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Catwoman - 1.5/10

French director Pitof stumbles through America's worst nightmare in his unbearably bad 2004 bomb Catwoman. Among the film's glaring problems (terrible acting, ridiculous plot, etc.) is a true identity crisis. How are you to make a story about female empowerment appeal to women if you have Halle Berry in S&M gear carousing around for most of the movie? Oh, and Sharon Stone is beyond bad here. I've got nothing against her, but she can't deliver dialogue here to save her life. Easily the most awful comic adaptation ever. At least Barb Wire had boobs and Batman and Robin had hot Uma Thurman. UGH.

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Firewall - 4/10

This film commits cardinal rule number 1 of filmmaking: never be dull. Unfortunately, for the first 45 minutes it is. Paul Bettany, Virginia Madsen and the rest of the supporting cast give spirited performances, but for Harrison Ford this seems to be little more than a vanity piece. The plot twists can be seen coming from miles away, and even then, they're still pretty lame. Mary Lynn Rajskub is great in support for all the 24 fans here, but otherwise there's nothing new to be seen. Just an incredibly generic hostage thriller/drama.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

I saw the new Pirates today, and I have to say I give a real pat on the back to Johnny Depp. I never saw what people liked in him, having never seen the first Pirates, but I really enjoyed his acting in this film. He was hilarious. The movie itself was a good "don't need to think" type of film, a lot of action.

If you like movies that don't require a lot of thinking to understand, this is definately your deal. 8/10.

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When A Stranger Calls - 3/10

PG-13 horror movies suck. Actually in fairness, my general rule is that horror movies suck, but PG-13 ones don't even tend to have the redeeming quality of being really campy. No language, no unnecessary nudity, no gory violence, and with that it's no fun to critique. This movie is as dull as paint, a film that takes 60 minutes to get to any kind of point, spends 10 minutes floating around something good and then ends with silliness. Most of the attempts at actual suspense is with the score, which is actually pretty good. But since the score is generally used in a desperate attempt to make a girl walking around a house frightening, the composer's noble efforts fall flat. All this has is a decent score and a wet Camilla Belle. Well, at least that's awesome.

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And speaking of Mos Def...


Dave Chappelle's Block Party - 8/10

This is a film who's charm is equal parts the star's charisma, the musical talent on-stage and director Michel Gondry's profound appreciation for music and it's implications. It's both a concert film, comedy and documentary. Whereas the first two are pretty self-explanatory, Gondry's work on the documentary portion are more evocative than they are informative, but in the circumstances that's exactly what we want. It examines more the soul of Bed-Stuy, and how it contributes to the atmosphere of the concert itself. We also meet some of the more eccentric occupants of the neighborhood, including an odd white couple who Gondry is clearly fascinated with. It's a beautiful homage to a neighbourhood, a people and a music. For those with any tolerance for hip hop, this is not one to be missed.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

Actually watched the original Pirates of the Caribbean today, and I also give it a 8/10. That gives the two movies a 16/20 so far. :shifty:

I can't wait for the third one.

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Dirty Work - 7/10

The first (and one of the only) starring role for beloved Norm MacDonald, Dirty Work is a grossly underrated comedic feature. Albeit, it is an acquired taste, but director Bob Saget (yes, THAT Bob Saget) and writers MacDonald and Frank Sebastiano create a film with many ridiculously funny jokes and featuring a billion cameos including Adam Sandler, Chevy Chase, Chris Farley, John Goodman, and a load of other names. It's just one of the last ridiculous movies that actually delivers on the laughs with its gags.

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Sharpe's Challenge: 8/10

Great way to continue the series, I'd love for them to continue making one-offs like this (although I doubt they will). Dodd was a good baddie and probably one of the best Sharpe's faced (although nobody comes close to Hakeswill).

Nice cameos from Wellington, Ramona etc. as well.

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ALthough loads of fun, there were some scenes that felt unnecessary and dragged the pace of the film, but most of the time the film provided swashbuckling entertainment and sets up the third film of the trilogy with excitement and high expectations. (Please lets not have a Matrix debacle!)

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Dave Chappelle's Block Party- 8/10

It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it was still very good. I expected more comedy from Dave, but there wasn't that much besides some jokes here and there, but it was fine. The musical acts in the movie are top notch. Kanye, Mos Def, Common, Talib Kweli, Dead Prez, and The Fugees all kicked ass.


Battle Royale- 8.5/10

Finally got around to watching this after hearing so much hype about it for the past two years or so, and I was definitley entertained. It was actually a surprise that it was dramatic, as I thought it would be just non stop killing. And Kiryama was a fucking awesome villian in this movie. Great stuff.

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