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EWB's Favorite Song 2007 - Nominations

GoGo Yubari

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Okay so! Last year, the esteemed Ollie Beak ran this list (... and then told me to do the actual results, uh). However, since he is indisposed at the moment he's given me his blessing to run this year's edition, which I shall do... uh. Henceforth. After all, it will still be another month or two until the band list if Jook's running it this year, so here's how it works;

There are two stages to this; first nominations, and then voting. You may nominate up to five songs that you consider to be the your favorite and/or the greatest songs ever recorded, no matter what decade, genre, or language it may be in. Ideally this will lead to a list of somewhere between two-hundred and three-hundred options for your voting pleasure. Do try to avoid nominating songs that have already been nominated. Not to say that you can't, but that just means that there are going to be less of your choices represented in the long run.

Now, once we get past the nomination stage we'll get to the voting, which will consist of a list of your ten favorite songs on the list and your five least favorite songs on the list, with the number of points being awarded/deducted depending on the list's order. But, since we're not to that stage yet there's no need to pagestretch and go into detail there, soo I'm going to leave it at that for now.

Anyway, I believe that's all there is to say (if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask and I will answer as best I can), so nominate to your heart's content! As... long as "your heart's content" consists of five songs at the very most. Yeah.

Nominations will be open for... well probably at least a week? Possibly longer; I'm busy with school at the moment, so. Absolutely no longer than two weeks, but it will probably be closed before that. So face front, true believers, and get to nominating before it's too late!

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"Couches In Alleys" by Styrofoam (ft. Ben Gibbard)

A sweet melody, great vocal work from Ben Gibbard, it's such a shame that this song is so under the radar (Even for Death Cab For Cutie fans). Quite possibly my favourite song ever. It's just so sweet and emotional. A song that's helped me through many a hard time (I know how much like a prick that makes me sound, but I don't care). A modern classic. All I can say.

"Gear Box" by Strung Out

Like I wasn't going to put these guys on here. "Gear Box" is just such an amazing song. It is literally THE song that epitomises modern punk rock. It's fast, it's aggressive, it's just downright awesome. You've got some great riffs in there as well. There's just something about the song that makes it amazing. It might be the fact that it seems to be lacking in your 'obvious' chorus, but it's one of those songs that when played live, everyone goes nuts for. This song IS punk-rock. And the outro makes me wet. Some brilliant chord progressions.

I'll add more later. :shifty:

"16 Military Wives" by The Decemberists

I remember when Small Blue first got me to listen to this song and I was borderline speechless, from the moment the vocals hit I just knew this was going to be a great song. You've got the epic horn parts to add to the equation as well, and it's just an indie rock classic. I never used to think much of North American indie, it lacked the grittiness and in some sense, style and fun at the same time, of the UK counterparts during the Britpop era and such. But The Decemberists, along with DCFC and Rooney were the 3 bands that really started turning me around. Good message behind it as well.

"Bring Back That Leroy Brown" by Queen

A song that instantly brings a smile to my face. One of the 'forgotten' Queen songs, it's just downright funky. I can't really go into that much depth about it. It's just fucking wicked.

Now the last one's a tough one between "Lady Madonna" and "The Day We Caught The Train"....DAMNIT!!! Someone nominate "Lady Madonna"!!! And I'll whack some Ocean Colour Scene in here. :shifty: As I'm voting stuff that I don't suspect other will nominate

Edited by YI
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David Bowie - Life on Mars

David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust

Queen - We are the Champions

Europe - The Final Countdown

Alter Bridge - Metalingus

I have a fair few more, but they'll do.

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1. The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

2. Joy Division - Atmosphere

3. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Dead Flag Blues

4. Tom Waits - A Little Rain

5. Martha Reeves & The Vandellas - Nowhere To Run To

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Guest mAXi

... Needs some variety...

Massive Attack - "Unfinished Sympathy"

Air - "Le Voyage De Penelope"

The Avalanches - "Since I Left You"

John Legend - "Again"

Disturbed - "Stricken"

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Not a definitive top 5 since I couldn't narrow it down to 20. So just picking some songs that I've really liked over the years.

KMFDM - "Anarchy"

Iron Maiden - "The Trooper"

The Beatles - "Eleanor Rigby"

Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Scar Tissue"

Joy Division - "Love Will Tear Us Apart"

EDIT - And mere seconds later I feel like removing one song and putting in another. But I'll leave it as it is.

Edited by damshow
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Guest olla666

1. Metallica - The Four Horsemen

2. Dream Theater - Octavarium

3. Metallica - Orion

4. Manowar - Heart of Steel

5. Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused

EDIT: Changed "Ride the Lightning" to "The Four Horsemen".

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1. Sonata Arctica - Fullmoon

2. Manowar - Battle Hymn

3. Dragonforce - Through The Fire and the Flames

4. White Lion - When The Children Cry

5. Cream - Crossroads

I would have picked stuff like Bohemian Rhapsody, November Rain, etc but they've already been nominated.

Edited by Dragon-F'n-Force!
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I've always disliked the idea of negative voting. But, here goes

1. David Gray 'Babylon'

2. Jeff Buckley 'Opened Once'

3. REM 'Try Not To Breathe'

4. In Flames 'Clayman'

5. earthtone9 'Withered'

This is just off the top of my head, and I missed some that have already been nominated.

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