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Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (aka Nightmare on Elm Street 6)

An odd movie. Story was kinda lackluster. The movie was stupid, and had many laughable moments. By this time in the series, Freddy was anything but scary. However I did like the special effects. Pretty good for early 1990's. This was the worst of the 6 Nightmare movies I have seen. (Have not seen New Nightmare yet)


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I think I'm the first to post with this one.


An overall fun movie, although the humor in some parts is very dry and they overuse a couple jokes. A lot. But still, really fun to watch, and it's great to see Anthony Heald from Boston Public back on the screen again.


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Monster House: 8/10

Monster House is a very inventive, enjoyable, animated flick that produces a lot of scares and few laughs. I loved every imaginative thought that was put into the script, and the quirky wit added to the characters. Unlike other haunted house movies, like The Haunting or House on Haunted Hill, this one has a home that breathes, moves, and even glares at people. This a real fun Halloween movie that walks in the footsteps of Stephen King or H.P. Lovecraft. It’s a summer treat or trick from producers Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg. This may not be the best animated film of the year, but it should definitely be considered as one of the best.

Edited by Laice06
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Delicatessen- ****

I'm a sucker for a good, weird French film and there's something about cannibalism that is intriguing in a creepy sort of way. The visuals were great and the characters were bizarre. This certainly isn't something everyone would love.

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I guess I'll join in.

I watched The Descent at home tonight on DVD.

I didn't find it thrilling in any way, shape, or form...but it's a nicely entertaining flick for those looking for a decent horror film, especially in a genre where things are either snuff quality or just plain lame nowadays.

It was a nice way to spend my time in the dark of my house at two in the morning.

*** out of *****

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 8/10

Writer/director Shane Black (the man responsible for Lethal Weapon and The Last Boy Scout among other action flicks) satirizes and at the same creates a fascinating entry into the action/mystery genre with his effort Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. The three main actors in the feature, the brilliant Robert Downey Jr, slick Val Kilmer, and sexy Michelle Monaghan, all add something great to their performances. However, Black shows that his penwork hasn't slowed down a bit, either, with riffs on Hollywood spattered over hilarious exchanges between Kilmer and Downey. He never lets up with his fast-talking style which never lets you really breathe without something funny or something insane happening. In a time when most screenwriters would go back to the well and see what worked, Black takes an insanely crazy noir comedy and makes it work brilliantly.

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Cry Freedom - 8.5/10

Watched the first hour of it Thursday night and was gripped. Although I had the problem that Scrubs was on at 9, so I decided to watch Scrubs and record the rest of the film. Bad idea. Not the best episode of Scrubs, and I only got round to watching the rest of it tonight, but it was well worth the wait as it was a fantastic film.

The cast is brilliant, from Denzel Washington, to Kevin Kline, to Penelope Wilton to John Thaw's appearance, which was essentially a big cameo.

Considering I had never heard of this film before, hadn't heard of Steve Biko, and know very little about what happened in South Africa at the time, this film really opened my eyes to it, and now I'm intererested in learning more about this period.

Snakes on a Plane - 7/10

Talk about two films that are polar opposites of one another in-terms of story!

Snakes on a Plane is ridiculous fun, and I think that pretty much sums it up perfectly to be honest. Without Samuel L. Jackson, it would've sucked.

Edited by TMM
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Napoleon Dynamite - 7.8/10

I enjoyed this. It wasn't flat out hilarious but it was very funny. I believe I fell in love with most of the major characters in this film partilcularly Kip and Pedro.

Tae Guk Gi- Brother Of War - 9/10

This film was possibly a tad too long but only for the beginning which sets up the rest of the film quite nicely. I love me a war film and this is a great Korean one which is delightfully graphic.

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Louis And The Nazis - 7/10

A documentary that dwelves just deep enough to satisfy, but one that's wholly intriguing. Contains all sorts of interviews with neo-Nazis like Tom Metzger and the racist pop group Prussian Blue, and features all kinds of peripheral characters that paint a decent picture of these people. It's a bit of a shame that host Louis Theroux doesn't keep the number of interviewees a little lower so as to go a little more in depth into the main suspects, but one can understand why he needed to go larger. It's a satisfying expose that probably requires ones agreeing with the subject matter (that racism is idiotic and that those who practise it in their public lives are hypocrites), although if you don't, you should probably be jumping off a building right about now.

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