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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Thread


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I finally got onto Live and HOLY CLAYMORE BATMAN! I was on fucking fire, In 3 and a half hours i went from level 1 to level 14, Having no Lag due to most of my opponents being Aussies helped, But my Skorpian + Stopping Power + Deep Impact = My First Free for All win and dead bodies littering the map, But then the Yanks came on and staying up for an extra few hours set in and i'll call it a day now, But i'll be back and all your ranks, Belong to me.

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I finally got onto Live and HOLY CLAYMORE BATMAN! I was on fucking fire, In 3 and a half hours i went from level 1 to level 14, Having no Lag due to most of my opponents being Aussies helped, But my Skorpian + Stopping Power + Deep Impact = My First Free for All win and dead bodies littering the map, But then the Yanks came on and staying up for an extra few hours set in and i'll call it a day now, But i'll be back and all your ranks, Belong to me.
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Yes, After i and other Aussies bitched about it on the CoD fourms :P

You playing now? Because i might be able to go a few extra rounds.

And i added a EWB clan tag, Hope you guys don't mind.

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Heres a list of some of the stuff in MP, I haven't unlocked some stuff so I'll fill you in when i get them.

List of Guns in Multiplayer

Assault Rifles

M16A4 - Semi-Automatic with 3 round burst fire, Effective at medium to long range.

AK-47 - Fully Automatic with high power, Effective at medium range

M4 Carbine - Fully Automatic with low recoil, Effective at medium range.

G3 - Single fire with high capacity, Effective at medium to long range.

G36C - Unlocked at Lieutenant Colonel [Lv37]

M14 - Unlocked at Major General [Lv46]

MP44 - Unlocked at General [Lv52]

Sub-Machine Guns

MP5 - Fully Automatic with good accuracy, Effective at close to medium range.

Skorpion - Fully Automatic with a high rate of fire, Effective at close range.

Mini-Uzi - Fully Automatic with a high rate of fire, Effective at close to medium range.

AK-47u - Fully Automatic with high power, Effective at close to medium range

P90 - Unlocked at Colonel [Lv40]

Light Machine Guns

M249 SAW - Fully Automatic with a high rate of fire, Effective at medium to long range.

RPD - Fully Automatic with good power and fire rate, Effective at medium to long range.

M60E4 - Fully Automatic with high power, Effective at medium to long range.


W1200 - Pump Action Shotgun, Effective at close range.

M1014 - Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun, Effective at close range.

Sniper Rifles

M40A3 - Bolt Action Sniper Rifle, Effective at long range.

M21 - Semi Automatic Sniper Rifle, Effective at long range.

Dragunov - Semi Automatic Sniper Rifle, Effective at long range.

R700 - Bolt Action Sniper Rifle, Effective at long range.

Barrett .50cal - Unlocked at Lieutenant General [Lv49]


M9 - Semi Automatic with a high capacity, Effective at close range.

USP .45 - Semi Automatic with medium capacity and power, Effective at close range.

M1911 .45 - Semi Automatic with medium capacity and power, Effective at close range.

Desert Eagle (aka Deagle) - Unlocked at Brigadier General [Lv43]


UAV - Shows Position of Enemy for 30 seconds - You get after 3 kills without death.

Airstrike - Carpet bomb an area of your choice - You get after 5 kills without death.

Helicopter - Call in a helicopter to fire at the enemy - You get after 7 kills without death.

List of Perks in Multiplayer (Can only have one for each slot)

Perk Slot 1

C4 x2 - Remote Explosive Device.

Special Grenades x3 - 3 Flash or Stun Grenades.

RPG-7 x2 - Rocket Launcher with 2 Rockets.

Claymore x2 - Trip activated explosive mine.

Frag x3 - 3 Fragmentation Grenades.

Bandolier - Extra ammo magazines.

Bomb Squad - Ability to seek out enemy C4 and Claymores.

Perk Slot 2

Stopping Power - Increased bullet damage.

Juggernaut - Increased Health.

Sleight of Hand - Faster Reloading.

Double Tap - Increased rate of fire.

Overkill - Replace your pistol with another primary weapon.

UAV Jammer - Won't show up on a UAV scan.

Sonic Boom - Increased Grenade, C4 and Claymore damage.

Perk Slot 3

Extreme Conditioning - Sprint for a longer distance.

Steady Aim - Increased hip fire accuracy.

Last Stand - After being killed you can pull out your pistol in a last stand to get kills.

Martyrdom - You drop a live granade after being killed.

Deep Impact - Can shoot through thicker wood, metal, stone, ect.

Iron Lungs - Can hold breath for longer making sniper shots easier.

Dead Silence - Unlocked at Unlocked at Brigadier General I [Lv44]

Eavesdrop - Can hear voice chat of nearby enemy's.

There you have it, Did i miss anything?

Edited by Slogger9
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  • 3 weeks later...

Assault Rifle (Anyone) + Red Dot Sight + Stopping Power + Martyrdom = Best Combo Ever! With this combo, my average kills per game have tripled, plus there's no sweeter thing then dieing and respawning with a +5, +10, +15. Martyrdom is by far my favorite perk!
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Assault Rifle (Anyone) + Red Dot Sight + Stopping Power + Martyrdom = Best Combo Ever! With this combo, my average kills per game have tripled, plus there's no sweeter thing then dieing and respawning with a +5, +10, +15. Martyrdom is by far my favorite perk!

I'm confused about the bolded part. Haven't reached the level to unlock martyrdom yet, but care to explain?

Also, how do you guys go about completing the challenges? I usually stick to the same weapon for a few matches, then move on to the next one once I've completed a few challenges with my current one.

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I'm doing Prestige mode and boy it brought my cocky ass down to earth but still, It shows i have balls and the now rank icon looks sweet and i think i'm further in prestige mode than the rest of you are in normal mode.

Oh and in SP i ran the Cargo Ship solo in 19.45 and got the Achievement!

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Patch details...

Multiplayer Playlist Changes:

Team Deathmatch

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Mercenary Team Deathmatch

* Brand New Playlists: No Clans / Parties allowed.

* Players who don't want to be matchmade with clans (or people in parties) can team up with fellow lone wolves and play some TDM.


* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

* Score Limit Change: 100 Points


* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.

Ground War

* No changes.


* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.


* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.

Search and Destroy

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Team Tactical

* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.

* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.

Hardcore Team Deathmatch

* Brand New Playlist: 100% Hardcore Team Deathmatch Only

* No longer switched between Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Hardcore Search and Destroy

* Brand New Playlist: 100% Hardcore Search and Destroy Only

* No longer switched between Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Old School

* Rule Set Change: Free-for-All Only w/ Old School Rules

* Increased Health (slightly)

* No Health Re-gen

* Score Limit Change: 100 points

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Cage Match

* Rule Set Change: No Longer Old School Mode

* 1 v 1: Normal Rules

* Map Added to Rotation: Countdown - now availalbe in map rotation

* Map Added to Rotation: District - now available in map rotation


* Playlist Removed

Team Objective

* Playlist Removed

* All gametypes included now available individually.

Upcoming Patch Updates (Seperate from above Playlist changes):

Addition of Host Migration

* If Host of lobby leaves, all players will be deposited back to the lobby where next best host will be selected before new game restarts. Players will no longer be kicked out of game entirely.

Improved Network Performance For Larger Games

* 18 player games now require more bandwidth to host, resulting in smoother performance for players.

Optimized Server Selection for First Match

* Server selection is now optimized to select best bandwidth servers associated by LSP.

Updated Spectator "Chase Cam"

* Change Spectator Mode: Switch between First Person and Third Person.

* 360 Degree rotation around character you're spectating.

Fixed "Playlist Older Than Host" Error

* Player will no longer get error when entering games.

Optimized Corrupt Create-a-Class Handling

* Players will no longer be kicked from game when their create-a-class data is corrupted.

Added Kill Cam To Everything

* Kill Cam view Added: Air Strike Bombs (Follows bomb from plane to target)

* Kill Cam view Added: Grenades (Follows frag from hand to ground, then rotates to view target)

* Kill Cam view Added: RPGs (Follows RPG from launch to target)

* Kill Cam view Added: M203 Rounds (Follows round from launcher to target)

* Kill Cam view Added: Claymores (Views from behind claymore until explosion)

* Kill Cam view Added: C4 Packs (View from pack rotating to watch target)

* Kill Cam view Added: Martrdom (View from grenade rotating to watch target)

Optimized Old School Experience

* Added Unlimited Sprint

* Doubled Magazine Size

* Added Ragdoll Cam

Additional Start Spawn Locations in All Maps

* Added a minimum of 9 extra start spawns on each side of all maps.

Optimized Sniper Rifle / ACOG Scope Accuracy

* Sniper Rifles and ACOG scope accuracy improved due to fix.

Fixed Weapon Sprint Bug

* Bug which gave players more sprint when using particular weapons.

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