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The Official Halo 3 Topic

The Kraig

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A true Halo master is good at any gametype. Even Shotty Snipers. (¬_¬)

Oh yeah, I only really got to sit down and play multiplayer on Sunday, sorry to all who have been inviting me to practically EVERY GAME ARRANGED. Especially Kou, who was just a few seconds too late to invite me...

I played with Ellis (I think) in his first EVER Halo 3 multiplayer games (I was honoured) for a wee bit on Saturday night after I'd had a friend over the night before and I was absolutely bollocked with a splitting headache. I think we did alright, that whole day is hazy.

Got a new job, just started this week as well, so it's really upsetting my Halo 3 plans. Still to find time to do the game of Legendary. Did it on Normal alone, did it on Heroic without even realising it on co-op, so I'll soon be setting out to hunt down the skulls (already found one by accident - Mythic and some friends showed me the Fog skull so I have those) and beating Legendary, probably by myself.

Then it's off to Lone Wolves to get all those FFA achievements (which apparently unlock cool Elite armour).

Halo 3 = My Game Of The Year. Unless Mass Effect causes me to spontaneously ejaculate all over my TV (which is still quite possible).

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OK, this is the first Halo game I've ever owned, and I'm loving it so far. I suck horribly on multiplayer, but I just had a moment so unbelievably awesome it forced me to explore the theatre options that I had no prior interest in. I was playing slayer on the Narrows level, and as I was flying from one man-cannon, a guy just launched into the opposite one, so I took aim and tagged him with a plasma grenade as we flew past each other.

It's probably not impressive to any of you battle-hardened veterans, but still, twas fun.

EDIT: My Gamer tag is DragsyUK if anyone wants an easy win :P

Further edit: What's all the skulls nonsense? I noticed some menu with skulls on it when I was setting up co-op campaign but it's not well explained, is it something to do with the competitive/co-operative score (which I also am not clear on)?

Edited by Dragsy 7-0
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I finally made Sergeant, and got that second award after Basic Training, whatever it's called.

And this one fucker won a Lone Wolves game by getting in vehicles and running everyone over the entire game. Fucking pansy.

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OK, this is the first Halo game I've ever owned, and I'm loving it so far. I suck horribly on multiplayer, but I just had a moment so unbelievably awesome it forced me to explore the theatre options that I had no prior interest in. I was playing slayer on the Narrows level, and as I was flying from one man-cannon, a guy just launched into the opposite one, so I took aim and tagged him with a plasma grenade as we flew past each other.

It's probably not impressive to any of you battle-hardened veterans, but still, twas fun.

EDIT: My Gamer tag is DragsyUK if anyone wants an easy win :P

Further edit: What's all the skulls nonsense? I noticed some menu with skulls on it when I was setting up co-op campaign but it's not well explained, is it something to do with the competitive/co-operative score (which I also am not clear on)?

Skulls are secret items hidden around the levels in campaign mode. 13 in all, 8 gold, I think, and 5 silver. Gold ones get you achievements, silver don't. When you're starting a campaign if you press X while in the lobby it brings up a menu where you can turn the meta-game scoring on or off, and you can choose to play with extra advantages/disadvantages, which the skulls represent. Gold skulls generally make the game a lot harder, with things like less ammo, stronger enemies etc, but they help you get a much higher score. Silver skulls are just silly things like funny dialogue, bigger explosions and stuff.

An added bonus is that you get extra armour for collecting set amounts of skulls, for use in multiplayer.

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Stemming from Dragsy's fun with the launchers in Narrows, anyone else find they bump into other people mid-flight far too often? I've done it a few times now and it's annoying as hell - we hit each other roughly in the middle and then just fall to a horrible death. Sucks even more when it's your own team-mate!

But yeah, multiplayer is awesome, need to get me my own gold account so I don't have to be my bro's guest all the time :P

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Campaign is gay. I can't do the mission where you're in the flood/ship/thing. On NORMAL. I'm so not looking forward to harder difficulties :/

I had difficulties as well, until I found the flamethrower. Besides that I mostly just ran past them all >_>

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