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Guest Ringy Loves TGChit

It's not so much subtitling it, it's when they do stuff like this:

"I am coming home, mi corazon, yo (rambles in Spanish), by sweetheart" and it feels really shit.

I bet LL talks like this >_>

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How I Met Your Mother - "Ted Mosby Architect" - 7/10

Class, funny stuff. The twist was pretty funny as well.

The Class - "The Class Gets Frozen Yogurt" - 5/10

Eh, maybe it's because I got into the show several episodes into the season without seeing the pilot, but it was only alright when Lizzy Caplan and Jason Ritter were on screen.

Sean Maguire getting work again amuses me though. >_>

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The Departed - 9/10

Not only does it have a character named Fitzy, but Moe Riley from Brotherhood making an appearance? Pure gold. If Michael Caffee had shown up it would have been my favorite movie ever. >_>

On a more serious note, wow. This seriously felt like any of the number of instant classics Scorsese has done over the years. Best movie of the year so far, and Scorsese's best in a decade.

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For the sake of those who follow the series, I'm not going to go into detail, less I spoil it for them.

The Wire - "Alliances" - 9/10

The Wire - "Margin of Error" - 8/10

The Wire - "Unto Others" - 7/10

The Wire - "Corner Boys" - 8/10

The Wire - "Know Your Place" - 9/10

The Wire - "Misgivings" - 9/10

I will say this, though. Snoop and Chris have turned into even more of a badass team than they already are, and this season has turned into my second favorite, behind the first.

I should watch the final three episodes by the weekend, so yeah.

Also, I said I wouldn't spoil anything, but fuck, don't read ahead if you don't want to get spoiled.

Omar's scenes in prison, Chris killing Michael's step-dad, and Poot coming back are all definite highlights of those episodes. Omar and Chris are just fucking tough, they're fucking badasses, while Poot.. you just HAVE to like Poot. Chris killing Michael's step-dad in particular was pretty gruesome and cringe-worthy, and I can usually stomach practically everything in movies/TV.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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Infernal Affairs - 10/10

The movie that The Departed is a remake of. Figured I'd see it before I saw The Departed this weekend and I was not disappointed at all. Just an awesome movie. Can't wait to see if there were any plot points changed for the remake though.

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Infernal Affairs - 10/10

The movie that The Departed is a remake of. Figured I'd see it before I saw The Departed this weekend and I was not disappointed at all. Just an awesome movie. Can't wait to see if there were any plot points changed for the remake though.

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How I Met Your Mother - Ted Mosby Architect - 7/10

The show was pretty good with Barney playing Ted as we would find out. And the Field of Dreams fight was good stuff.

The Class - The Class Gets Frozen Yogurt - 7/10

Pretty good, however I hate Holly and Kyle. This part of the show is not funny and just sucks. Nicole/Duncan/Yonk is good. Kat and Ethan continue to be be alright together. And Richie/Lina was alright. The ending, however, was stupid.

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Heroes - "One Giant Leap" - 7.5/10

This show really has the "Lost" format down, so much so that when it has an average episode the formula still elevates it to really solid TV.

30 Rock - "Pilot" - 6.5/10

If they can properly continue the momentum of the Tracy Morgan and Alec Baldwin bits, it'll be fine. Jane Krakowski is good too, and Tina Fey's bits are well written, if not exactly well performed.

Twenty Good Years - "Pilot" - 3/10

Cancel immediately. This is "Til Death" bad. Couldn't we have just slotted "The Singles Table" in here in the first place?

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Talladega Nights: The Ballard of Ricky Bobby 3/10

If I have the choice of either watching this again, or having my head beaten in with a baseball bat with a rusty nail through it, I'm picking the latter.

I don't understand how Will Ferrell and Adam McKay and I assume many other people involved can make something as histerical as Anchorman, and then make something as totally dire and utterly unfunny as this.

In retropsect, 3/10 seems a tad harsh, because that is the lowest rating I've ever given a film, and this is NOT the worst film I've ever seen. However, I just can't justify giving this total waste of time and effort anything more. I intend to watch the great Anchorman again in the next few days, and pretend it was the last film Ferrell, McKay and the team worked on.

Edited by timmayy rave
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Employee Of The Month- 6/10

I wasn't realy expecting a lot out of this movie, but it was still decent. I had to see it because of Dane Cook and I still enjoyed it. It had its few funny parts, and it also had Andy fucking Dick, so all in all a decent comedy, I've seen much better but still good.

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Infernal Affairs - 10/10

The movie that The Departed is a remake of. Figured I'd see it before I saw The Departed this weekend and I was not disappointed at all. Just an awesome movie. Can't wait to see if there were any plot points changed for the remake though.

Ringo said that watching that movie first hurt his impression of The Departed. Of course, he thought Internal Affairs was a heaping pile of shit. >_>

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A Time to Kill - 5/10

Akiva Goldsman should die. In what could be best defined as a courtroom thriller that has solid performances (something has to be said when even Matthew McConaughey is good in your movie) but runs about 45 minutes too long and contains way too many unrealistic-type scenes, A Time to Kill tries to play all of its cards on the horrific crime rather than going for any reasonable accuracy on the courtroom system and law (I think any person at least a little aware of a courtroom trial would tell you that tons of outbursts in a courtroom would not be allowed).

Perhaps I'm being harsh on its portrayal on the law system and on the Goldsman/Schumacher combo that more became infamous for the two Batman clunkers they made around the same time, but Schumacher's bombastic style with Goldsman's loaded script does not work. AT ALL.

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