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Good Night, And Good Luck - 8/10

With his second directorial effort, George Clooney tackles an issue which is more and more relevant with each year of the second Bush administration, McCarthyism. The film focuses on Edward R Murrow, the much beloved journalist who not only was crucial in the eventual censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1954, he also set the table for CBS' eventual legacy of bold, take no prisoners journalism. David Strathairn is absolutely perfect in the lead role, and he is backed up by some of Hollywood's best and brighest (Clooney, Robert Downey Jr, Patricia Clarkson, Jeff Daniels, Tate Donovan, among others). The black and white color scheme also adds to the film, not only by making the viewer feel more in the time period, but also because the black and white reads remarkably crisply when watching the film. This is a slick, fast moving effort that, though based entirely in a television studio, never lets up for a second. Thumbs way up.

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Ong-Bak 7.5/10

Maybe would have gotten 8 based off the first hour. The last 45 mins are by no means bad, they are good, and don't drag, but simply aren't as good a what proceeds it. Personally, I think there's only so many martial arts fight scenes I can take in a movie, and Ong-Bak probably exceeds that limit. I felt as the film went on, a bit of the story was sacrificed for 'random fight scene that adds little'. Still a good to very good film that I may see more favourably another time.

Also, since as the DVD package cost me very little and came with over 5 hours of well thought out and varied extra's, I really have little grounds for complaint.

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Underworld 2: Evolution: 6/10

I didn't like the first one, but I actually enjoyed this film, nothing really stands out(except the hottness of Kate Beckinsale) but I was entertained, which surprised me.

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High Art - 5/10

There's a very selective audience for a flick like High Art, and I can't say I'm one of the members of that audience. All said, the film just seems to pose as a movie too interested in drug-soaking hedonism and merely plain love story. There's solid performances by names like Radha Mitchell and Ally Sheedy, but it's not hardly enough to save a film that seems all too interested in its excesses rather than its ideas.

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Grumpy Old Men: 7/10

Still a good film (Y)

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The Wedding Crashers

Fairly standard fare as far as romantic comedies go, and we've seen the pairing before. That said, it's funnier than your average and has an interesting enough premise. Overall a well polished bit of romantic cheese.


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Dee Snider's Strangeland - 6.5/10

Man, was this movie fucked up or what. The sidekick cop was horrible, but Dee was a convincing psycho-turned reformed psycho-turned psycho again. He looked fuckin' wicked, too. The music was dark, and the club scene was just awesome. Overall, I think it's a good movie. The message, to me atleast, was that man can't change his ways. Some people are just naturally evil.

Good movie. I'll buy it on DVD when I get the chance, most likely.

Edited by Tristof the Nazi
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Resident Evil: Apocalypse


Three of those marks are for Milla alone.

The owrrying thing is, her average acting skills were the best in the film. She works better with someone like Bruce Willis (Fifth Element) or Dustin Hoffman (amazing scenes in Joan of Arc) than having to carry a film.

Paul WS Anderson is a fool anyway so why would I expect any different.

A few points raised by the movie:

These are spoiler points but meh, it would have to go some way to spoil this movie any more.

1) When did Jill Valentine turn into a whingy bitch?

2) Who decided putting the camera into slow-mo jerky mode when zombies were on screen would be a good idea?

3) How come when Nemesis kiils all the STARS he does it perfectly yet a minute later all of a sudden he can't shoot Milla at five paces?

4) WHY WHY WHY did they decide that Nemesis should have a heart and team together with Milla against the authorities.

5) Why have so many characters in the film I couldn't care about?

6) How does Milla manage to look so hot in EVERYTHING?!

7) WHY BOTHER WITH THE LAST TEN MINUTES?! Aaggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Good points about the film?

Milla's looks, her acting actually being the BEST out of everyone concerned, the English guy from Sharpe being the professor, SOME of the Milla martial arts and running down the building.

Waste of life with the zombies taking a complete backseat which is always an error.

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Devdas - 8/10

From director Sanjay Leela Bhanshali, Devdas was already popular in the minds of Bollywood film-goers when it was made in 2002. This story, about forbidden romance and the descent into darkness one lover takes, has been made into 7 films, 3 in Hindi. However unlike some stories, which have been told so many times that they lose resonance with viewers, this one was met with overhwhelming success when it was released 4 years ago, and with good reason. Devdas is a 3 hour sweeping epic that features vibrant dance sequences, over the top performances and relaxed direction. And in the context, it works perfectly. This is the kind of film that Hollywood has forgotten how to make. A film like this would be right at home with on Broadway, and for those lamenting the death of the movie musical, there is another (non-English) option. Thumbs up.

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