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The Happiest Song You've Ever Heard


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So, on contrast to the other thread, what is the one song that can always bring a smile to your face - even in the most desperate and saddening times? For me, it would be "Life is Beautiful" by Sixx:A.M. It's a relatively new song, sure, but it's already had a massive impact on my life; with my Uncle dying and whatnot. The lyrics alone really helped me through everything I was feeling at the time and generally made me happy to be alive.

So... yours?

Edited by Nerf
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Pretty much anything by Belle and Sebastian - particularly "I'm A Cuckoo".

September Grass - James Taylor

Songs from the Beatles early period: "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" et al.

All the songs except "Boxing" from the Ben Folds Five album. They just have a very summery feel.

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Definitely agree on "Love You", it's fantastic. Staple part of every drunken guitar singalong I've ever been involved with.

Also, listening to it now, I have to say "Strummerville" by Stiff Little Fingers...despite the fact that it's a tribute to Joe Strummer, and as such should probably upset me, it's a good celebration of why he was fantastic, rather than mourning the fact that he's gone, and it usually cheers me up for some reason.

Anything by Bearsuit: Especially "The Gazumper", "Kiki Keep Me Company", "Cherryade", "Itsuko Got Married" and "Diagonal Girl".

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The Happy Song by the Eyes is pretty much as it title implies. It's a song about being happy, but it's pretty ludicrous. The only version that I know of is a live version with the lead singer telling the crowd "Ya notice in the punk magazines that the punk are always angry? We're not angry though, let's all smile, it's the 70s damnit!". This group is not to be confused with another group also under the name The Eyes who were a very good garage/psych act in the 60s.

The Big Boys songs tend to make me happy if only because they are always so upbeat. The music always gives me a very positive vibe, and you get the feeling that they had a blast making music. It's also nice to hear a group proclaiming their pride with being associated with punk rock and it's many bands.

The Gears are similar to the Big Boys, though stylistically different in their music and approach. Where the Big Boys use a lot of hardcore mixed with funk and soul, the Gears tend to use a pretty straight forward rock and roll act (but clearly punk rooted) with fun lyrics. Whose Gonna Play the Last Chord is an especially great song, always makes me feel great about being a rock and roller.

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'Sweet Home Alabama' by Lynard Skynard is really cheerful to me. And quite a lot of other old classics, whether they just make you want to smile eg. "Having such a good time" or they make you want to laugh at just the song in general "Our house" by Madness.

Can't really say the same for much new music, but maybe that's because I like Punk Rock music and almost cynical-indie music. So it's all about death and giving the government the finger really <_<

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'Adolescent Song of Mindless Devotion' by The Lucksmiths.

Thread over. <_>

:wub: Most early Lucksmiths stuff fits the bill, it's just wonderfully upbeat childish worldplay and happiness...a lot of their later stuff is the same, but some of its more downbeat too.

By extension, "Twee" by Tullycraft, despite some horrible lyrics, for the lines "she's got her favourite Lucksmiths single" and "you can take your punk, rock, ska, rap, breaks and house - fuck me, I'm twee".

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- "Love Blind" by Jamiroquai

- "Bouken Desho Desho?" by Hirano Aya

- "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5 (not lyrically but in spirit)

- "Time to Know ~ Be Waltz" from Cowboy Bebop

- "All Through the Night" by Ella Fitzgerald

- "Stubborn Kind of Fellow" by Marvin Gaye

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