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It would never play for me. The gist?

From ibelieveinharveydent:

Today's press conference was unexpectedly cancelled due to a hostage crisis located at a nearby deli. In a selfless move, Mr. Dent entered the premises, exchanged himself for a woman who was being held at gunpoint, and negotiated the successful release of the remaining patrons in the restaurant. Watch this site for updates. We will release more details when they become available.
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Hey so

this a bump, kind of.

More websites connected to the game:

http://www.ccfabg.org/ - Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham, claiming that Dent is the corrupt one - not the cops.

http://clowntravelagency.com/ - Click on the manila envelope, you'll be directed to http://www.acmesecuritysystems.com/delos/ and asked for your name, phone # and email and

It turns out to be a set up by gotham PD. Jim Gordon tells you they have your name, IP address and phone number - so now you're the newest gotham PD recruit, unless you wanna go to jail.

Man, this is so fucking fun.

I must be doing something wrong.

It just calls the number I provided and hangs up.

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Good to know sensationalism and "political correctness" isn't getting the best of the movie due to Ledger's death. The movie should remain as envisioned no matter what.

Is anyone else looking forward to the Batman: Gotham Knight DVD coming out shortly before the movie? Kind of like the Animatrix in design and should be interesting. Was hoping Bale would voice Batman in the bits, but getting Kevin Conroy back to do what he does best is just as awesome.

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So for those of you who did the phone call from James Gordon and Acme Security, you probably have received the same email that I did. For those that didn't here it is:

My friend,

Indictments are about to be handed down. If you don't want your name on one, we'll need your full cooperation in an upcoming operation.

In case you haven't heard, we are struggling with a bit of corruption in the department. I'm not about to let the Gotham PD collapse in on itself, so we're taking action. We've identified a group of offenders that need to be apprehended. Problem is, most of these cops are hightailing it out of the city. But a C.I. just like you just gave us some information on their last known whereabouts. Now all we need is to catch them. This is where you come in.

Consider yourself on deck. I'll contact you next week, and let’s just say it's in your best interest to play along. County's not a place you want to spend the rest of your life.

Lt. Jim Gordon, MCU

This viral campaign fucking rules.

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People are also apparently getting phone call surveys about Dent. Here's an account of it from a poster at DVDVR:

I also got a phone call doing a survey about Harvey Dent. It started asking how warm my feelings were for him on a scale of 0-9, then asked a bunch of questions undermining him ("If you learned Harvey Dent had been treated for mental illness how important would that ne to you?", stuff like that), then ended with "How warm are your feelings about Harvey Dent now?"

EDIT: More news from ibelieveinharveydent:



Friends, my entire campaign I've talked about how this campaign is a struggle for this city's soul. On the one hand, there are those people who prey on the innocent citizens of Gotham. On the other hand, there is our movement to take back Gotham from crime and corruption.

At Rossi's Deli, we saw that struggle play out. Play out inside the head of the hostage taker, Sgt. Frank Notaro. Some are calling him a "crazed smear cop" but he encapsulates the choice facing us. Do we continue to allow our worst nature to lead us? Or do we take a chance on hope?

That's the choice I laid out to Frank Notaro. And he responded. He released an innocent, terrified girl. He turned himself in. And he is now talking to the police about mob involvement in the smear campaign against me.

That's the real lesson of the incident. We must, all of us, have the courage to hope. If we have the power to change ourselves, if we have the power to change one person, then we have the power to change Gotham.

Oh, and if you call this number you can take a survey about Harvey Dent: 1-877-777-6197

Edited by Ocean Doesn't Want Cloudy
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New email from Jim Gordon today.

OK friend, you’re up to bat now. You have yourself a new assignment: Operation Slipknot.


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So I just completed Operation Slipknot... basically you follow the link on that site to http://www.gothamintercontinentalhotel.com/ and scroll to the bottom of the page where they have the contact number for the Concierge. Then you give them your reference number (the total amount of letters in your name and then your last name with each letter shifted forward one. Example, I am Robert Booth so my reference would be 11cppui) I am awaiting the next bit.

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