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Real Lives

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Not so much a 'game' as a 'statistical simulation', it randomly generates a character, based on statistics of birthrates, and you advance year by year, every once in a while, influencing things by choosing jobs, and making ethical decision. Oddly, all my characters so far have been female. In one game, my character was an egyptian woman who was arrested and tortured several times for political activism, who illegally immigrated to Mexico, then legally immigrated to Canada, and becoming rich on the stock market, before dying of an infection at 66. My next character was a corrupt, alcoholic, drug addicted japanese factory worker, who's first husband committed suicide, was raped at the age of 43, and became rich from theft and corruption, and died at the age of 79 from diabetes. Most recently, my character was a Colombian girl who died at 19, from her second heart attack.

Pretty interesting and entertaining, I think.

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Been playing this for a couple of weeks now, it's amusing while it lasts, but the system in the game is ridiculous, and there's a number of minor bugs that need to be worked out (for example, a majority of the time, if you have children, they won't move out until their 40s or so, and almost always all at once). Also, if you don't turn off same-sex relationships in the game, you'll come to find that an overwhelming majority of your characters in the game will turn out gay :P

I also find it amusing that I've played as various characters from a good majority of the countries on the list, and the only country's family which I've had an experience with child abuse in has been Mexico. Those damn abusive Mexicans.

The game's pretty much taught me some random facts about various countries and statistics therein, as well as the fact that families in third world countries are disease-ridden baby-making factories. I managed to get one character pregnant once a year for over the span of a decade in one game, which I found to be particularly hilarious: the family list took up an impressive amount of the screen.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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Not so much a 'game' as a 'statistical simulation', it randomly generates a character, based on statistics of birthrates, and you advance year by year, every once in a while, influencing things by choosing jobs, and making ethical decision. Oddly, all my characters so far have been female. In one game, my character was an egyptian woman who was arrested and tortured several times for political activism, who illegally immigrated to Mexico, then legally immigrated to Canada, and becoming rich on the stock market, before dying of an infection at 66. My next character was a corrupt, alcoholic, drug addicted japanese factory worker, who's first husband committed suicide, was raped at the age of 43, and became rich from theft and corruption, and died at the age of 79 from diabetes. Most recently, my character was a Colombian girl who died at 19, from her second heart attack.

Pretty interesting and entertaining, I think.

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Been playing this for a couple of weeks now, it's amusing while it lasts, but the system in the game is ridiculous, and there's a number of minor bugs that need to be worked out (for example, a majority of the time, if you have children, they won't move out until their 40s or so, and almost always all at once). Also, if you don't turn off same-sex relationships in the game, you'll come to find that an overwhelming majority of your characters in the game will turn out gay :P

I also find it amusing that I've played as various characters from a good majority of the countries on the list, and the only country's family which I've had an experience with child abuse in has been Mexico. Those damn abusive Mexicans.

The game's pretty much taught me some random facts about various countries and statistics therein, as well as the fact that families in third world countries are disease-ridden baby-making factories. I managed to get one character pregnant once a year for over the span of a decade in one game, which I found to be particularly hilarious: the family list took up an impressive amount of the screen.

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Really? That's odd, everyone I've heard from about the game has had similar problems as I've had. Guess you're one of the lucky ones, Fanku :P

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I just played the trial version, and in my three profiles, none of my children stayed in the household until their 40s. Like Fanku, I never had one past 21.

Most of the time I was a female in the eastern hemisphere. And was the victim of probably 14 floods spanning over the 3 character profiles. I was sentenced to a year in prison during one profile, but other than that, save random drug uses in my character's 40s and having breast cancer... nothing interesting to note, really.

I'd like the full version so I can create my father and re-live his life as I would if I was him. Since it has my surname, and his given name. Haha!

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OK, let's see.

Called Aja Mihir and born in India. Ahaha, mother's job is domestic chores. This game is so realistic. And then I aged a year and my mother got a job =/

And she just 'developed' OCD >_> I'm 4 and my family are all going to die (father- hookworm, mother- OCD >_>, sister- tuberculosis, goiter, me- food poisoning). My sister died at age 9 :(

This poor Indian boy wanted to go out with me but I was all 'No, you're too poor'. Then I met this other guy a couple of years later. His endurance was only 17 so I was unsure if he could properly satisfy a woman, but his health was 83 so there's a good chance he has no STD's. HE REJECTED ME :@ Then I met this other guy with 100 health, 81 appearance and 90 athletic ability. Talk about a dream boy! We got together, but we ended up breaking up after a while :(

Finally got married at 27 after several year-long relationships. I moved out with the husband and we had a daughter call Kama :wub: A year later a boy called Dilip. And now another girl called Meena. Gees, I'm gonna go bankrupt soon.

lol, my son's wife got caught in a fire >_> Both my husband and daughter died in same year :(

Security forces arrested me (at 73 no less) for anti-government stuff. I didn't confess so they let me go (H)

I ended up dying at 91 (lasting 23 more years then that idiot husband of mine) which must be some sort of record for an Indian >_> At least i ended up really happy with a really high wisdom and conscience.

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In my most recent one, I had 4 kids and none of them ended up moving out by the time I died due to a heart attack at 67. They were 46, 45, 44, 42 with 3 of them getting married and having multiple kids. Is this typical of Malaysia? >_>

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My guy has no luck in love; I was born "Muhammed Mahmood Hussain" in Utter Pradesh, India. Mother Rana is 20, Father Mostafa is 21.

When I was five, my brother "Fakhruddin" was born. My father was also fucking dumb enough to get 10% body burns. When I was 13 I met Ameena Ramanathan, but didn't do anything with her. A year later I meet Mahika Saklani and date her for two years; at 18 I get a job in Admin Aid, and got a 4% pay raise too (obviously a hard worker).

Fakhruddin, meanwhile, is a pimp, who at the age of 15 had an 18 year old girlfriend. Anyway, he then gets a girlfriend called Bushra who he ends up getting engaged too, then he dumps her. Meanwhile, my guy gets rejected by the following women: Daliyah Salam-ud-din, Zeenat Mushtaq Ali, Bushra Imtiaz Ahmed, Bushra Younis Ahmed and Daliyah Afaq Hussain. Fakhruddin, meanwhile gets engaged again, this time to "Massima Alim-ud-Din", and gets married to her at the age of 25.

33, it turns out, was a mixed year for my guy. He gets a new job as a medical practicioner, gets rejected by Fatima Ghazali, begins to see Sultana Imtiaz Ahmed (possible relation to the other one?) and then mum dies at 54 from rheumatoid arthritis.

Tried to marry Sultana at 37, she freaks out and leaves. A year later, things go from good to bad for my brother and his wife, because they get hookworm and cancer. They get a daughter, Fahmida, then the wife dies the year after from cancer. Meanwhile, at the ripe old age of 41, I get enagged to Kamilah Wasim Akram, then we get married the year after. Fakhruddin then drowns. Hah.

Kiran is born and we adopt Habiba (7), two years apart. Move to Quilon, Kerala at the age of 48, while daddy dies the same year from diabetes. A year later we all pack up and head off to Lódz in Poland, and I get a job in customs. The Polish army then attempt to draft me when I'm 50, but I get off by doing alternative service. At 52, the house gets burgled and in a seperate incident, the car is stolen.

Anyway, Habiba then gets a Polish boyfriend called Kozmy, who's a year older then her. They get married when she's 22, and she moves out. Then...

"Died at age 60 from a heart attack".


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Born Abd El Rahman near Dubayy.

My mother is a work-whore, and changed jobs almost every year. She was into her sixth job when I turned eight.

I began school. Was held back a year. Dropped out at the age of 14, after developing a goiter, and meeting the love of my life Amani. :wub:

At 19, I took up smoking and married Amani. I decided at this point to make something of my life, and began looking for a job. I began work as a miner, only to find out my brother contracted malaria. :(

I failed to give up smoking, and the addiction grew. My father developed hookworm and my sister Kala suffered a serious fall and a broken femur.

I lost $30,000, but managed to earn $90,000 after some dodgy dealings and lying. Farewell reformed character.

I soon lead a life of money-obsession, finding wallets. My stupid whore of a wife refused to get a job :angry:

At 33 I had conestive heart failure, and died of a heart attack at 38. I was so young. So young! :crying:

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So there I was, a boy from Bangladesh, just turned 8 years old. My parents finally let me play outside with my friends.

Car comes by, hits me and kills me. Nice!

Very good game, I like the little facts and stuff.

Now starting off as little Indonesian Girl, where my (real) mother is born.

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0 years old

I was born a boy in a village in Nigeria's Katsina State, not far from the city of Katsina.

My parents have named me Aren. My surname is Afolabi. My mother, Tarana, is 20 and my father, Murtala, is 23. I have no brothers or sisters.

I start up the game, having read this thread and thinking it'd be fun to have another go at it. First thing after my intro pop-up notice? Another one: you have died at Age 0 from (insert some long word that basically means "issues during birth").


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Started off as a girl in Moscow, made a bunch of money as a doctor and lived with a guy who wouldn't get a job for a husband. At 33 we moved to Canada and adopted a 9 year old girl named Paula, where I became a doctor there... he ended up dying and I married a millionaire before getting breast cancer at 59. At 63 my second husband died at the age of 60, and my 34 year old daughter was married but still living with me. I died at 65 from breast cancer leaving 2,314,000 behind for my daughter. Lucky bitch.

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After a few serious playthroughs, one as an Iranian woman who emigrated to Japan and another (my favorite so far) as a Chinese woman who was jailed numerous times for political activism and violently retaliated against her abusive husband, I decided to mess around a little on my next playthrough.

Born in Mozambique, my character got involved with smoking, drinking, drugs, theft, and vandalism while in school, before marrying an abusive husband and giving birth to eleven children. Sadly, she died immediately after giving birth to the twelfth, due to a chronic case of Overflow Errors. It really was a bit excessive. :ohwell:

Awesome game, though.

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I was in China, didn't have any children, moved to Bosnia with my wife at 57 years old and died two years later. Didn't want to be Indian so I kept creating new games, got to Romania then realised I only had 3 lives free. So meh, fuck that, i'll have to redownload it <_

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