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I've just started a game as Ulster (Well Tyrone I think but it's Ulster dangnabit) Trying to work my way through uniting Ireland but unfortunately when I declared war on Connaught Brittany joined in against me and they're now refusing to agree to peace while they have an army stuck in Munster just getting in the way... They're little more than nuisance factor but doesn't make it any better.

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That's the trouble with picking on small countries. They're likely to choose randomly big, powerful friends (well, bigger than you in any case).

And I don't think it's a good idea to try and unite Ireland through violence. It didn't work for the IRA and it won't work for you! :shifty:

Edited by stokeriño
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Hurrah! It crashed to desktop after the intro video ¬_¬ Brilliant start to my quest for world domination :P

Edit: Managed to get through most of the tutorials, but it crashed to desktop again when I clicked on one of the last ones. Annoying. Hopefully it's a known problem and easy to fix, because the only other game that's ever done this is Oblivion, and that ended up being pretty terminally fucked. :@

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Got the patch, yeah.

And as I feared, it just randomly crashed when I wasn't doing anything during one of the tutorials (not even one of the trials, it was the last "read the info and click OK" tutorials).

Needless to say, I'm annoyed :P Make it work! *throws rattle out of pram*

My computer easily satisfies the minimum system requirements (and I'm pretty sure it'd satisfy the reccomended ones as well but they're not on the box). And my graphics card can deal with PS2.0, which is the cause of most issues. I've got the latest drivers, etc.

Edit: And no, I'm not using Vista. I'm a computer user, not a computer restarter.

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Have you tried allying with a country between Austria and Burgundy? If they accept it, Austria and Burgundy will either focus their attack on your ally because they're closer, or split up their forces to attack the both of you making it easier to manage them.

I've given up on the idea of war in Europe. It's just too costly for me, the land isn't very valueable and I can just roam the colonies building my treasury sky high, which in turn allows me to construct a massive navy and a formidable land force which can be used in case someone in Europe declares war on me. Castille tried it with me. They made some territory gains in a war with the French. They decided to try to attack me. I shored up defense on my bordering territories, but blokaded all of their ports on their main land. I must have captured about 10 ships from them. It also allowed for me to rape their colonies, as I occupied all the ones I knew about doubling my South American and Carribbean territory. With the war score so high in my favour they gave up all their colonies(6 territories) and Anduluca(I believe) which was a center of trade in exchange for peace.

I feel sort of bad slaughtering the Indians, I'm going to work my way down to the Inca Nation soon enough. In about 15 years the rest of the world will see the territories I've uncovered so the question for me is do I focus that time settling the territories. I've got about 50-60% of them in my control right now. Or so I blaze down the America's to attack the apparently quite strong Inca's.

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Seems to have stopped crashing now, but maaan, this game has a steeeeeeeeeeeep learning curve :P Well, I say 'curve'... it seems to be more of a vertical line. The tutorials were entirely inadequate.

I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually, after I've ruined enough countries (starting as Brittany was probably a bad idea, but there's no reason I should've ruined England as quickly as I did...).

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I don't know what happened :(

After like, a year, I was leaking money faster than a Freshman because I had a huge army, and hadn't figured out how to use Merchants at that point, so I gave Gascogne to the French, and Calais to Burgundy (very cunning on my part methinks) so that I wouldn't have to fight any wars for a while while I tried to work out wtf I was doing. Then I disbanded all my military units, because I had no wars to fight and they were costing me money. But I went Bankrupt anyway.

Then Cornwall revolted (we're good at that. Well, good at being annoyed with England, but not especially good at doing anything about it when challenged). So I then regretted having no army, as the Cornish took back Cornwall.

...Then the Welsh took back Wales (well, Glamorgan).

Then I went bankrupt again. And I still had no fething idea where the money was going.

So then I quit and went to bed ¬_¬

I think I'll try again with a small one-province nation tonight. So that I've got less stuff to do, and can concentrate on one thing at a time :P

Edit: After reading the manual (¬_¬), I've worked out the whole 'Finance' thing now. So hopefully Huron shouldn't go down the pan quite so quickly. Not exactly a "one province nation", but they've got so little that I can't really ruin anything... can I? ¬_¬

I've set Trade, Land, Naval and Production investment all to none, because even with maximum investment it would take me until the 1800s (or late 1700s) to get to level 1 (I thought that was hilarious. It'd take me until 1960 to get any kind of Production advancement with full investment).

It'll take until 1530 to get a National Idea so that I can get QFTNW and discover the rest of America, which seems strange as I'm living in the new world... so in the mean time I'll just colonise the uncolonised bits and have a bit of fun with the Iroquois (which I originally read as Iraquis and got mega confused ¬_¬) to learn more about how stuff works. Then I'll try with a REAL country ¬_¬.

Huron is my kind of nation though. A shamanistic tribal democracy. Rawr.

That got me to thinking, too... has anyone made a Warhammer mod for EU3 yet? ¬_¬ That could be fun (since the Warhammer world is based pretty much on the real one in terms of the shape of it, and most armies have at least a rough historical equivalent).

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Give them one province in pretty much every country. Or somthing. I'unno :P Or just leave them out entirely and let them be the Rebels.

Update on Huron: I've colonised a province (the one across the water from Niagra), but at a rate of one colonist every four years, it's taking a while :P I've also managed to make Iroquois a vassal (via diplomacy). I've got up to +3 stability, so now the only thing having investment in it is Government (it'll still take until 1517 to reach level one :P), with enough in the treasury to give me 1 ducat per month. Annoyingly, the only two dudes I get on a regular basis are Merchants, which I can't use because I haven't discovered any CoT's, and Spies, which I can't use because the only other country I can see is my own vassal...

So I feel some mega-fastforwarding is in order to get me QFTNW and some damn Colonists :P

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My colonists have started taking aaaages to reach their destination when I send them, and I don't know why. I mean, I know further away places (like the US Pacific coast) take longer and the reasons are obvious. But now that I go back to older colonies to build them up it's just insane! Take a typical east coast province like Connecticut. Previously it only took about 6 months to send a colonist, but now it's 562 days! Five hundred and sixty two! I don't know if it's because I've established so many colonies or what, but I can't figure it out. So, so infuriating. :(

Haven't done much else except annex the Huron and Iroquois. I know Reil will find that to be a heart-warming story. :shifty:

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I think I've come across a bug... Or at least, if it's not a bug I have no idea why it happens :P

If I offer to sell a province to another country, and they refuse to buy it (i.e, every time), I end up paying them War Subsidies for the amount I offered to sell it for.

I.e, I offered Portugal the province next to Niagra, that can only be reached from Niagra (the area around the other three sides is terra incongnita) for 20d, and they refused. So now I'm paying them 20d a month, and I can't get out of it because I have no diplomats :P So this is the end of Huron :(

In 1460, Portugal colonised Kwedech (the province to the immediate northeast of Iroquoi). They immediately declared War on us, and within two years had taken the whole of Iroquoi. I begged for peace, and gave them Ottawa and Niagra in the deal (hence me wanting to sell Niagra's neighbour, because I couldn't get to it anymore to fully colonise it).

So now I have two provinces, a crap leader (the original one died, and this new guy couldn't lead a hippo to water), a colony with 400 settlers that I can't do anything with, and a colony with 100 settlers but no money to send any more. Interest of about eight million percent, war subsidies of 20d a month that I can't cancel for a year...

In other words, time for a new game :P

Edit: Wait, I think I know what happened ¬_¬ If you click on a button on the last day of the month, it takes a second to update the treasury etc, and then jumps to the top the list of Diplomacy options. So if you click on, say, Give Tribute, it'll actually click, say, Declare War ¬_¬. It must've jumped up from Sell Province to the one above it... War Subsidies.

Although that still doesn't explain why it let me select a province to sell, and then set an offer, and then click OK. And THEN decide that I actually clicked War Subsidies so it will kindly ignore all that and give them money.

Anyway, time for another new game... America is hard, because you're completely oblivious to what's happening in Europe, until suddenly BANG, you're invaded :P But in Europe, there's nowhere to hide away and take it easy for ten years or so, before arranging that convienent "small scale war" the manual talks about :P ...maybe Cyprus... Cyprus also has the advantage of being a cool dark grey colour.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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