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Big Momma's House 2 - 4/10

* What can I say about this film? It's not a disaster by any means. It has plenty of heart, and Martin Lawrence certainly knows the role by now. He's complimented by a supporting cast of likeable characters. The problem is that after you put this cast of characters together, what do you do with them? Well, if you're making the sequel to a movie that ran it's course before it ended, not a whole lot. There's a lot of material that's been repackaged from the first film, and the new stuff is generally so nonsensical that it's hard to follow. So Momma's going to find herself all too taken aback by the beautiful women she encounters, and at some point she's going to dance like a 30 something man. She's also going to be a surprisingly good parent, which is odd, considering Malcolm doesn't seem to be so good at it. Who cares, you say, it's a comedy for families. And perhaps some families will enjoy this film. They did flock to see The Cat In the Hat, afterall. It's just not the type of movie that the parents leave as satisfied as their kids almost certainly will. Thumbs down.

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Guest Ringmaster The Living Legend


The Squid and the Whale 8.5/10

This film should appeal to any and all Wes Anderson lovers. It feels like a middle class version of the Royal Tenenbaums and the characters are just as good as any Anderson's ever written. The story is fairly pedestrian, but the film provides a double coming of age and does it really well.

Go watch it now.

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Top Gun - 3/10

This movie has almost certainly aged horribly over time. It's nothing but endless homoerotic cheese with characters exchanging embarassingly painful macho dialogue and a plot that I couldn't even muster up the energy to really understand.

It didn't help that I saw this movie at an overnight LAN party with ten fellow students continually making jokes the whole time (though I suppose that's what made the whole experience tolerable).

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The Hills Have Eyes: 7/10

I have a soft spot for Horror films, and well, even though this brings nothing new to the table, its still well made and gruesomely fun. Never did see the original though.

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A Mighty Wind - 7.5/10

Decidedly better than Waiting for Guffman but not as good as Best in Show (which I would say is the only truly great Guest mockumentary thusfar), A Mighty Wind is fun to watch and it has some very funny moments (mostly stemming from the New Main Street Singers, who should have gotten a bit more focus in the movie), but it lacks the brilliant characters that Best in Show had.

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Derailed - 6/10

Meh, Jennifer Aniston was horribly miscast, in my opinion. A dull, cliched movie with nothing really going for it other than the usual, however the last twenty minutes did bump this up a bit.


Mean Girls - 7/10

Way better than it had any right to be. Rachel McAdams and Lacey Chabert are hotness, for those that didn't know.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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Born into Brothels: 7.5/10

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