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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 9/10, went expecting very little at all. Has already went down as one of the funniest films i've ever seen. granted i'll have to buy it when it comes out on DVD and re-view it to see if it still holds its charm after numerous viewings. Big props though, a lot better than I thought it would be.

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The Warriors: ??/10: Alright, so maybe I haven't watched it yet, but someone taped it for me last week and I just got the VHS tonight, so I am going to haul my ass home after work and finally watch this movie that I have been dieing to see for quite some time now. I have a feeling it'll live up to my 8 plus expectations.

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Going into the theatre, I thought this movie would be one of two things. Either A), it was going to be an American flag waver, or B), a Full Metal Jacket rip off. The first 5 minutes made it seem like choice B) but the movie ended up being an entertaining and original look at a group of Marines during the first Gulf War. There is hardly any gunfire in the movie, and it is more of a look at the psychological impact of marine training, waiting for conflict to start, and how war can change or affect ones mental health.

I give Jarhead 8/10, as it was very entertaining. Gyllenhal is great in the leading role, and Foxx puts in a good performance as well. All of the acting is great.

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The film's story line just seems to flow out toward the viewer in a languishing, yet engrossing stream, sucking you along in its undertow. Couple that with enough plot twists to catch your interest and a stunning performance by Val Kilmer and you have a stylish, intense, funny and unexpectedly moving film. 8/10

Edited by The Grifter
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Doom - 5/10

Really i think i'm generous giving it a 5/10 as although short failed to keep me interested. It also got too dark at sometimes and you could see f**k all. The only thing i saw that was good when it turned into first person for a while but i must say very disapointing.



Saving Private Ryan - 9/10

One of the best war films to ever be made. Opening Battle Scene is pure amazing and the ending battle for the bridge was also very good. That's Spielberg at his best.

Edited by Stone Cold
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Saw 2

This movie sucked monkey balls. The first was good because it was original, but this one just felt tired. It was boring, and a lot of the "traps" or "games" the people were forced to play were idiotic or really obvious. The whole thing itself, when you think about, is way too complex to happen in real life, and that ruined it. As soon as I realized those facts, the movie just became a huge turd. I felt no connection to any of the characters, and would have left if it wasnt so cold outside!

I give Saw 2 2/10, and recommend that anyone who wants to see it save there money.


Club Dread

I bought it at Wal-Mart for cheap, and really enjoyed it. It was a great parody of the slasher film genre, and a very funny comedy as well. A lot of the people I talked to about this movie were split on it. Half of them didn't like it, saying it "wasn't as funny as Super Troopers" while the other half just loved it. I think that most people will love this movie, as long as they go in expecting something DIFFERENT then Super Troopers.

I give Club Dread 8/10, and recommend it.

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New Harry Potter, 4/10. I haven't read the book but the movie didn't really interest me at all. The main lass could end up being fit when she's older, so i'll look out for the next couple of films (:shifty:). I got to heckle people as well, so for those two reasons the film could go to a 5.

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Guest muddatrucker

John Q



I can remember seeing the trailer to this movie years ago, its weird that I managed to wait until it was on terrestrial television before I saw it. Once again Denzel Washington shows why he's possibly my favourite actor, its a really good film, you knew how it'd end, but you always do and you like it.

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The Corpse Bride

Not on a par with The Nightmare Before Christmas, in my opinion, but a fine piece of fantastical storytelling all the same. Burton brings his usual magical charm to the film.



A classic. David Fincher's finely tuned thriller is always a pleasure to watch.


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Took me ages to download, but damn, was it worth it. Probably my favorite movie of 2005. I don't have much to say, other than that I never saw the ending (where the $10 million) goes coming at all. Didn't think the driver would play that much of a role in the movie either.

The 90210 guys played a funny role, too.

Girl: My friend thought you were dead.

Ian Ziering: Tell your friend she's a whore.


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Under Suspicion - 7/10

It's hard to believe that in 60+ combined years of acting, Morgan Freeman and Gene Hackman have NEVER shared the same screen together. Well, that all changed in 2000 with director Stephen Hopkins's Under Suspicion, a thriller with a rather solid mix of intense moments and sharp dialogue. Of course, there's also something veyr impressive with both Hackman and Freeman's work in here, and yet Thomas Jane also does a good job in here as well. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it does combine two of the best in a film that's worthwhile.

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:

I'm not sure what to think.

On the one hand, it is definitely the best of the Harry Potter movies so far with very little question: Everything was firing on all eight cylinders, and it was a great film to watch. On the other, however: It was one of those cases where the movie inside my head totally smoked the movie onscreen for it. "Goblet of Fire" is perhaps my favorite Harry Potter book by a fair enough margin over its latter novels and a far margin over the original 3, so I was kind of going into it hoping for a conversion to the big screen that matched it and was basically the Harry Potter movie series's equivalent to "Empire Strikes Back". The movie was the best of the four films thus far, but it didn't seem to totally blow the three previous films out of the water like I had hoped it would. As a result, it's the best of the movies thus far, but at the same time is one of the more disappointing movies in the series thus far. 7.75/10, but had such potential to be 10 if they were willing to go that extra mile for it.

The Last American Virgin

This movie takes everything you come to expect from the classic subgenre of the teen movie and knocks it on its ass. The major difference between this and other teen movies is that, while most teen movies are pretty much expected to have teen drama, but eventually come through for a happy ending, The Last American Virgin's style is that in which the teen drama occurs in spades, but then just goes more and more, until the movie ends and you realize: the protagonist isn't going to get their happy ending after all. It becomes moreso when you realize that the movie teases, almost taunts the viewer with the hope the hero will get the girl and have the ending he deserves, only for the end to occur and totally hit you harder with that realization. The rarest breed of teen movies is one with a "down ending", and this movie is probably the best example of that. 6.5/10, but if you're a fan of teen movies and know the paradigms, it would still be worth a viewing nonetheless.

The Sure Thing

Pretty much everything to be said has been said. 7.5/10

Get Over It

I don't know what it is, but there's something about having a bunch of papers that I need to write that makes me really want to do two things: Drink enough tea to make me some form of hummingbird-type creature, and watch more cheesy teen movies than the law should probably allow at one sitting all night. As such, I sit here not entirely all there after watching my third teen movie straight, hopped up on tea, trying desperately to finish a paper on Payola in modern American popular music so I can get some sleep, and just trying to get through...oh, the movie. It's basically one of those weird movies: It's utter crap, you KNOW in your heart it's utter crap, but it's that good kind of utter crap. You watch it, you turn off your brain or have good background noise, and then you finish it, knowing you're pretty set for having to see it again for the next presidential administration or so. Just a 90 minute or so delightful piece of sugarcrack for the mind. 3.5/10

Edited by Reflecto Is My Favorite Poster
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Get Over It

I don't know what it is, but there's something about having a bunch of papers that I need to write that makes me really want to do two things: Drink enough tea to make me some form of hummingbird-type creature, and watch more cheesy teen movies than the law should probably allow at one sitting all night. As such, I sit here not entirely all there after watching my third teen movie straight, hopped up on tea, trying desperately to finish a paper on Payola in modern American popular music so I can get some sleep, and just trying to get through...oh, the movie. It's basically one of those weird movies: It's utter crap, you KNOW in your heart it's utter crap, but it's that good kind of utter crap. You watch it, you turn off your brain or have good background noise, and then you finish it, knowing you're pretty set for having to see it again for the next presidential administration or so. Just a 90 minute or so delightful piece of sugarcrack for the mind. 3.5/10

Edited by Spyrazul
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Walk The Line: 8.5/10

If Reese Witherspoon doesn't win best actress come oscar time, something is wrong with the academy.

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire: 8/10

Loved everything except the portrayal of Dumbledore

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The Libertine

Eh, didn't care much for this one. Even Depp's acting was shaky at times. Certainly not one of his best outings.

And the moral of the story is: sex makes your nose fall off.


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The Rocky Horror Picture Show

11/10. Nothing surpasses this. Ever. It doesn't matter that it's not actually a very good film, it's so cemented into my mind that it will always be a part of me, I know it back-to-front, and I adore it. So fucking much.

What A Girl Wants


Bad chick flick fare. American girl runs away to find her real father in England. Finds him within about five minutes of arriving, because he just happens to be an uber-famous politician. Cue lots of bad English stereotypes, awful acting, nonsensical and unexplained plot elements, and predictiabilty galore, followed by a predictable, yet unbelievable (and not in the good way), and entirely anti-climatic ending.

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