - 7/10 or (**1/2)


Not Another Teen Movie - 5.5/10 or (**) Definitely dropped because I stopped laughing at the good humor and definitely realized the potty humor.


Species - 6/10 or (**1/2) While definitely not the next Alien, Species does hold its own in terms of shallow entertaining sci-fi horror flicks. It definitely gains points from its cast with Ben Kingsley, Michael Madsen, and Alfred Molina ALL in major roles. It also introduced the sexy broad Natasha Henstridge, who makes her sex appeal known in this movie. However, the storyline isn't always so clear, even for as simple of a concept as it seems. Plus, some of the directorial shots by Dante's Peak director Roger Donaldson go a little too over the top. Still, it's a simple alien movie with some sex appeal, and there's not a bad thing about doing that.


Stealing Harvard - 5.5/10 or (**) Insert tape. Laugh a couple of times. Eject tape. Such is the life of Jason Lee's forgettable Stealing Harvard. Still, the plot isn't all too bad. I might even watch it again just because it isn't half bad. Though, it isn't half good, either.

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Definately worth a look, I'm getting it on DVD when it comes out because I really enjoyed it, at times it can be very smart and yet also pander to the immaturity in us all (I tell a lie, it's smart a couple of times and then it's immaturity all the way - that's what I love about it). Seth, Dax and Matthew are play up their roles to perfection.

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White Noise - 8/10

All I heard about this was shit reviews. Everyone was saying it sucked, but my two mates wanted to see it so I tagged along, good decision too. I thought the film was as good as it needed to be. Had it's jumpy moments at the same time. This is the main reason I rarely listen to what people say about a film, because most say somethings shit and for some reason I enjoy the movie. Oh well it was a good night for me :)


Along Came Polly - 9/10

Get's more awesome everytime I watch this on DVD. Jen is awesome and Stiller is the man.

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Watched since Christmas:

1. The Terminal - 7/10. A little long for a guy in an airport, but good movie.

2. Reservoir Dogs - 7/10. I need to watch it again so I can fully comprehend what all went down.

3. Kill Bill, Volume 1 - 10/10. Great plot, and as a martial artist, just another plus for me.

4. Kill Bill, Volume 2 - 10/10. Finally got some things squared away. I wish Pai Mei was my sensei.

5. Garden State - 9/10. Just a good movie.

I think that's it.

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Along Came Polly - 5/10 or (**) Wow, for a PG-13 movie, they sure did get away with a lot. Let's see, there's topless (but covered) nudity on more than one occasion, actual (and by actual, I of course mean simulated) sex, and lots of strange sexual bits. Sure, the whole movie isn't about sex, it is also formulatic comedy that's follows the strategy perfectly. That's not terrible at least from an economic point, just lame.

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The Phantom of the Opera - **** (8/10)

The first time I saw this movie, I thought that Gerard Butler was all that detracted from my entertainment, mainly because of the youthful good looks and the tone of his voice. On further examination, he may be the film's greatest asset. Sure, Emmy Rossum is entrancing and Joel Schumacher's direction makes the film seem bigger than the stage production ever was, but Butler is the Phantom played the way he should be played. Instead of the barreling sopranos such as Crawford and Wilkinson who have brought the character to the stage, Gerard Butler has a softer, more entrancing voice that makes the spell upon Christine seem to make more sense. He's not a classically trained opera voice, but then again neither was Erik. He never had professional voice training, but from an early age he developed the ability to hypnotize people with the speaking and singing tone of his voice. His character is really the anti-thesis to the male prima donna's of the time like Piangi. Now as for his age and disfigurements, I thought they were much better upon the second viewing. Sure Lon Chaney was disturbing in the Erik role, but that film was presented in a clear way so as to make the him the villain. In this version, we're supposed to see him not as the villain but the tragic hero; a man who would have accomplished unmatched feats had he been shown the slightest bit of love during his life. Butler goes to great lengths to show that this character is carrying the sorrows of the world on his shoulder, and when he is unmasked, he looks not only the estimated age of the character (around 50), but in fact years older. This is a terrific movie for any fan of the stage production, despite the negative feedback. Thumbs up.

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Rating: 9/10

At its core, Saved is really just a teen comedy, but throwing in psychotic religious teenagers (you know you went to school with at least one) and it takes this movie to a whole new level. This movie, like any dealing with insane Christians, has sparked a fury from the insane Christians (disclaimer: Zero is not calling all Christians insane, simply pointing out a specific group of Christians who happen to be insane). Why you ask? Well it deals with issues like accepting those who are be different and keeping an open mind about things. Really, the movie has a very understanding message welcoming those who have faith and an open mind, no matter what the radical Christians may tell you. It's also good for some great belly laughs and a surprisingly amazing cast. This was the first movie I've seen Mandy Moore in and she's actually really good in her role as Hilary Faye. I'd have to see her in other movies before making a final call on her acting ability, but I can tell you right now music isn't her true calling. The rest of the cast fit their roles perfectly and holy shit, Macaulay Culkin's in this! This is one of the funniest movies I have watched in a long time ago and I highly recommend it. I'd even recommend throwing down $20 to buy it.

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Tales From The Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood - 3.5/10 or (*1/2) It seems to makes perfect sense that the second-rate Twilight Zone would get a fifth-rate movie based on it. From the casting, it was clear not much good could happen with Erika Eleniak, a mis-cast Dennis Miller, and Angie Everhart. Now, while Angie certainly fulfilled the sex appeal part, she just plain sucked at acting. Good thing she went into an industry that relies more on the former rather than latter. Anyways, the plot of the film is quite flimsy and the action and dialogue was really lacking. The only thing really likable is those Cryptkeeper lines, but even that can't save a movie. If you really want a good vampire movie, get From Dusk Till Dawn or one of the 8,000,000 Draculas, but please stay away from this.


Species II - 5/10 or (**) Pretty meh stuff, especially with a meh plot and merely tolerable dialogue. Still, Madsen and Henstridge are fun to watch (as they were in the first) and nobody really comes off too terrible.

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