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Gigli - 3/10

It's hard to say whether one of the most well known flops of the new millenium exceeded my expectations or not. Regardless, it's...there. Certainly not the worst movie of 2003 (or of all time, if you're that desperate0, but more or less one of the most incosistant films made in a short while. Oh, and J'Lo sucks...just sayin'.

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The Proposition 8/10

Superbly made film. Some good performances (like from Winston inparticular) and all round really well made, with some fantastic shots. It is a slow-build film though, which certainly won't suit anyone (there's never really an adrenaline soaked moment or any overly thrilling scenes). However, it does the slow-build thing REALLY well, your never bored. It literally is about 1h 45 mins of slowly telling a story but in a way that doesn't make time drag at all (really not in the slightest), doing enough to keep the audience interested throughout.

Anyway, it isn't an action packed film, but it is a very good film, with some good performances, brilliant scenery and is fantastically directed. Very recommended.

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The Human Stain - 7/10

This movie is both great and bland at the same time. It's an interesting character study but a blase romance, a fun showing for Anthony Hopkins but a mediocre showing for Nicole Kidman, and so on. Instead of looking at racism itself, The Human Stain focuses on the paranoia surrounding racism, and it does it fairly well. Unfortunately, great scenes between Hopkins and Gary Sinise and a wonderful series of flashbacks is marred by uninteresting scenes between Hopkins and Kidman, who have a relationship I don't particularly understand at all. Still, worth renting.

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The Hills Have Eyes - 5/10

I was pretty bored for the majority of the movie and didn't really enjoy it. The ending however made up for it however so that bumped up the score.

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Failure To Launch: 4/10

Aside from the amazing Zooey Deschanel(who deserves much better then this) and a few(I mean like 1 or 2) scenes with comedy, its your typical BAD romantic comedy. If your girlfriend asks you to see this, watch When Harry Met Sally for 100th time instead.

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V for Vendetta - 8/10

As if The Wachowski Brothers' script, James McTeigue's directions and the lead performances of Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving weren't enough, Lord Melchett is in this film? That's dozens of different kinds of awesome. And even that is dozens less awesome than this movie. Seriously GoGo's right, this is the best film the Wachowski's have even looked at since The Matrix. The script is all kinds of fun and the themes are ones that hit home a lot more than a couple of the films it shares similarities with (Equilibrium and 1984 come to mind). Probably the first must see of 2006.

Edited by .Beatnik
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The Constant Gardener - 8/10

Political intrigue... check.

Fantastic performances ... check.

Sharp characterization ... check.

Inspired direction... check.

Rachel Weisz as the hottest pregnant woman ever... check.

Thumbs up.

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I still can't see why the academy ignored the films superb cinematography in its nominations, but whatever. I do agree with Racehl Weiz, she was superb, and so was Ralph Fiennes...but too bad it just had to be an incredible year for an acotrs.


Dances With Wolves: 8/10

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Walk the Line - 8/10

Man, it's been a good day. Let's see:

* Reese Witherspoon definitely earned her Academy Award with this film. The way she portrays Johnny through June Carter's eyes makes this film so much more impactful.

* Joaquin Phoenix captures Johnny Cash perhaps better than Jamie Foxx did Ray Charles. Too bad for him that, as Laice pointed out, this was such a fantastic year for actors.

* There's something really endearing about stories of people who are their own worst enemies. In real life the accomplishents of someone like Ray Charles, who overcame so many different types of adversity, are uplifting, but on film it just seems like a story that's been done time and time again. This is the story of someone who created most of his demons, messed up royally and through love and friendship, managed to pull through.

* I also can't think of a better date movie made this year. It's an uplifting romance with real human stories, great performances and for the guys, the fantastic music of one of the industry's true greats. Thumbs up to a definite must see.

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