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Anna Nicole Smith dies


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Guest Rabid Wolveringo

There's always something when a chick you once fapped to dies. Granted, it was 1999 or something but still, it's like a part of my childhood just died, damn it.

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Eddie Guerrero was a drug addict, and I'm 1000% certain you were sorry for him. Life is life.

Putting Anna Nicole and Eddie Guerrero in the same spectrum is just an insult to Eddie's life. At least Eddie worked to clean up his life, pull away from the drugs and demons and turned his life around. What was Anna Nicole doing with her life?

If she was murdered, fine. That sucks. I still don't believe she's a good person and don't believe she deserves attention. There are 150k people who die everyday, thousands who are murdered every day. They all deserve to be mourned more than her.

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If she was murdered, fine. That sucks. I still don't believe she's a good person and don't believe she deserves attention. There are 150k people who die everyday, thousands who are murdered every day. They all deserve to be mourned more than her.

Agreed and I still feel that ANIC, so you can try the Eddie thing on me if you want, but Lowerdeck has already covered why that's different.

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Putting Anna Nicole and Eddie Guerrero in the same spectrum is just an insult to Eddie's life. At least Eddie worked to clean up his life, pull away from the drugs and demons and turned his life around. What was Anna Nicole doing with her life?

Geez, I hope that's not the standard for mourning. What are you doing with yours?

A person is dead, and you make blanket statements about her. I turn the statement against you, and you respond with another one, that I am now once again turning against you. Let the dead remain dead, and weep for her daughter and those who knew and loved her if that makes you feel better.

I don't see why he should weep for.. anyone quite frankly in this. I don't think it's the job of the American public to weep for people that they don't know. And you bolded one part of what he said, and totally ignored the reason of why it was said. Excellent.

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I wasn't going to post in here, because I couldn't give a fuck about her when she was alive, quite frankly, and I knew I'd just get pissed off by people saying "R.I.P" as nothing but empty sentiment as I do in every death thread ever, but I had to post just to disagree with a large part of Dukes' argument.

Yeah, it's a shame that her family lost a mother, sister, wife, whatever. That's the only part of your argument that I agree with. As for everything else you've said, I'll talk as much shit about her as I like. She was a cunt when she was alive, and I didn't care for her then, why should I start now? Just because she died? I'm not going to show her any more or less respect, I'm not going to "mourn her", I'm not going to "weep for her daughter" or anything of the sort.

And the Eddie comparison, for everyone using it, is pathetic. Not just for the reasons that he was an entirely different situation, but mostly because none of you ever knew either person, so saying it's alright to get upset when one completely distant person dies but not another is ridiculous, you only "knew" the public image, you didn't know the person. Yeah, I got more upset when Eddie died than I have now, hell this hasn't affected me in the slightest, it's not going to change my life, or any aspect of it, but the only reason is that I cared about what Eddie was doing. To say that he deserved "mourning" any more or any less than Anna Nicole Smith because of that is heartless.

Edited by Skummunist
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She was a prostitute, a stripper, and a drug addict. She willingly chose to live a life of decay. And when she dies as a result of her poor choices, we all stop to mourn? Meanwhile there are 150,000 other people every day around the globe who died and actually chose to live their lives in a manner where they didn't destroy themselves and made the best out of their situations. Yeah, let me figure that out.

Let's find some 80 year old dude from Pennsylvania named Bob who just died earlier today. Loved his family, worked in a steel mill for 40 years to support them. Let's name him Bob. Bob is a much greater human being than Anna Nicole Smith will ever be, and yet he's getting two paragraphs in the middle of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Where's the priorities in humanity?

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She was a prostitute, a stripper, and a drug addict. She willingly chose to live a life of decay. And when she dies as a result of her poor choices, we all stop to mourn? Meanwhile there are 150,000 other people every day around the globe who died and actually chose to live their lives in a manner where they didn't destroy themselves and made the best out of their situations. Yeah, let me figure that out.

Let's find some 80 year old dude from Pennsylvania named Bob who just died earlier today. Loved his family, worked in a steel mill for 40 years to support them. Let's name him Bob. Bob is a much greater human being than Anna Nicole Smith will ever be, and yet he's getting two paragraphs in the middle of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Where's the priorities in humanity?

Anna Nicole Smith was famous. Bob wasn't. At the end of the day, thats all there is to it, and it's naive to expect similiar treatment. Yes, it's fucked up, but thats life. Personally I think there are a million bigger injustices in the world than people mourning someone who was in the public eye over someone they never knew existed.

I'm not taking anyones side here, because like Skummy said, I couldn't really care less. But to be crying foul about humankinds priorities because of this is really silly.

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I wasn't going to post in here, because I couldn't give a fuck about her when she was alive, quite frankly, and I knew I'd just get pissed off by people saying "R.I.P" as nothing but empty sentiment as I do in every death thread ever, but I had to post just to disagree with a large part of Dukes' argument.

Yeah, it's a shame that her family lost a mother, sister, wife, whatever. That's the only part of your argument that I agree with. As for everything else you've said, I'll talk as much shit about her as I like. She was a cunt when she was alive, and I didn't care for her then, why should I start now? Just because she died? I'm not going to show her any more or less respect, I'm not going to "mourn her", I'm not going to "weep for her daughter" or anything of the sort.

And the Eddie comparison, for everyone using it, is pathetic. Not just for the reasons that he was an entirely different situation, but mostly because none of you ever knew either person, so saying it's alright to get upset when one completely distant person dies but not another is ridiculous, you only "knew" the public image, you didn't know the person. Yeah, I got more upset when Eddie died than I have now, hell this hasn't affected me in the slightest, it's not going to change my life, or any aspect of it, but the only reason is that I cared about what Eddie was doing. To say that he deserved "mourning" any more or any less than Anna Nicole Smith because of that is heartless.

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Yeah, it's a shame that her family lost a mother, sister, wife, whatever. That's the only part of your argument that I agree with.

To say that he deserved "mourning" any more or any less than Anna Nicole Smith because of that is heartless.

Actually, we agree on more than you realize. Death is a tragedy for those left behind. The death isn't what's fazing me -- like you, she means nothing to me. It's the people like LD who basically act like she's better off dead, and that she did the world a favor.

It's too bad. Nothing more, but nothing less either.

And LD, this is Earth. We never had priorities. Your hypothetical Bob deserves mourning as much -- he, too, is a human being. Your personal choices don't make you less human.

So basically we can treat Anna Nicole on a higher platform simply because she was on TV and in Playboy meanwhile Bob never got anyone's attention or headlines?

I'm not saying she's better off dead and that the world is better off. I'm just saying, we shouldn't be putting this much attention to her. She wasn't much of a celebrity and had a pretty horrible life which shouldn't be celebrated. What lesson do we learn from this? Snort coke, fuck elderly millionaires, pose nude for a magazine, and you too can make the evening news every night and have people shed a tear and/or have people feel sorrow for your loss? Yeah, really great standard we're setting ourselves up with.

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And LD, this is Earth. We never had priorities. Your hypothetical Bob deserves mourning as much -- he, too, is a human being. Your personal choices don't make you less human.

So basically we can treat Anna Nicole on a higher platform simply because she was on TV and in Playboy meanwhile Bob never got anyone's attention or headlines?

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