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Terminator 4 = A McG Film Starring Vin Diesel?


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McG & Diesel In Fourth "Terminator"?

By Garth Franklin

Thursday October 4th 2007 7:25am

image CHUD reports that "Charlie's Angels" director McG is in talks to helm a fourth "Terminator" which is being rushed to be ready pre-strike.

A script just got turned in last week to The Halcyon Company who are pushing this into a pre-production start right away. Set after the apocalypse, this story has John Connor organizing the surviving humans to resist Skynet's army of robots.

Meanwhile Aint it Cool reports that despite being attached to a fourth "Fast and the Furious", actor Vin Diesel is also in talks to be a part of this project - taking the role of the killer robot this time.

Edited by ROC
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I've always enjoyed Vin Diesel's work, so I'd have no problems with him being involved. McG, on the other hand, doesn't fill me with confidence. Kind of like when they announced that Brett Ratner would be directing X3.

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I hope Nick Stahl comes back, I liked him in the third movie. Anyways, this should be pretty straightforward really, they are doing the future war right? So have lots of war scenes and action, throw in Vin Diesel kicking the crap out of people for a little bit, have John Connor beat him and presto, you got a decent movie.

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I expected a ton of people complaining, as I've seen on other forums, cos OMGz Vin Diesel's the ghey, but him and The Rock are the closest thing to the Arnie-style '80s action hero there is, and it's not like the franchise needs IMMENSE ACTING TALENT or anything anyway. I doubt it'll be very good, but is anyone genuinely expecting it to be?

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More news.

WB restarts 'Terminator'

'Salvation' begins production in early 2008



After producing 'Terminator 3,' Warner Bros. had first dibs on the fourth pic, which aims to reinvent the franchise.

Warner Bros. has acquired North American distrib rights to "Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins," triggering an early 2008 production start for a film that seeks to reinvent the cyborg saga with a storyline to be told over a three-pic span.

WB plans to distribute "Terminator Salvation" in summer 2009.

The Warner deal dashes MGM's hopes of corralling distribution rights to the film. The Lion planned to pepper its slate with tentpoles such as "The Hobbit" and "Terminator," but neither project has worked out for the distributor.

Halcyon sued MGM in July in Los Angeles Superior Court, claming the distrib was interfering with its distribution plans on the fourth "Terminator" film on the basis of an MGM claim that it had acquired an exclusive 30-day negotiating window.

The "Terminator" pic franchise got a new lease on life in spring, when privately funded Halcyon and its co-CEOs Victor Kubicek and Derek Anderson teamed with "Terminator 3" exec producer Moritz Borman to acquire film, merchandising and licensing rights from ex-Carolco partners Andy Vajna and Mario Kassar. Kubicek, Anderson and Borman are producing the new film, with Peter D. Graves as exec producer.

WB had first right of negotiation for domestic theatrical and TV distribution rights because the studio played the same role on 2003's Jonathan Mostow-directed "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines." That pic posted a domestic gross of $150 million and a worldwide total of $427 million.

The producers said that the new film will carry the size and scale of "Terminator 3," and will have an event-sized budget. It will likely be less than the $200 million pricetag of "Terminator 3," which was saddled with extravagant costs that included above the line payouts, rights payments and heavy fees incurred through a complex financial structure.

Warner Bros. is also producing a smallscreen "Terminator" adaptation, "The Sarah Connor Chronicles," for Fox's midseason sked.

WB's commitment solidified the pic's financing structure and ensured a start date, producers said. They will now zero in on overseas distribution. Sony Pictures Entertainment, which distributed "T3" in most overseas territories, is expected to get first crack at a reprise. Several other territories are spoken for, including Japan, where Toho-Towa is expected to distribute once again.

A screenplay has been completed by "Terminator 3" scribes John Brancato and Michael Ferris, and the financiers and studio are close to locking a director. While industry buzz has "Charlie's Angels" director McG as the odds-on favorite for the assignment, the producers said no final decision had yet been made.

The first two "Terminator" films, directed by James Cameron, used contemporary settings to pit Sarah and John Connor against indestructible cyborgs. "T3" was also set in the present day and ended just as the machines initiated a nuclear apocalypse. "Terminator Salvation" was deliberately not given a number after its title, because Halcyon is eager to make it clear that the fourth film heads into an entirely different setting.

"This is set in the future, in a full-scale war between Skynet and humankind," Anderson told Daily Variety.

Borman said: "The third film was really the conclusion of what happened in the 'now.' You will find the most-loved characters, but the intention here is to present a fresh new world and have this be the first of a trilogy."

The producers said it wasn't yet clear whether Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back for his fourth appearance in the franchise that launched his movie career. "T3" was the last film in which he starred before becoming governor of California.

"We've left it open for him to maybe do a cameo," Borman said. "He has an important job, as we know, and the final decision will be based on his desire and availability, along with what the director wants."

The move on "Terminator" comes after Halcyon secured first-look rights to the literary works of sci-fi master Philip K. Dick.

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I expected a ton of people complaining, as I've seen on other forums, cos OMGz Vin Diesel's the ghey, but him and The Rock are the closest thing to the Arnie-style '80s action hero there is, and it's not like the franchise needs IMMENSE ACTING TALENT or anything anyway. I doubt it'll be very good, but is anyone genuinely expecting it to be?
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  • 1 month later...


Bruce Wayne is John Connor!!!

Hey folk Harry here. Just got off the phone with an extremely trusted source who has never been wrong before. he revealed exclusively to AICN that in the upcoming McG reboot, TERMINATOR SALVATION: The Future Begins, that they have cast CHRISTIAN BALE as none other than JOHN CONNOR. you folks know what that means...


Hey folks, Harry here again... The above was posted by AICN's Behind-The-Scenes God, RoRo - as Time-Warner knocked out my internet this morning in a widespread pre-emptive strike to attempt to silence the news that Bruce Wayne was John Connor... But I want y'all to think about this for a second. McG has done more than just CHARLIE'S ANGELS - his film WE ARE MARSHALL was a very solid and tonally realistic film. Personally - I love what McG did with CHARLIE'S ANGELS - it was fun, kinetic and exactly what that version of CHARLIE'S ANGELS should be. Then there's the fact that he cast the T-1000 in WE ARE MARSHALL - which means, probably, he's a fan of T2 - or just has the coolness to just recognize that Robert Patrick is the shit. Either way - He's managed to cast Christian Bale in TERMINATOR SALVATION - and that's pretty huge.

We know Bale takes his shit seriously. And if you saw 3:10 TO YUMA... just imagine him coming out of his mountain and beginning the process of taking out SKYNET. With Bale as Connor - that means that we have a great chance that McG is pulling a chair up and will deliver. It all depends on that script... it is obvious we're dealing now with an adult, GREAT MILITARY LEADER storyline ... How he got the remnants of civilization together, trained them, armed them and began a guerilla war that eventually, we hope, brings down SKYNET.

I for one am anxious as hell to see this done right. Let's hope.

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I'm more interested in the terminator TV series at this point, Summer Glau as terminator = love. Christian Bale is fucking awesome as well though, so good news all round.

Yeah I am really super stoked for the TV Series, while the movie I'm very much wait and see about. McG worries me, but Bale makes me semi excited. Anyways, January's start of the show is what I am looking forwrd to.

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