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Jesus - *1/2

In the 1979 version of the life of Jesus, the studio (Warner Bros.) decided on a novel concept. That concept was to take the dialogue and events straight from the book itself. While it's a good concept (as was the idea behind Baz Luhrmann's version of Romeo and Juliet), its focus on the miracles of Christ rather than the teachings and humanity of Christ makes it feel one-dimensional and bland. Also, the acting is horrendous and uneven as well. If you need a story about Jesus, go watch The Passion or the 1999 Jesus TV movie starring Jeremy Sisto. Just stay away from this. One and a half stars for only being a good concept on paper.

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Jesus - *1/2

In the 1979 version of the life of Jesus, the studio (Warner Bros.) decided on a novel concept. That concept was to take the dialogue and events straight from the book itself. While it's a good concept (as was the idea behind Baz Luhrmann's version of Romeo and Juliet), its focus on the miracles of Christ rather than the teachings and humanity of Christ makes it feel one-dimensional and bland. Also, the acting is horrendous and uneven as well. If you need a story about Jesus, go watch The Passion or the 1999 Jesus TV movie starring Jeremy Sisto. Just stay away from this. One and a half stars for only being a good concept on paper.

Have you seen the 1977 mini series "Jesus of Nazareth"? In my opinion, that's about as good as biblical epics get, although not by any means compact. The total runtime is just over 6 hours, and is pretty much the most in depth film about Christ's life. The acting is superb (although it's not surprising when you consider the fact that the cast includes Anne Bancroft, Ernest Borgnine, James Earl Jones, Ian McShane, Laurence Olivier, Ian Holm and Olivia Hussey among others), the film looks beautiful and there is a proper balance between miracles, message and brutality. Definitely recommended, in small doses.

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Be Cool - 4/10

At one point I was really looking forward to this movie because I am a fan of most of the cast. So I really wanted to like this movie, but kind of like in EWR when you get one of those shows that don't click...this movie is kind of like that. And the way they dubbed in the singing really bothered me because Millian's singing sounded way too studio enhanced when she was simply singing at a piano. And being a big Vaughn fan, even his character got more annoying than funny in some parts. There just aren't any real laugh out loud moments in the movie (although I did laugh at Vaughn in the end). Overall its a pretty boring and forgettable movie. As a side note, besides the obvious reference with the Travolta/Thurma dance sequence, I did spot some other Pulp Fiction references, mainly since I just watched it on Monday.

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Alien vs. predator 8/10 - a good move that grants owning in my opinion . They need to make more movies about Predator cause they fucking rock greatest alien species ever

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Ice Age: 6.5/10

So far the reviews for Robots have been good....I'll be checking that out too.

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Clerks. - ***1/2

I've seen this movie three times this week, and every time has been great. Whenever I get $30, I'm getting the 10th Anniversary Edition. Three and a half stars for all the stuff I mentioned before and still being great viewing with repetition.

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Guest John Kerry's Evil Twin

History of the World: Part I 8.5/10

Hilarious movie. I just got the DVD, so for the first time, I saw the unedited version(I'd only previously seen the edited for TV version). "Fuck the poor!"

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Over the past 3 days, I've watched the following:


Man on Fire- 7/10 Good, powerful movie. Denzel Washington gives a damn good performance in this revenge movie. The photography in the movie got annoying after a while, as did the subtitles.


New York Minute- 2.5/10 The movie was awful. I expected that though, so it gets a generous 2.5. The only part I laughed at was the Bob Saget cameo. And of course, watching the Olsen twins isn't too bad...


Love Don't Cost a Thing- 5/10 Not as bad as I thought, but still not great. Steve Harvey is actually pretty lame in this, which dissapoints me. Hes a funny guy, but hes stuck in these crappy movies(like You Got Served).


You Got Served- 1/10 Horrible. I expected it to be bad though, so at least it lived up to the hype. Everything was bad about this movie. The dialouge sucked. The plot sucked. I guess the only way to enjoy this movie is if your a B2K fan or like to watch people dance.


Caddyshack- 8.5/10 Classic comedy. Theres nothing to dislike about this movie, its just fantastic. I normally don't like Chevy Chase, but he was great in this movie. Only overshadowed by the great Bill Murray.

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Movies I saw today:

The Breakfast Club: One of those modern films where everyone likely already has their opinion on it. 7/10.

South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut: See Breakfast Club. 10/10: One of the best comedy films ever.

Clerks: See South Park: B,L,U. 10/10: Modern-day classic.

Kimagure Orange Road- I Want to Return to That Day: Finally, something not seen by virtually everyone. I've said on the board in different areas that I'm a huge fan of this anime series, and the movie is the rare pure drama animated movie. If you've seen the cartoon series, it's a two-three hanky affair. If you haven't, it's still a great story of a kid at the cusp of adulthood having to choose between two girls. However, it is very niche, which lowers it: 6/10 if you haven't seen the series, 8/10 if you have.

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Saw - 9/10 - great movie all th twists and turns make the movie what it is.

Exorcist:The beginning - 1/10 - Absolutely hated this move this prequel blows .

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Underworld - **

Screen Gems swings and misses again with a movie that has good style but is far too drawn out, 30 minutes too long, and overall just weak. Admittedly, Kate Beckinsale is worthy of her own film series and does a competent job with what she's given. Unfortunately, the storyline hardly works well and just proves to be a mess. Two stars for some good style and leathery Kate (Yowsa!) but having far too long of a run time and just not clicking well.

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Whenever I get $30, I'm getting the 10th Anniversary Edition. Three and a half stars for all the stuff I mentioned before and still being great viewing with repetition.

You will be doing yourself such a huge favor. I love it.


Robots: 7/10 - I must say that I was really surprised to have enjoyed this much as much as I did. I mean, the storyline is kinda dull, but there are various hilarious scenes in the movie and I rarely stopped smiling during the whole flick. It was a fun little movie that I'm sure many will enjoy.

Edited by LivingLegend
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