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Worst Movie Ever


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The Neon Genesis Evangelion 'Death and Rebirth' movie. They call it a movie - it was released in cinemas - but it really isn't. The first half is a clip show of the television series, and the second half is the first 26 minutes of what would be the REAL movie ('End of Evangelion'). So it gets 26 minutes in, the Special Forces units are just starting to invade NERV HQ, and then...zip. The End. It's bullshit.

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C'mon the South Park movie is awesome.

- Did someone say my name?

- Who the hell are you?

- I'm Brian Denehee.


Good times...

I'd say:

The Wishmaster films - especially III.

The Leprachaun movies.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Sequels.

Actually, those movies are fucking hilarious. I'd choose some of those shitty teen love stories, I watched 'Never Been Kissed' last night and David Arquette is the only saving grace.

Kenneth Branagh's 'Hamlet' is pretty bad - he even gets carried off like Christ at the end. Arrogant fucker.

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Guest y2gudge

A lot of these recent two bob 'horror' movies have been right down there with the best of the worst, for example the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, Freddy v Jason, Dead End, etc. They have poor storylines, poor acting and are generally shit!


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Now normally, I wouldn't pick a low budget B horror movie for a question like this...but I have no choice.

A Virgin Among the Living Dead

They trick you with a picture of this nearly naked large breasted woman on the box, and she is surrounded by a horde of zombies.

While still obviously, a B Horror movie, that looks kinda intriguing.

Then you put the movie in....

There is one chick (who is ugly) and two dead people, that is all.

To make matters worse all they do is talk for 90 minutes. Just Talk....

Then for the raging climax, one of the dead guys slaps the girl across the face. That's it...he slaps her, she leaves, the end.

To make this just a little bit worse, she throws her head the wrong way on the slap.

He is standing in front of her, and slaps her across the left cheek, with his right hand..which would cause her head to be thrown to the right....but she turns her head left.....

Worst Movie Ever

:Honorable Mentions:

Queen of the Damned

Plan 9 from Outer Space

Devil in the Flesh

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Guest Ringmaster

While the Pledge is probably the most boring movie of all time, You Got Served is just plain awful, Glitter was just plain offensive, the Power Rangers movies were horrendous and Double Dragon was terrible, the worst movie of all time goes to Kazaam. That movie sucked eleven kinds of cock and is just plain bad.

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for me its gotta be the blue collar comedy tour, if you can call that a movie. It was the worst comedy ive ever seen, 4 stupid rednecks making stupid ass jokes, and none of them were funny in the slightest. I dunno why i kept watching it, but it was like a trainwreck. I hate Larry the Cable Guy more than life itself, and Jeff Foxworthy isnt far behind him.

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Kenneth Branagh's 'Hamlet' is pretty bad - he even gets carried off like Christ at the end. Arrogant fucker.

Ooh, Kenneth Brannagh had an ENORMOUS Hamlet!

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"Tonight, we have a chance to say, 'Yeah, you're right. We're too extreme. We're too wild. We're too out of control. We're too full of our own shit.' Or we have a chance to say, 'Hey, fuck you, you're wrong! Fuck you, we're right!' Because you have all made it to the dance. 'Cause believe me, this is the dance!"--Paul Heyman

Hey, good quote.

A metal/hardcore band from Montreal called A Perfect Murder uses that as the intro to one of their songs, I think. (Y)


Worst movie I've ever seen was Peter Pan, the version that was made in the past couple of years.

How do you fuck up the story of PETER PAN? Well, these guys did. The only saving grace is Tinkerbell, who is really god damn cute.

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Street Fighter was pretty bad. Raul Julian gives the only performance worth a damn in it.

Double Dragon = Worse than Street Fighter. Robert Patrick, who played who I guess was the Shadow Boss, his acting was reminscient of Ted "Theodore" Logan in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. I'm not saying Keanu's acting in B&T was bad, I'm just saying Robert Patrick's was.

Other bad movies:


Let's get someone else to play Murphy, and tone down the violence so we get a PG-13 rating.....

Anything with Jean Claude Van Damme post Universal Soldier involving him as a martial artist. (This does not include Uinviersal Soldier: The Return). Van Damme's good when he doesn't show off the martial arts. Timecop, was good, becuase it had a cool concept, and the main character didn't rely on fighting. Sudden Death, was good, because VD didn't use fighting. The Quest, was bad, because it was pretty much VD's version of Bloodsport.

The 1984 DUNE

I've read nearly all the books (With the excpetion of the one that was released last September). This movie is not good. Some of the acting is hideous, and the plot is too indepth to be covreed by the 2 and 1/4 hours that is this movie.

Any sequel to JAWS

'Nuff said there.

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Worst movie I've ever seen in theaters? Beetlejuice. Or Masters Of The Universe.

Worst movie I've seen on tv\cable\PPV\video rental ? Toss-up between Super Mario Brothers or just about anything with Steven Segal except Under Siege. Steven Segal makes Jean-Claude Van Damme look like Sir Lawrence Olivier.

for me its gotta be the blue collar comedy tour, if you can call that a movie. It was the worst comedy ive ever seen, 4 stupid rednecks making stupid ass jokes, and none of them were funny in the slightest. I dunno why i kept watching it, but it was like a trainwreck. I hate Larry the Cable Guy more than life itself, and Jeff Foxworthy isnt far behind him.

If you stare at a can of orange juice because it says `concentrate', you might be a redneck.

Edited by GhostMachine
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Manos: The Hands of Fate. It's a movie so bad that not even MST3K can fully save it. You can watch it and clearly see Joel and co just get tired of watching it.

In recent memory, the worst movie I've seen is Van Helsing. Only one likeable character in the entire thing, but not even a Frankenstein's Monster that actually resembles Shelley's character for once can make up for an unbearable Dracula, idiotic heroine, and uninteresting title character.

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Guest Josef Stallion

I hate to say this, but I also have to say Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in The Hood. I laughed my ass off at it, but now that I've gotten older I've realized that it was quite a stupid ass movie. Anybody agree?

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I hate to say this, but I also have to say Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in The Hood. I laughed my ass off at it, but now that I've gotten older I've realized that it was quite a stupid ass movie. Anybody agree?

All I have to say about that is..

Break ya'self Foo

And as for Worst Movie Ever..

Ill have to go with the Super Mario Brothers movie.. Absolute shit

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