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Starnes is saying he asked for the release. Maybe he did, but I am sure if he didn't they'd release him anyways.

"In my opinion, it was inappropriate to make public statements regarding my character and my future and so on the way that he has, especially without having the courage and the respect to call me up and speak with me personally," Starnes told The Fight Network. "All of these comments come from a man that has never had a fight in his entire life who claims to be the ultimate authority on fighting and courage. I couldn't be happier than to be released from the most oppressive contract I've ever been under in my life."

Starnes also told The Fight Network that he broke his foot early in the fight, which prompted his hesitation to engage with Quarry.

This guy is just a moron. I really hope no other promotion like Strikeforce or EliteXC picks him up. He doesn't even belong in them.

Also, James Irvin is being considered as a replacement for Liddell against Evans.

Edited by Fitzy
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I am sure the UK fans will like that UFC is attempting to put together Michael Bisping vs. Chris Leben as a way to make up for Liddell being off the card.

--While not a done deal as of last night, UFC was set for Chris Leben vs. Michael Bisping for 6/7 in London as one of the replacement fights for the loss of Chuck Liddell from the show. They are hopeful for one more name vs. name fight to be added.
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Doesn't fuss me. I'm not going or paying for it, good for the sport though. Bisping needs to be shoved down our throats until we can produce some big name fighters. Hopefully come next year I'll be able to go to a few events so hopefully they keep pushing the market in England.

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Bisping/Leben would be a good fight, but nothing I'd want to see right now. I'd rather them build Bisping a little more. Leben has really stepped up his game lately and I think if they let both men dominate a bit more then put them together it'd be worth it then.

With that said, I'm pulling for Leben if it happens.

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Peoples thoughts on Kiyoshi Tamura vs Masakatsu Funaki

For me, a dream match in the wrong setting. Worked, I would have flown to Japan to see it. But still, one of the few matches that could make me care about MMA.

It wouldn't surprise me if they have an agreement to keep striking minimal, since pretty boy Tamura doesn't like face strikes.

Here's hoping this leads to Tamura/Funaki or Tamura/Sakuraba in U-STYLE!

So unlikely though. Stupid DSE ruining everything 3 years ago.

Edited by LUKIE
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It would be nice to see Funaki win. Everybody wants to see it. I couldn't care less about Tamura. I hate how Tamura speed walks his way to ring, acts like he doesn't give a shit. That's all that is required of him, but show that you care a little bit.

That said, I'm going to say Tamura by KO in the 2nd round for some reason. Then Tamura can wander off to his next completely random fight that nobody outside of Japan really cares about.

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I agree with the Funaki sentiment.

Tamura was never an MMA fighter. He doesn't care for it, and after DSE fucked him over, can you blame him for not caring?

I think he cares about the Funaki fight though. He even held a talkshow at the recent U-STYLE event, talking about how both are fighters of the UWF Style, and reminiscing.

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Nothing possibly against the rules here. ¬_¬

On the Matt Hughes front. I put on UFC one day and it was a match where he was basically just picking him his opponent and dropping him on the floor before climbing on top of him and punching him in the face. One of the first people I saw fight and therefore I just click with them. Hughes will always be one of my favourites, and he kinda sums up what I look for in UFC. Throw them to the ground and just climb on top of them and punch them a lot. That's what I like to see.

Edited by IAceI
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That's awesome. Streaming isn't always the best option for me either with time differences and stuff, but whatever works. Like a day after it's happened, if someone has it uploaded it'd be fantastic.

As I really want to see Fedor Emelianenko vs. Tim Sylvia as I'm a bit fan of Fedor from what I've seen of him, so I'd like to see him in some proper fights rather than highlight packages.

Thanks :)

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